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2 hours ago, LowTide said:

Well since you "missed it".

Here is a quote:

"The Manta has two key characteristics which aim to make it a deadly gold hunter. First and most important, it claims to be more sensitive to ALL gold than any previous salt water detector. It does this by having an adjustable pulse delay control which goes down below 10 microseconds pulse delay - this has two effects, it enables finding smaller gold than any current detector in salt water and second Manta has more depth on all gold. All this sensitivity would be no good if weak target signals were swamped by circuit and ground noise. The Manta’s design has been refined and every design trade off made in the direction of extremely low noise, letting weak signal be heard."

Please pay particular note to the phrase:

"it enables finding smaller gold than any current detector in salt water and second Manta has more depth on all gold."

It's really not an inference, I was being kind and gentile per Steve's desire for this forum's level of decorum, it's a direct quote of a claim with direct reference to "in salt water".  To me the that phrase refers to a detector coil submerged in salt water.  NOT on a saltwater beach or shoreline etc. 

Here is the link where you will find this:


That was Rick, not Fisher, talking over year and a half ago.  Guess they figured after all this time you can't alter the laws of physics and do the impossible (at some point, small gold disappears if you are going to salt balance).  Moving on now...and welcome to the reality of Impulse AQ in 2020 vs. the boundless optimism of Manta in 2018.

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Well, since I wrote those words about a year and a half ago, I guess I get an opinion on what I meant. I meant simply salt water - sand wet with it, wading in it and coil submerged to some reasonable depth. I stated that the ability to find small gold would surpass any existing detector in said salt water - due to it having the capability to operate at shorter pulse delay settings in this environment. 

Since I wrote that - based on what I have read, I have used AQ prototypes breafly in salt water - including with the coil submerged in running salt water. I found no need to adjust the pulse delay from the setting I was using - 8 microseconds of I recall rightly. Also however, I have tested the AQ against tiny gold targets such as small posts and earring backs. I found it to be less sensitive to these than something like a Minelab SDC which is targeted at tiny low conductors like gold nuggets. In discussing this with Alexandre and in subsequent posts he has made, he made it clear that a degree of insensitivity to tiny low conductor trash like foil bits and tiny melted AL fragments from beach bonfires. This of course means that hunting for tiny 10k crucifixes is pretty well out.

It is well documented that as the quantity of salt a detector sees increases, the ability to operate at very short pulse delays is lost. Diving PI detectors have quite long minimum pulse delays I believe.

When Alexandre was questioned why no pulse delay longer than 12 microseconds was available, he answered, as best I recall, that within its submergence limits, the design of the circuitry and coil made that unnecessary.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof. You stated that “So it now appears that “in the water” this detector will provide little additional benefit against existing products.” Time will tell if you are right. 


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Ok everyone,

 Let's do 10 seconds of deep breathing!.......... and be thankful for what we do have!!!  


That will be billable for a full hour!

Cash (and Gold Rings) only!??

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It’s all missing the point. It’s not about what can’t be detected. It is about how well the small gold that can be detected will signal, and there is good reason to believe Impulse will improve in that area. On any small gold that the Impulse can detect in saltwater, it should do so better than other existing products. In theory, subject to independent testing.

We have had detectors that can easily detect thin gold chains since at least 1995. We don’t use a Gold Bug 2 in saltwater. Why? It’s not rocket science. A decent nugget detector is so sensitive to a conductive salt signal they will detect your hand, let alone an ocean. Any detector that is tuned such that it gets a bare salt signal is tuned as well as is possible for small gold in saltwater. That is the limit and we have been there for at least a couple decades. Saying anything will do better in that regard reflects a lack of understanding about the issue. When I hear claims about improved ability to find thin gold chains in saltwater I just ignore it as nonsense.

I did hope the Impulse on dry land could run full out at 7uS but being locked into salt mode negates that possibility. It may be a practical limitation of what can be done at the analog level, something to hope for in a future digital version. Or it may be a marketing move to differentiate the AQ from the prospecting version, which by nature has to remove that limitation. Whatever, it is what it is.

Once we eliminate salt though there is still small gold we can detect. The question is “at what depth?” For the small gold that the Impulse can detect in saltwater, how well will an Impulse detect it by comparison to the competition? That is the real question.

Personally I don’t care much about finding the smallest gold in saltwater. I will be hunting the largest gold I can find, not the smallest. Micro jewelry detecting has always been a thing people talk about more than do. I don’t see troops of people on the towel line with Gold Bug 2s or Goldmaster 24Ks or even Equinox with small coils. If hunting micro jewelry is so great why is everyone not doing it? Answer - micro aluminum. Micro jewelry detecting is actually aluminum detecting and gets old pretty quick for most people. Those 1 carat diamonds on a post are a lot rarer than you think.

If you want to hunt thin gold chains in the water get a rake.

and another....


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Steve....Off subject.......Interesting question about using a rake would be many State and Federal beach's are closed to metal detecting. Some year round....... some summer only.  It would be a interesting the reaction one gets from the local park rangers on the use of a rake.

Maybe something to consider not only for the little chains.

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27 minutes ago, Joe Beechnut OBN said:

Steve....Off subject.......Interesting question about using a rake would be many State and Federal beach's are closed to metal detecting. Some year round....... some summer only.  It would be a interesting the reaction one gets from the local park rangers on the use of a rake.

Maybe something to consider not only for the little chains.

Lots of beaches pay big bucks for beach cleaners. I think a "Saving the Environment & Your Feet" T-Shirt and raking up trash would be a great public service! You might even find something good by accident while performing this great service. :smile:

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It seems there is a divide happening with regards to the AQ. It seems there are those who want to pick it apart to the point that if it doesn't find a ring every swing it's a failure and they just can't wait to point the finger and say I told you so. On the other side are those who are wide eyed like a kid at Christmas dreaming of how much fun it's going to be going to the beach. I've been watching the discussions here and on the other forums and depending on what side your on Rick is either a snake oil salesman or a prophet. Bottom line is if you want to know what it'll find you're going to have to buy it and go hunt and be prepared to move a lot of sand. No matter how good the detector is the detectorist has to be even better, more resilient and more willing to do the work necessary to find anything of value. If you're struggling finding gold it's simply because you're either looking in the wrong places or you haven't dug enough holes yet and the AQ won't change a bad plan or weak resolve. As for me I'm a buyer as I'm that 54 year old kid who just can't wait.

I apologize if this is way off topic but it seems like things are getting beaten to death.

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I'm the 73 year old kid on the Oregon Coast who in no way in h-ll will ever pay for this thing by finding enough gold in ten years but still wants one to play with!  Like Skate says, I'm the only one who's going to know if it works for me or not.  If I don't like the damn thing I'll sell it.  GaryC/Oregon Coast

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