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Where Is Fisher On The Impulse?

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HI guys!

It feels very good that this nice forum is at high speed with all discussions about the AQ with all different subjects about the AQ.We are now in the middle of january and still nothing from the Fisher.No reports from any tester, no videos, no manual, nada...it feels kind of depressing without knowing any informations at all.I know that LE.JAG and Alexander can't say anything about these informations even though the know for sure.Is there any thought or any guesses about these questions? 


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This is without a doubt the strangest introduction of a new detector by a major manufacturer I have ever witnessed in 45 years. It reminds a bit of Troy, where Fisher made detectors for Troy Custom Detectors, but Troy did the design, marketing, and sales. Other than the Fisher name on the box, this is like an Alexandre Detector, made by Fisher but designed and marketed by Alexandre. As far as guesses... yours are as good as mine.

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Do you remember back in the day when General Motors car commercials (Buick, Chevrolet, Pontiac, Cadillac, Oldsmobile, etc)  would always mention, "Body by Fisher"?  LOL  Different Fisher but...just saying...

Maybe Alexandre Detector (body by Fisher) would not be a bad thing.  We know that we have access to Alexandre and Le Jag on your forum.  Once on the market, getting answers straight from the horses mouth instead of them getting bounced around from this department and that department and then just being a "canned" answer, might be a really good thing.  

Just saying...


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Interesting comparison to Troy, spot on Steve.  I remember when he was ramping up way back when.  A couple of months ago I fixed my buddies X-5 (needed to replace the battery contacts) and got to hunt with it.  A good machine in its day.  There were rumors a few years ago that Troy was working on a VDI Shadow but nothing ever came of it.

But as to Fisher I'm with you, this "non-introduction"  introduction of a machine they have invested a ton  of time and money into doesn't make any sense to me, especially since from what we have been told it is in production.  If I were Fisher I would at least allow dealers to take pre-orders or at the minimum create an email interest list on their site.  The silence is just plain odd and instead of building anticipation I think it's building a lot of needless frustration among potential buyers. 

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Might have more to do with being a bit of a "niche" detector for a limited market and with a relatively high pricepoint vs being a mass produced detector where hype and marketing is never in short supply.  It does seem that most prospective buyers are already closely following the development of the AQ, so I am not really sure what else Fisher could already add marketing wise except for some real world field tester reviews.

There is also the matter of some manufacturers being burnt from over-hyping detectors without properly sorting quality and build issues prior to release.  I could imagine in that respect that some may be a little more cautious on getting things fully sorted before ramping up the marketing side of things.   

Could be worse, Fisher could have completely held back on releasing any info prior to release - bit of a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't I guess.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pretty funny to me.   People want information.   People get information.   People complain about where the information comes from.  Its not good enough that information comes directly from the designer and the designer's lead tester...they also want to hear from some company marketing man. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, February 19 and still no official acknowledgement from Fisher that they even plan to release this detector. I’ve got flowers coming up so winter is officially over in Reno. Hopefully I’ll be able to get this detector up to Tahoe before next winter.

Fisher Impulse AQ Data & Reviews


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I think it's just so strange that without Le Jag we probably wouldn't even know that the detector exists at all. 

Contrast this with Nokta/Makro and Dilek who is more than happy to contribute to your forums with at least hints of what's coming.  Fisher could adopt a similar approach with a company spokesperson if they cared to...which apparently they don't.



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