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Wanted- Beach Rake

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1 hour ago, GotAU? said:

Not to preempt the one that Terry is offering to sell above, but I just realized you could design a single piece flat head for the rake with a lot of tines on it and then carefully bend each tine 90° to work as a beach rake. Make a straight longer section on the upper part of the tines for the bend.

Don’t cold bend aluminum like you can with iron, you have to heat the bend spot up over 400° Before doing it. A torch can do it, but I use one of those Harbor freight $30 heat guns whenever I’m doing it. Those guns can bring it up to melting point, so be careful. This video has a good way of doing it, using a piece of wood as a temperature check .

Just a thought.....

I really like your idea about a one piece that I then bend down the rake tines. That really sounds like the most cost effective method. Thank you!

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1 hour ago, Compass said:

I really like your idea about a one piece that I then bend down the rake tines. That really sounds like the most cost effective method. Thank you!

Bend them by twisting them 90°, so the thin side hits the sand straight on.  Be sure to make them wide enough though so they keep their strength I would think at least an inch or more. Video shows them being wider than that, which would make them stronger. Remember you have to use heat to do this, Ive done cold bends and they broke or cracked like in the video.

Another option could be just bend them upwards a little bit, say only 30° towards the handle,  but they will be wide that way and may drag a lot in the sand. But  that’ll keep them stronger too.

Sounds like a fun project, post photos of whatever you end up with or buy.

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12 minutes ago, GotAU? said:

Bend them by twisting them 90°, so the thin side hits the sand straight on.  Be sure to make them white enough though so they keep their strength I would think at least an inch. Video shows them being wider than that, which would make them stronger.

Actually, I thought you meant something more like this: The tines could be cut into a long rectangular sheet , then bent down without having to twist 90 degrees. This drawing is just for demonstration purposes. The spacing and tine design would have to be worked out.


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6 hours ago, JohnnyRox said:

Thank you JohnnyRox, I actually saw this on eBay and had bookmarked it. But, Terry in Hawaii has the exact one in the video and that is the design I prefer so he is working on getting it ready to send me. I really appreciate your response though! 

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11 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Thanks Steve, Here is one of many videos I have found on the rakes:                                                                                                                             


These seem to be more commonplace in Eastern Europe (?) for some reason. A lot of the rakes have treble hooks attached to them so I may try that as well but I'm concerned about the extra drag they would add. I have a rake on it's way to me with parts for another that I will need to put together. Pretty confident that the rakes will be effective in a couple of my areas. The biggest question is how long can I last pulling one of these things?

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I'm tempted by the eBay one above just because it looks ok and is easy to get. I'm sure it would do well enough for me to just give it a go a few times. This has all the makings of something I think is a good idea, like hunting micro jewelry, but which after a couple tries I decide I have better things to do with my time. Only way to really know is give it a go. Who knows, maybe I'll sell all my detectors and just be that crazy old guy raking the beach. :smile:

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Yes, that ebay one looks okay. I almost went for it. The bolts at the tops of the tines look like they could cause some drag if the rake is digging that deep.

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I contacted the eBay seller for the model pictured above, and asked if a person can buy a spare tine. They said no. So I think the seller is buying these made elsewhere and reselling them. Not a big deal, but if you break or lose a tine you are out of luck.

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