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Excalibur In Pinpoint Vs. Equinox 800 In Saltwater... Opinions...

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On wet sand using discriminations on the Excal, the Nox will easily beat the Excal. I can run my Nox in Beach 2 mode with a sensitivity mode of 24.

In the water, pinpoint mode of the Excal has been deeper by at least a couple inches. The best I can get the Nox is a sensitivity of 21 often lowering it due to the waves.

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CCadrin. Your results sound just just like mine. Just wasn’t sure about the ExCal in pinpoint in the water. I also enjoy a threshold for that is what I’m accustomed to over many years and it isn’t as chattery as the Nox

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Years ago I seen the potential of hunting in PP with the Excalibur and played with several idea's on how to get the most out of the All Metal mod. I found there were targets below the threshold that were being covered up if you were using stock head or anything besides what I made............ From my testing and work I was able to squeeze a few more inch's in depth from building a better set of Head phones and tweeking the audio. Being able to hear what no one else can is a big advantage. One reason I feel I have no problem hunting the wetsand or in the water and being able to find targets the Nox, CZ21. CTX, Whites DF and Excal hunters walk right over. The funny thing now is, the AQ bangs hard on targets my excalibur can barely pick out.

April 2011





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Nice video Joe! The pinpoint mode is really the way to go. It certainly punches deeper and is not as noisy as Disc especially in the salt water. 

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On 10/13/2020 at 4:29 PM, Joe Beechnut OBN said:

Years ago I seen the potential of hunting in PP with the Excalibur and played with several idea's on how to get the most out of the All Metal mod. I found there were targets below the threshold that were being covered up if you were using stock head or anything besides what I made..


Such a great example of the PP mode.  A little secret, tip, on collapsing holes.  Dig slow and swing the scoop left and right about 35 degrees each way while going down. 

I have noticed that just shoving the scoop straight in when a hole is loosened-up just creates a pressure wave to drive the target deeper. 😉

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  • 2 months later...

I used a Excalibur for about 10 years then Equinox for nearly 3 years on beaches using stock coils. I am sure i am digging deeper holes with the Equinox in wet and dry sand than the Excalibur. Also I am surprised sometimes with the Equinox finding the smallest of earrings. The Excalibur had issues with the standard control knobs , the coil wiring perished , end caps came off , the shaft became loose, bad connections to the headphone, headphone failure etc  so i am not so sure that it is more robust than the Equinox. i am more than happy with the Equinox performance in wading, wet sand or dry sand.

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On 10/13/2020 at 6:07 PM, okara gold said:

Nice video Joe! The pinpoint mode is really the way to go. It certainly punches deeper and is not as noisy as Disc especially in the salt water. 

What really makes the difference with the Excalibur's ...are the head phones. You get a good set of head phones on there and "You know what to listen for In PP" .......that Excalibur can not be beat in it's depth. One reason I do encourage everyone to buy the Nox.... Fresh drops, and micro targets. trashy areas...NOX rules. Leave the old deep targets for the excalibur.

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13 hours ago, Joe Beechnut OBN said:

What really makes the difference with the Excalibur's ...are the head phones. You get a good set of head phones on there and "You know what to listen for In PP" .......that Excalibur can not be beat in it's depth. One reason I do encourage everyone to buy the Nox.... Fresh drops, and micro targets. trashy areas...NOX rules. Leave the old deep targets for the excalibur.

Joe, what headphones would you recommend for an Excalibur 2?  I taped up the vent holes on the stock headphones, which helped out quite a bit.  But, if switching them out makes that big of a difference, I want to get that done asap!

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1 hour ago, Kevin Walenciak said:

Joe, what headphones would you recommend for an Excalibur 2?  I taped up the vent holes on the stock headphones, which helped out quite a bit.  But, if switching them out makes that big of a difference, I want to get that done asap!

Kevin anything is better then the stock head phones but I have to say none of the after market phones really float my boat either. Other then Tony Eisenhower's and they are still not up to my standards on volume.  Here is a Sound pressure chart I did several years ago on a few sets, the skullies are the head phones I made and use. (Which I no longer sell) But you can see the crazy difference in audio levels.. Hunting in PP with the Excalibur the audio has to be blasting to hear the deep faint targets. If your using stock Yellow head phones your missing targets. And another factor is being able to block out as much (as possible) .... outside noises (ambient noise}. I have my best hunts when the water is calm. 

I would recommend Tony's headphones for now, but in the distant future there could be a killer set of headphones offered to water hunters. Look at the size of the Piezo compared to what I use in my skullies, which blast. The other guy .. is a monster! 




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