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When Finding Bigger Gold, Is It Best To Not Show It Off?

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I get to share many more stories, photos and sometimes videos of amazing gold discoveries than the average person, mostly do to the fact I sell metal detectors and my customers are usually happy to share their Success stories.

On occasion I get to see some finds that I can never show or share as the finder has asked that of me.  Boy has there been some crazy amounts of gold being recovered with detectors still.  Sure wish I could tell you all but I'd then piss off some of those who take me for my word and I'd prefer not to lose that friendship.

My question is, what do you folks do when you find something substantial?  Is it best to keep amongst your few inner circle or is it ok to let everyone know?

Yes I want to share MD'ing finds as I sell detectors for a living, but also, I have personally been walked over for giving out to much info.  I try to walk a fine line and keep everyone happy, if it's possible.

I myself have been fortunate and found a few trophies and even caught a couple on video, but after viewing the video, realized the video could cause a mini gold rush.  

Do you share and tell all or keep most of your finds to yourself?

I really don't think there is a right/wrong answer?

Thanks for your input.

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I appreciate seeing finds. It encourages me to keep going knowing there are still finds to be had. Keep it up and thanks!!!!

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Hi Gerry

 Over the years starting back in 65 I hunted alone. I never told what I found are the location I was hunting.

 I’ve enjoyed all the show and tells you have shown on the forum but for myself I’m still reluctant to do so .

 I guess you could say it’s hard for a old dog to learn are do new tricks.

 When I see someone with all the rings they found I just say been there done that .

 Again thanks for the show and tell .


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Does it matter as long as the images don't have any geo location data and the person is kept anonymous? Most the finds I have I don't post but do post many of the coins as there is usually some good info about them that others share. Most the rings I post are usually older or may have a back story. I think posting finds makes it interesting.

Of course I understand if your finding the gold in a certain form and in a certain federal building and want to keep any sort of methods/tunnels a secret ?

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  I agree with only showing the finds and a good story! That's what keeps us going, even when we can't go out ourselves! Obviously not the  specific location's! It's important to seperate the location info, from the pictures of finds!

   The Treasure Coast Salvagers usually post stuff well after they are done searching a specific area that is producing, and they have it cleaned and safely secured away! That way they aren't followed by lease breaking thieves to a specific location!??


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Showing off photos or vids of gold is good for the ego, good for other forum members especially beginners for the confidence other peoples success may give them. Whilst gold brings out the best in mans ingenuity the old saying it also brings out the worst in his nature is unfortunately very true. Thus my reply and I repeat this is my reply to this threads Question, on balance it is not good nor wise to show off gold finds.

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I admit it is a quandary at times. If nobody ever showed finds forums and such would get pretty dull. On the other hand it can attract unwanted attention. I go out of my way to note I have no gold or other serious valuables in my house, but I worry somebody might come looking anyway. Kind of like the time my locked truck that had nothing in it got broken into. Nothing was stolen, but I still had a side window to replace.

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I was advised years ago by a broker that with larger pieces (10 oz +) to not put them on the internet as many buyers will pay a premium for them. Why? I don't know. Maybe they tell their mates they found them.

Sometimes it's also just not worth the flack you'll receive from some members of various forums.

Another thing I've found is that as prospecting season approaches you'll have heaps of friends who want to catch up but after their holiday you wont hear from them again until their next holiday is approaching.

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I like to share my finds but I choose to do it through you.  That way nothing is attached to me when it hits the internet.

I find you to be a trustworthy intermediary so even with a large find people would be left guessing where it was found.

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