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In Case You're Unhappy With Your Gold Finds...

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https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/19/style/crystals-mining-quartz-herkimer.html?action=click&module=Editors Picks&pgtype=Homepage

(Author's name is Alexandra Marvar.  Title is: Got Crystals?  Gem Mining Could Be Your Full-Time Job.)  Ugh.  More/less the typical article that makes finding gems sound easier and more profitable than reality.  Besides jewelry applications, they mention the New Age pseudoscience proponents.  (Hey, maybe a good sales opportunity for LRL snake oil peddlers!)  I am cutting and pasting one late quote which many of us can relate to:

Among those freelancers is Ron Murray, 58, an osteopath in Seattle who mined quartz at Herkimer Diamond Mines from Memorial Day to Labor Day this year.  For his first six years digging crystals, Mr. Murray said he was “too attached” to part with anything he found. But this year, upon returning home to Seattle, he planned to keep the top 5 percent of his harvest, and sell everything else.

“Very few people can do this,” he said. “It takes stamina. It takes knowledge. It takes masochism.”

Like many others who share his passion for crystal hunting, he calls it an addiction — one propelled by the unshakable thought that the next pocket of untold treasure may open up on the next swing.

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Almost looks like the slave diamond camps except these people sign up and pay to do it 🙂 Suppose there are legalities to lowering the kids down pits on ropes in this country haha

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