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Throw Away Those Metal Detectors And Use A Bit Of Wire Instead

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Like he said up front "Holy Moly!" All you need is an educated brain and eyeballs to do all this. I'm convinced the rods are just tapping that subconscious knowledge that is available directly to me without getting wire involved. I do have a magical knack for finding gold. I'm serious. But I refuse to attribute that knack to anything other than 50 years of training and building muscle memory that is instilled deep into my mind. I follow my nose and my detector... my instincts. Is that really any different than dowsing?

Take the dowsing out, substitute "following my instincts" and he and I are doing the same thing. Maybe for some people the rods provide a way to tap their instincts, but the results will probably only be as good as what they have learned about where gold is likely to be located. He literally talks about focusing the mind etc. Well yeah, when I am on a wander and my mind is clear, just letting the detector lead me where it will, magic seems to happen. When I experience flow (being in the zone), I am tapping into my deeper mind.

Maybe we need a nose versus rods challenge! :laugh:

It is easy to fall prey to mind tricks. After I found my first 5 ounce nugget, I wore the same shirt religiously for years when nugget detecting. I'm not kidding. It was my lucky shirt! So believe me, I am not some paragon of logic, and am as prey to superstition as most people. It is built into us. If we try something, and it works for whatever reason, we attribute more to it than may be warranted. We conflate unconnected events and circumstances all the time. Possession of lucky charms (my shirt) is a common effect.

It would be relatively harmless except for dowsing rods being sold for hundreds, if not many thousands of dollars. That is what fires me up. People want to play with welding rod... knock yourself out. :smile:

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You'd be amazed what a simple education in geology does for well drillers. The more years in an area, the more wells drilled, over time, yes, that driller will have what appears to others to be magical powers. Deep knowledge is an amazing thing. Most people struggle to find gold. I can't not find gold! It's not hard to find gold. What is hard is to find a lot of gold in a short period of time.

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Finding water is magnitudes easier than finding gold. Almost every O&G well I ever drilled hit water, in some cases we passed through multiple water tables. A water table is a plane of water, not pockets that are easy to miss.

Determining depth is simply a matter of looking at existing well logs. The water table also varies with topography, which you can view with your eyes.

Flow rate is a function of the type of rock, fractures, porosity, etc. A simple matter of geology. Also, how many wells are in the reservoir, a matter of public record.

These are all things a driller with only a few years experience will be very familiar with.

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I managed the construction of buildings for Morrison Knudsen all over the U. S., Alaska and a couple of foreign countries and we never had a problem finding water.  Not enough water, like Jasong said, just drill deeper.  A couple of dowsers asked to find water for me, but I politely declined.  Our wells were positioned for convenience, not underground water pools, as water was basically everywhere. And I mean no disrespect, just my experience. 

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The mind no doubt is a powerful thing!! I've seen dowsing first hand and as a kid, my dad and some of his friends were firm believers. It seemed pretty fantastic at the time, but when I got older I realized sometimes things aren't what they seem. Most of the dowsers I've run into just do water, And as Jasong said you pretty much hit water where ever you drill. It's just a matter of depth. If there was something to the dowsing for GOLD thing, I doubt much would be left for you guys. That being said I'm a firm believer in lucky clothing!!! I have a ratty old camo ball cap that I have been wearing for 30 years. I've killed more deer with that cap on then without. Trust me I keep records. My wife tried to toss it out last year and it almost ended in divorce. All in All believing in something is great, Its what drives us all. If you really want to believe in something great, Believe in your family and friends. It is much more valuable than gold. Steve, I still hope you wear that shirt!!! don't want to jinx yourself, This was the most fun I ever had reading and contributing to a post!!!     NOW WHAT ABOUT BIGFOOT?????????????

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3 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Maybe we need a nose versus rods challenge! 

Steve, I think some people have what you called a "nose for gold." Being "in the zone" to me has a lot to do if I going to find a nugget or two, especially in areas that have been pounded. Many times I have pictured in my mind of where I'm going to hunt in an area I have hunted before, but when I get there I end up going to different area and sure enough I will find something. I know when I'm detecting I'm enjoying the surroundings, letting my mind wander, but when I hear that certain tone or sound I'm focused on the task of what it is. I use to rely on VDI when detecting in the past, but now enjoy listening to tones that will end up with getting a keeper. This may sound crazy, but I like a noisy detector, be it running at high gain or in a trashy environment, but I guess I have programmed myself of what to listen for. Believe me if some was paired up to my headphones while I was detecting they would probably quit the hobby or make comments on how I could stand listening to all that noise all the time.

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2 hours ago, brogansown said:

I managed the construction of buildings for Morrison Knudsen all over the U. S., Alaska and a couple of foreign countries and we never had a problem finding water.

Interesting. Morrison Knudsen were contractors (in consortium with others) on Australia's Snowy Hydro scheme in the early days. 

No shortage of water up there, divining definitely wasn't required lol!

Divining is an article of faith for some, no amount of controlled tests or statistical evidence against it will ever change their opinion. That's why shonky LRL's will continue to find a market into the future.

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On 1/31/2021 at 3:10 PM, principedeleon said:

Science is what humans wants us to believe about life.. in a Human possible way. .

Not at all. Science is a methodology for getting to truth, nothing more. So far it is overwhelmingly the best method we have. It is far superior to edicts, guesswork, and beliefs. Look around you at all the man-made items within arm's reach and consider all the science behind those items. It is truly amazing. Far more amazing than any beliefs in paranormal powers. Paranormal powers make for cool movies, but are otherwise useless; if they were real the world would be a very different place.


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