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Learning The Eq800 - Looking For Tips On Jewelry

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How y’all doing? I appreciate you working with me and I know this question is going to start a frenzy or the opposite in reaction of here we go again probably but I gotta ask - 

-I been detecting for several years but haven’t got as serious as I’m about to ! 

- I’ll be hunting in Kentucky dirt and around the natural lake beach’s in like creek sand not beach sand ( locals call them beach’s but it’s just creek sand in abundance by the lake shore for people to swim and dream of the real beach LOL. 
- I plan on spending around 6-800$ give or take a little.

- what’s the best detector I can buy to concentrate on lost gold and silver jewelry….. if I have to pick one let it be gold . I want to concentrate on finding lost gold jewelry. Period. If there are other coin snd relic options on it then I’ll use them probably but I stress gold jewelry lost in the Kentucky ground. Can we decide on one that’s best for that ? Again thank you very much I appreciate yalls time and I will be an avid member for videos and stories. Just saying your comments are taken seriously. Thanks again 



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Hey Pinger, Couple of ?'s are you just getting the coil wet or are you taking the plunge? For now lets talk water proof. You have the Nokta multi Kruzer, AT pro by garret, The equinox 800, All are good in the water and gold. That being said, And I mean no disrespect but usually country lakes and river swimming holes have a bunch more silver than gold. If I had to choose just one machine for the water and surrounding areas  it would be the 800. Just plan on digging more of what's on your tailgate. Finding gold jewelry with a machine is not a turn on and get rich thing. Your trash to finds ratio is going to be very high, especially if you folks in Kentucky like to drink beer as much as I do HaHa. I have tried to force myself into gold mode for a month and found 0 gold but a mountain of pull tabs. Not to discourage you, but looking for other targets will boost your confidence and still keep you striving for the gold. There are lots of good machines out there but it's how you master them that makes the difference. Good luck on your choice.

Oh and Harlan county is one of my favorite places to be, Just beautiful there. 

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Dogodog tells the truth, in a very considerate way.

You will not under any circumstance buy any detector for any price and fill your pockets with gold. Even the most experienced will have to dig pounds of pull tabs, small bits of can slaw, foil and other worthless junk to get even one ring or earring, let alone a small nugget. This is true with the most expensive detectors to the cheapest. All will find gold if you are well versed in using them. Jeff told you in your other post (no need to post in two places) that he digs 100 pull tabs to get one ring.

You now have one of the finest, most versatile detectors in the world. There are no magic potions, no particular settings, no voodoo talismans that are 100% certain to produce gold finds. The only way is to spend hours digging worthless stuff and getting the feel of your machine and the environment. Luck also plays a small part.

Silver is uniquely easy to find because of its high conductance, but the issue there is a strong possibility that others have been there before you and plucked it all. Gold requires experience, finesse, patience, luck, and blisters. ?

I have been out most days of the week (retired) for over a year now at farms, farmhouses, beaches and campgrounds. I have found old silver, lots of copper coins, nickels, relics and clad but only 3 gold things, none of which have had a hallmark.

This is a hobby, not a profession. Like anything, you have to work at it, become familiar with the tools, and learn from those with more experience even if you get a few knocks on the head along the way. The only professionals are those who have done it for many years, and they are a few of many. Like 2 in 100,000...

Don't be the guy who throws his golf clubs at the golf course because he didn't make the green. ?


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If I could only have just one machine in that price range that could get wet it would be Equinox, preferably the 800. A whole lot of detectors have passed through my hands. Equinox has been one of only a hand full of keepers. The guys are 100% right on trash to treasure ratio. I also have a Whites V3i and CTX-3030; two of the best discriminators ever made. I still have to dig an awful lot of trash in the gold range, and while not as much in the silver range, still plenty more than anyone would like. Those machines are perfect examples of it not mattering how much you spend, there’s no getting around all the trash. 

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What others have said is on point. The Nox 800 will serve you well as long as you don't constantly dunk it. I am a gold jewelry hunter in So.Cal for decades. I come from an era where we talked about how many ounces did you find or how many pounds this year. Not how many rings or pieces of gold were found. Well guess what ? Those days are pretty much long gone. My point is to be persistent and have a positive attitude. Not to give up. I don't know your rivers , streams , areas , etc. But you must be willing to travel if your favorite close beach is not producing. I may drive 3 or 4 hours hitting 7 or 8 beaches just to walk for 5 miles and strikeout on gold. But I always remain positive that the next beach will produce. Stay mentally tough and good things will happen for you. GL on your journey !

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Hello Pinger. The second picture shows you're doing good and are walking the right path, but may be in the wrong place like King-Of-Bling mentioned.

And with that the wisdom from George Shryock comes to mind...:"If it's not under the coil, you cann't find it."

Happy Hunting & Good Luck for the Gold on your next hunt.

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I look at it as "if I can dig a million pull tabs , one of 'em might be a gold ring".

Haven't got to a million yet.....but I will !


I remember the early days of pull tabs ,,,there were a lot more people throwing them on the ground than there were people saying "anybody see a gold ring anywhere , I just lost mine !" So that's your odds #s .  YMMV skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh kuh 

(and who was the genius that made pull tabs the same ID as gold ????)


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I do a lot of beaches during the winter (off season), and the silver far outranks the gold. I have used many different brands over the years for all my hunting locations, land and sea, and can tell you that: location, patience, endurance, understanding your machine, and being at the right place at the right time, are all crucial to finding gold. I have had days where I found 3 gold rings at the beach..... right place at the right time. Many trips -  zero gold. Last season I found a small amount of gold and a large amount of silver, mostly coins. This season???? Who knows, maybe nothing ?

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my first ever gold was a perfect poptop pull tab signal .. all the rest (I've dug 19 gold piece so far) were in the foil range, gator aide top, gum wrapper, bitsy can slaw sounding stuff .. except for a broke cufflink which hit in the high iron range, but the sound was so small and loud I had to see what it was.

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