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Pretty dang amazing. The waterproof wireless totally caught me off guard. Now what's the price? Looking forward to getting my hands on the new Deus 2.

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That video was amazing. The Deus II looks like one fine detector…… SMF 4 to 45kHz, fully waterproof to 20 meters and still fully wireless. WOW!

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5 minutes ago, abenson said:

The waterproof wireless totally caught me off guard.

Ha! And to think I said it might be a few decades away.

And the waterproofing is good to 20 meters!

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That was a really cool video.  I'm ready to give this thing a try... Better start saving some cash. 

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So “choose the fast and simultaneous multi frequency programs.” Sounds like maybe choice of true simultaneous and some sequential modes as far as the multifrequency end of it goes, or maybe Just bad syntax. Pretty good bet they’ll develop further modes and algorithms over time. Price will determine how widespread the use of this machine will become. So far I haven’t seen anything that really wows me into wanting it brand new and hot off the press. Wireless has never been a selling point for me. I’ll have to see some testing and what further information/features develop to decide what XP product is in my future. I’m going to bet this is going to be a very pricey unit compared to its competitors. Could be worth it if it’s a Deus and Equinox rolled into one package. 

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Did you notice the Deus2 SQUARE audio with fluted tones ? Sounds almost like an Equinox ...  . Looks like XP wants to challenge ML and the Equinox at the beach / dive, ...  Probably the Deus2 will be significantly lighter than the Equinox . However its price will certainly be higher ...


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Obviously price and release date are still unknowns but impressed with what they DID reveal including designing this as a full up medium duty dive detector.  The other features look great (wide spectrum SMF,  plus full up continuous single frequency capability across the 4 to 45 khz spectrum and the advertised audio options fill the bill for me.  Impressive.  Computer aided or phone app aided programming of the custom programs would be a bonus.

The submerged wireless capability remains a little murky to me.  Perhaps they are using the shaft/stem as a near field antenna.  I noticed, however, the bone conduction phones appear to be WIRED (see the screen shot from the new Deus II page below).  Might explain the connector port on the rear of the control module. Making a practical, reliable submerged wireless platform may have been the technological hurdle XP needed to overcome to get Deus II on the street vs. the actual FMF detecting tech.

I guess the folks who don't care for wireless coils are out of luck, though.  :rolleyes:

Can't wait to see more on the specs and features.


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32 minutes ago, Chase Goldman said:

I guess the folks who don't care for wireless coils are out of luck, though.  :rolleyes:

Personally, any wire no matter how small or short, can trip me up or get tangled if it is anywhere near me!

Yep, after using a Deus/ORX for many years on tiny gold nugget targets with a threshold tone where listening to wavers in the threshold really matters, the "gimmick" comments about wireless operation and how they must be extremely susceptible to EMI just crack me up. Sure, the Deus original and the ORX are not EMI proof, but running higher than 18 kHz takes care of most of it. Lets see how fully wireless and SMF do together. The only wireless problems I have ever had with a Deus or Orx were either self induced or minor issues with the Mi-6 to WS4 pairing/unpairing problem from earlier software.

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There will have to be a workaround as wireless transmission and water do not mix. That’s just physics folks. But I’m sure it’s a well thought out option, so not worried about it. We have a real contender here, no doubt about it. Waterproof to 20 meters? I see Equinox users who want true waterproof moving this way, unless the price is totally nuts.

Fingers crossed for ability to use HF coils and Gold Mode. I’ll want to see that owners manual ASAP. Is one up yet?

Big selling point for me? I always hated those tiny Deus buttons - these I can press with gloves on! ?


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