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My Creative Detecting / Overlanding Rig

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Well weather was bad for awhile and now it is awesome ? for detecting. I have been skunked for several days and that really messes t your mind and your thought process. Got a late start yesterday, headed out detecting around 2:00 pm. Worked several washes and nothing, nada, zilch. I ended up at the mouth at a wash dumping into a wash that looked familiar and it was one I found a nugget in back in November the weekend Bill Southern was up here. I noticed the rains blew out a bunch of gavels and sediments and bedrock that used to be exposed was now covered and some new bedrock was exposed. I started detecting at upper end of this buried bedrock where the new best was exposed and bam! Right off the bat the trusty 6  breaks my skunk. It was in  or ontop if the bedrock and a few scraps with a crevice to and it was out and then in my hand. Five minutes later I had another signal in the side of the wash and I kicked material down into the wash and then again and again. Now I was into the packed layer and it was still there. I knew this was going to be gold as I have only found one piece of trash in it. I got the second one on video so that will eventually be on YouTube.










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Look at that ballsy yote coming right into camp....lol

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