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3 hours ago, Gary XP said:

Hi Steve
Thanks for the welcome.
I think the 11 x 13 may be an option at some point, not sure about the 6 x 10.

Gary - Regarding the small coil option,  please show Alain my red line edits to the Accessory listing page from the Deus II manual. :laugh:

For Steve's and others benefit, I also highlighted the large coil option on that page, backing up Gary's statement that it is almost certainly in the works.


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Very sneaky of you, Chase, but I agree that coil would be highly desired by many of us, at least on this side of the Atlantic ( I hate the pond reference) 

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50 minutes ago, relicmeister said:

Very sneaky of you, Chase, but I agree that coil would be highly desired by many of us, at least on this side of the Atlantic ( I hate the pond reference) 

I do think the limitation is where to put the internal battery as the external battery design of the white HF elliptical coil probably precludes XP from designating it dive rated.  Then it all comes down to whether XP is comfortable with offering a non-dive rated coil (and the risk that entails for users not paying attention to ratings and assuming all coils will work at depth) or somehow adapting the existing HF coils for non-dive-rated SMF/SF compatibility with Deus II.

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I assumed a potential 5.5”x9” for the Deus II would have the internal battery and not the external battery of the hf coil. Perhaps there is a problem fitting the internal battery on the smaller coil?  If that’s the case, maybe they could entertain the idea of a different size altogether, like a 7” round? Which would think would still be desirable. 

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18 minutes ago, relicmeister said:

I assumed a potential 5.5”x9” for the Deus II would have the internal battery and not the external battery of the hf coil. Perhaps there is a problem fitting the internal battery on the smaller coil?

Yep.  That was the point I was trying to make in the first sentence of my post when I wrote "the limitation is where to put the battery".  I edited it for clarity to read, "the limitation is where to put the internal battery".

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Once the initial flurry of sales of the detector are over then coil options are something that will bring in some buyers that are sitting on the fence, coils do sell detectors.  If a desirable range of coils is available including a small coil like the 10x6" or similar to suit the prospectors it opens the detector up to another market, yes it's a detector suitable for prospecting but it's not a good prospecting detector without the right size and shape coils.

If it is at all possible a smaller coil would be highly desirable, in elliptical or round if necessary.  This is nothing to do with separation, it's about dealing with the difficult ground conditions in some gold areas like rocks and so on that demand a smaller coil.

As someone who hunts deep coins in relatively junk free areas a larger coil would also be desirable, even if for some reason the current size coils max out the depth the extra ground coverage would be worthwhile for me.

These are my two wish list items that without them I'm having difficultly justifying purchasing the detector.

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31 minutes ago, phrunt said:

Once the initial flurry of sales of the detector are over then coil options are something that will bring in some buyers that are sitting on the fence, coils do sell detectors.

Does the following maxim apply here?  Necessity is the mother of invention.

XP has proven they have some really smart innovators and engineers.  I have a feeling they can solve this battery issue.  For the sake of many, both here (on this forum) and elsewhere, I hope they will.

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Personally, I'd be more than happy with a 9.5x5" ellipical FMF coil with external battery for the D2 (like the HF coil for the D1) for use in the Colorado gold fields, ghost towns, and parks. In fact that's probably the only thing hold me back from pulling the trigger right now. That skinny coil is indespensible in those places.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/27/2021 at 10:40 AM, relicmeister said:

I couldn’t agree more. To detect with him, especially in England , would be an incredible experience- but I’d detect in England with anyone just for the chance to detect in England. 

visit the detectival later,in the year a  3 day event with guys from all over the world .camping at the site and booze and bands in  the evening

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