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** Lost Gold At The Dead Man's Mine ** A Miners Journal **

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17 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

The way you are handling this in good humor, and continuing on, reflects well on you. Only guilty people go into hiding, and your only crime seems to be having provided some much welcomed entertainment. Yeah, some nuts think the FBI and more care about, and have time for, stuff like this. I got an email saying the same, legalistic threats, implying I was culpable for simply hosting the site, and that my reputation was at stake. I'm too old anymore to care about what other people think of me, so good luck with that line of thinking. And if anyone gets trouble from the FBI, it will probably be those wasting the FBIs time with their inflated sense of truth police importance.

Thank you Steve. See you on the most wanted list along with my mug LOL.

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3 hours ago, GhostMiner said:

 SEPTEMBER 22   1936     Part Two

   We walked in and took a quick look around. There were two guys at a corer table and about 8 guys at the bar. Dutch said the two guys at the table were part of the gang. He said to wait a minute and he’d be right back. He walked behind the bar and was talking quietly to the bartender. Then he came back over to where we were standing. Dutch was a big bruiser and full of jokes but I wouldn’t want to get on the bad side of him. Dutch said he knew the bartender and asked him if they had any other friends in there. The bartender told him the guy on the far end was involved with them also. I told Dutch and Jacob to watch the guys at the bar but stay out of it unless we needed them as this was me and John’s fight and we wanted these guys real bad. 

   Me and John walked up to the table and looked down at the two hooligans who were sitting there drinking. I told them we had caught their two friends and had them tied up in the back of my truck. I told them we were sick and tired of dealing with the trash in town trying to steal from us miners. The bigger one just sneered at me and said they didn’t like gold miners. He said there wasn’t one good thing he could say about miners. He said they were real outlaws and they did as they pleased. John told them to get up because we were going to kick the shit out of them. The big one stood up and pulled a knife and the other one was right with him. I grabbed a chair and stuck it in the big one’s   face and pushed him over backwards. John swung his billy club and hit the second guy’s arm and his knife went flying. I had grabbed the big one’s arm with my right hand as I came down on him with my left elbow to his face. I heard his front teeth break and he started choking on his own blood. I slammed his hand with the knife on the floor and he let loose of it.

   In the meantime I guess their buddy at the bar had started for the table and Jacob stepped in front of him telling him to stay back. The guy shoved Jacob back but Dutch just shook his head and told him to go back to the bar which he did. John had clocked his guy with a couple of good punches  and he went backwards over a chair. Then he grabbed him by the shirt and drilled him in the face with a good right hand and his nose got flattened. I saw John get on top of him and he was beating his head against the barroom floor. The guy I had was cursing up a storm and shoved me back and tried to get his knife. I kicked him in the side and broke a beer bottle over his head. Then I kicked the knife across the floor. He tried getting up but I wasn’t having it and kicked him in the head. He went down on his face and I gave him a hell of a kick to his right ear. Now he was screaming in pain. John’s guy was finished and I was hollering for his buddy to get up and fight. He wouldn’t try so I gave him one last kick to the side of the head.

   The entire bar was watching all this going on. We had two down and one more at the bar. John told me he wanted him and he walked over to the guy and told him he was a worthless piece of trash and he was going to beat the shit out of him. The guy was trying to talk to John now and everyone just backed away.

   TO BE CONTINUED ................

Oh man Ghost Miner you really have the 'cliff hanger' thing down pat!

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31 minutes ago, Bedrocker said:

Oh man Ghost Miner you really have the 'cliff hanger' thing down pat!

I'm what's refer'd to as free entertainment.

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7 hours ago, Gold Catcher said:

The FBI? ?? That's hilarious. Probably the dummest thing I havd ever heard.


The FBI hardly even go after the mob these days due to the homeland security threats which are real. I think the people at the FBI will be reading Jed's story and enjoying it.

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   Just one more post to clarify all of this : I have a printout of an official docket file with the contract number & docket number from the U.S. Dept of Interior Office of Minerals Exploration from 1966. It's a huge file and in a part of it they tell about a gold strike on one of our mining claims along the faultline. The person who made the strike gloryholed the area in 1936 and there is more on him in there as far as details about his claim & work performed and another person involved. I was also able to find out more about this operation by researching on my own. The report tells what ended up happening to this person as well. It also gives the rounded dollar amount of the strike which I converted to ounces and tried to keep fairly accurate. Even the report wasn't down to the exact amount of gold. I changed the miners name as well. The true story of his work is actually quite amazing and a once in a lifetime event for sure. All of this I can back up because I have it here infront of me. However, there was no actual journal kept as far as I know by this man but there was one containing work performed there by a mining company in the 1960's. Those records were kept by the president of the company and that is in the report I have. The journal I wrote here was based on these events in the report but is completely a work of fiction on my part. I just took a true story out of a report and made up an adventure out of it. Kind of like when a movie is made based on a true event but the action parts are made up by a writer. Or when you watch a reality tv show based on something that has taken place but all kinds of fictional events are added in. Also, there is still gold on these claims. The pictures I posted are real and of this area and are on our mining claims. I also think there is a tremendous gold strike waiting to happen there again because I personally believe this miner didn't get it all and I have some good reasons to believe this. 

   So in looking back on this I probably should have set the entire beginning up the way I just stated in this post. I haven't sold a single book but when I filled out a copyright submission you have to check off a category. I checked fiction so there was no attempt at trying to sell it as the truth. I don't even know if I'll go to the trouble of self publishing this. At this time it's just a story in my computer but I want to protect it. As far as the special edition book I have on this site, I am proud of it. I have disclosed it as fiction as far as the journal goes. I have made ONE COPY so far & it is mine. It took me most of the day to make it. And the materials are expensive. So if anyone does buy one of these they will know it is fiction. The fiction is the adventure part of the entire thing. I also wanted to add a seperate story of the facts of the actual docket for readers because it's really interesting. It's all public record but it took me many days of researching our claims to come across it by accident. OK, done for now & hope you enjoyed reading it here up to now. Cheers.

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