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One Of Gods Creatures Love The GPZ

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Having never heard of before , you got me googling the US desert tortoise, remarkable animal. Totally land dwelling, amazing. Wonder if they can sense the detectors coil field, or is that norm to follow? Have a wacko theory that snakes can sense our coil field, and keep away, thus why rarely seen while detecting.

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Tortoises can live many years due to their slow metabolism. One like that little guy who chased Fred could live about 80 years. We had one left to the veterinary clinic in a will with enough money to look after it until it died! Same with parrots, they can also live a long time. This picture is of one of my friends sat on a giant tortoise.

Tortoises are vegetarian as Fred said.


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I think they may feel the vibration of the coil and ground...however, most animals have heightened senses compared to humans. I know I have waved my coil over a few rattlesnakes before my brain explained it was not a stick...I would not rely on snakes leaving the area, especially ambush predators like your death adder or most rattlesnakes...

I did have the privilege to get close to one of your WA little browns but he disappeared before I could get him on camera. He was quite pretty.


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