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White's MX Sport - Sweet Home, We Have A Problem

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It's been said that we don't have enough coils for the MXS and I agree. I know we have the 10 and the 6 x 10 DD plus the 9.5 concentric. The trouble is the 10 and the 9.5 gets too many targets under it at one time because of their size.  For me I would be happy with one about 6 to 7 inch and let it be a concentric coil. I don't have to have it waterproof just to keep the price down. If I'm on the beach where it's easy digging that big coil is okay.

Being we have someone from white's looking what's going on here I'd just throw this in too.

I always told my kids it didn't hurt to ask being the most I could say was no.


PS Sometimes I said yes.

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Hey Tboykin

 Every time you open your mouth I'm liking it more and more as time goes by..That will be great to have more coils that will fit the MX Sport.

I just want to thank you for all the help we're getting up front and being our voice at White's.

When can do let us know when  other coils are available. I've always got a little money put back for another coil and just maybe a detector.


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Have the mx sport now two weeks, tboykin,. and i dont have the  issue. in heavy garbage ground, 

i think in europe and states different type,s of ground? so long its good, its fine for me,

only point of discus is the cable for the headphone, its was better for users to get a sort of clip to get i atached to de mx sport, 

is use the pro star head unit, 

end  i push the jack under the case, but even when you want quik release its not fast. like the xlt pull the jack out,

i hope there is comming a modification for it, like a clip or somthing to get it thight,?

other problem is the amount of the mx sport, only in the netherlands we have only 4 mx sport detectors :)

and hear yesterday that it will take more 2 a 3 weeks, to get the distributer here filled op with the sport,

many peeps are waitng here lol,

for the rest one heck off a detector, love it, !!

grtz from the netherlands 



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On 3/24/2016 at 7:08 AM, tboykin said:

That's not how you treat a friend. You help them back up!

The info in Steve's post is very helpful to us at White's, but when you have trouble with a detector we hope to be your first call. Overall the response to the MX Sport has been very positive. But we have had one other report like Steve's about the audio response. Our engineers are digging in to see what happened and how many units it may have affected. Judging from initial reports- most folks who bought an MX Sport aren't having any problems out there. But we'll see.

You guys know better than most about White's commitment to its customers. It helps us immensely to hear feedback from you, so please share your thoughts with us in the future. Easier to troubleshoot and figure things out that way vs digging through forum posts (though we obviously do that).

The positive reports and reviews don't help us improve as much as hearing about hang ups and problems, but we need to be made aware of them ASAP in order to help you. If anyone has issues with a White's detector, we take care of them. That's the White's way of doing things. And we're only a phone call or email away, unlike some other companies...

Tom Boykin


I understand the concerns a company would have about negative response on a forum, but this forum is well read and easy to navigate ---- the thread is titled to make it easy to find---

As far as sifting through forum posts goes, It really doesn't take too much time to just hit the follow button to keep track of this thread which is specifically a MX Sport thread.

As far as the other forrums go I don't know.

People here can talk back and forth quicker than calling the company.... and it is a great way for us to get feedback from many different users instead of waiting for company input---- as you said in your last post you had people "working on it"----that itself was disseminated quickly to MANY users via the forum.... that would take more time to do if you had to call each one individually.

So my point is, talking on the forum about a detector's faults is not a slam on the company--- it is just a discussion----

i don't think there is a detector bashing mindset here on Steve's forum---he states very clearly that he will remove anyone who continually bashes companies. 

So we will continue to discuss as companies will, or should, take time to follow this forum. It is a wealth of feedback for them---

Take one Turkish company for example---they have had great success because they read what detectorists in the field are saying here....and then they act on it quickly---- I think it is a win win for detectorists and companies alike.

I grew up looking at my mom and dads blue boxes sharing the back seat with me---- so i know the legacy of this company.

And BTW, real friends tell you the truth.... thats why they are friends...

Carry on...

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Tboykin said: That's the White's way of doing things. And we're only a phone call or email away, unlike some other companies...

The problem with that statement is that when we do call we end up with a very pleasant and well mannered person that sounds like the answers she/he  is giving is directly data from a notebook at the phone station. I have even been promised a call back from that type of Whites representative and I am still waiting. Mr. Tboykin please get yourself a good phone and set down and call maybe some of those "other companies" and you will very quickly find that they also have some very good people that answer and have a very good way of delivering data without sounding like a notebook referral. Whites presently does not have a lock on customer service, but in the past I would rate them as being among the top few. They now are slowly trying to regain some lost ground and a whole lot of old loyal customers are watching. It appears that the "new way" needs a bit of company management from some of the OLD managers. Mom use to tell me to make sure that you clean out your own house before you choose to start on someone else's.

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Well some things do P a person off, But I would not be to Tough on Tom because he has come here to settle any issues and in all fairness he is not responsible for what has happened in the past, I'm not going to Shoot the messenger, Poor Bugga Aye.

I don't think anyone is more £$%&'d off more than me with a chain of events from the past two months from all directions, I been like a one legged man at an a$$ kicking contest,

Thing is Tom has put the wheels in motion and I respect him for that, Now all we have to do wait and see what happens, we have waited this long another week or Two won't hurt, But I understand where your coming from because that type of thing winds me up too. I hope Tom hangs about here so Whites can get back in touch with the people again, I know they have their own forum but if your P'd about something you can't go there let off Steam or say what you think coz your post will either get deleted or you will get banned, So it is better for us If Whites  come here and then Steve can decide if we have to go and stand by the Naughty Wall or not, I been lonely over there all on my Own..

Whites need to frequent the forums and get more involved like they use to, If they want people to spend the money then we need to be sure that they are listening, Because with that kind of service I am willing to spend every penny, But I don't want to suggest things that are needed like many of us have and have it fall on deaf ears for another 15 years+ Like the manual GB on the MXT and another 3 MXTs later and now we have the MX-S but still no manual GB and they are still building what they like and ignoring 1000s of requests, Again I feel the need to point out that there is another company who is Serious about their commitment and does listen  and Bless them they are turning out peoples requests faster than I can Type.


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I've said in the past same electronics same program same trouble.. Thinking back that is not totally true. You take the same electronic components from different companies may look and test the same . But then you build your circuit and  all may work well and yet be a little different than the other.

If some people are not having trouble could this be what makes the difference. The other thing is they just don't know what's correct  in the detector they have.

One would have to take a so call good one with one that's having trouble and compare everything about each. I would hope just maybe something could be found.

I know and read here that people have other things they'd want White's to offer on their detectors. Other than working pushing voice and data through  copper and then fiber for 35 years I had a trap line. Trapping  I learn i couldn't skin but one cat at a time. Right now I want my MX Sport fixed and back in my hands. I'll jump on another problem after this cat is skint.


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Most likely they are all the same but the folks that are happy with them think that is how they are supposed to be and don't know any better because they are a new machine, Only people who look in to things deeper will know the difference. Which is why Steve and Paul worked it all out.

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