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A Big Lump And The Funeral Of The GPX 6000


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Nice work, that'd be a great nugget in the US too these days, for NZ I'm guessing even rarer. That one looks like it has a story, maybe a lode source closer than normal.

Requiring these chips on basic, old school monos seems to defy rationality since it doesn't do the customer any good at all and is just one more route for failure and lost time for us the customers. I understood the rationality for (though disagreed with) the chip on the DoD/GPZ. But monos are old news, already public, and well understood, no IP to protect. 

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Nice writeup Simon, and thanks for sharing! Pretty  nice lump you found there!  So I cringed reading the last part of your title… maybe change it to something less scary like “the funeral of a GPX 6000 coil”? ?

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Awesome hunt. The junk pile would drive me nuts trying to find those iron bits. I'm assuming you have a magnet on a stick for those situations?? Great gold!

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32 minutes ago, schoolofhardNox said:

Awesome hunt. The junk pile would drive me nuts trying to find those iron bits. I'm assuming you have a magnet on a stick for those situations?? Great gold!

Thanks, yea I have a crazy strong magnet in my pick handle, the magnet is about 1 and a half inches long, a drilled a hole to fit it and used a tough glue to hold it in there, does the job nicely and makes the entire end of the pick magnetic so stuff sticks to the sides of the wood as well as the magnet, makes it easier to use with it being so powerful.

It sure makes getting the little iron junk easier.

I got the idea off JW who did something similar with his pick.


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Well done Grasshopper, another 7 of those to make up the 1 Ounce plus so get back out there mate, if you don't you will have to get more than THREE HUNDRED of those 0.1 gm bits and that is a lot more holes and junk. I see you clipped JW wings this time.


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