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Hi I am fairly new to metal detecting I took the  hobby up from my grandad so I went out and bought the equinox 800 metal detector in January this year and ever since I have tried to get used to it but just can't seem to get the hang of it as there is to many settings to figure out and I am just wanting a detector I can just switch on and go. I have been told the Xp Orx metal detector is a great machine for beginners I have been offered to swap my equinox 800 for the Xp Orx is it worth it as what I just said don't want to have to muck about with settings on a detector just want to beable to switch it on and go.

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I have owned both. Still own the Equinox and Deus 1 and Deus 2 which are more complicated versions of the ORX.

So, for me it all depends on what targets you are hunting and what kind of sites you are hunting. Also do you need the best ergonomics available for a VLF detector (ORX, Deus 1, Deus 2) or do you need a very versatile, simultaneous multi frequency, hunt just about anywhere on any target types detector with the features and settings adjustability to keep you busy (and learning) for a long time???? = Equinox 800 and now also Deus 2.

Since this is the gold prospecting section of this forum....I will say without a doubt that the Equinox 800's gold prospecting modes are fantastic and near or at the top of the VLF gold prospecting detector hill. The Equinox having outstanding simultaneous multi frequency technology, enables it to ground balance well on most difficult ground conditions while it also has extreme sensitivity to tiny targets. The ORX gold prospecting modes are also excellent. I have found small to tiny nuggets with both detectors.

The reason I moved on from the selectable single frequency ORX was because the coin/jewelry/relic modes had far too limited features and settings for me, my targets and sites. The ORX, at least in the dirt I often hunt in, had accurate target IDs for the first 3 to 4" of dirt on coin sized targets. Deeper than that, the ORX in its coin/jewelry/relic mode was basically an "if it beeps.....dig"  detector which gave me very little information other than there was a target under the coil......The Gold modes for gold prospecting were outstanding. I wouldn't hesitate to own an ORX for gold prospecting........Those gold modes are half of the modes on the ORX however.

So, the Equinox 800 is still one of the best simultaneous multi frequency metal detectors ever made. It is also one of the hottest, meaning even in default Park 1 it will  sound off on the tiniest targets you can imagine and some really deep targets also. Turning down the sensitivity and using the Equinox really nice single digit notching can really help cut down on the amount of target chatter. Even though it has had some leaking issues, it is still basically waterproof and if it is under warranty, water damage to the control box is covered. It will also work very well at saltwater beaches too. Not so for the ORX....(been there and did that).

So the Equinox is an Australian/Malaysian Swiss army knife detector......go anywhere do any type of detecting basically. 

The ORX is based on XP's excellent gold prospecting specific detector the Depar 600 with very simplified 3 tone only Deus 1 Fast and Deep programs added.

Either detector can be setup for switch on a go operation easily by the way.


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In my opinion you can’t have too many detectors and I have both so I know you can’t go wrong.

 If you think you have to justify buying two just look at the cost of a Bass Boat ?.


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6 hours ago, John4455321 said:

Hi I am fairly new to metal detecting I took the  hobby up from my grandad so I went out and bought the equinox 800 metal detector in January this year and ever since I have tried to get used to it but just can't seem to get the hang of it as there is to many settings to figure out and I am just wanting a detector I can just switch on and go. I have been told the Xp Orx metal detector is a great machine for beginners I have been offered to swap my equinox 800 for the Xp Orx is it worth it as what I just said don't want to have to muck about with settings on a detector just want to beable to switch it on and go.

I haven't used either of the detectors you're asking about....BUT if you do swap keep in mind that there's a big price difference in the 2 detectors, Equinox 800 around $1000, the Xp Orx around $650,  just an FYI I compared the prices on KellyCo's website.

So if I were doing such a swap I would want some money added in the deal along with the Xp Orx.

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The only real detector that I have used is the 800, and yes you are correct about taking time to learn it.

I have only used the factory settings and it has served me very well, and I can tell you that after a while you will learn the unit for what you are looking for.

The Equinox section on this forum can help you a whole lot if you really want to learn about the unit.

Carefully read the different articles in that section like I have done and you will learn more than you will want to know about it.

Keep it simple with the factory settings for about the first 100 hours of use and you will see that it is a really good detector and that all you have to do is turn it on, balance it to the ground and go.

Good luck and I hope this helps as I am a newbie to detecting, and only get out there a few times a year.

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The Equinox is switch on and go, that's why it has default settings, park, field, beach, gold.... go into the suitable one and off you go, if you're struggling with the Equinox you're not going to find any other detector much easier to use.  These default settings were set by the designers that knew the detector inside out, I have a funny feeling they knew what they were doing when they selected the default settings.

The settings are there if you're trying to get the most out of it as an advanced user, you don't need to use them.

Turn it on, pick the mode you want for example Park, set your desired volume level and off you go... find stuff.  Worse case scenario do a ground balance or ensure tracking is on if your ground is bad and do a noise cancel if EMI is a problem.  Have a flick through the manual, it gives a few hints on using it.

Changing from the Equinox to any other detector isn't going to make your life easier.  Don't be scared to lower the sensitivity, having the sensitivity maxed out can be daunting if you're struggling to understand it, settle on about half way and get used to it, it's still mighty good with a lower sensitivity and far less troublesome for someone learning it.

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Phrunt is correct with the sensitivity settings, as a newbie I found that I found more items to dig by setting the sense between 15 and 20. I can tell you that I have found some really nice items within those settings and the unit seemed to work better for me.

Good luck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Having both the Equinox and Xp Orx is a good combination. The Orx w/9" hf coil excels in iron. 

I wouldn't trade an Equinox 800 for an Orx unless it's past it's 3 year warranty.

If I could only have one, I would take the Orx. So darn light, depth great in mild ground and so good in separation.


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