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Let’s Bombard Minelab With Suggestions For GPX 6000 Update

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Minelab need to upgrade the 6000 with the obvious: A free lower stem lock. A manual frequency tune option, a threshold control option and a on-screen clock FFS. Maybe a partial refund for forcing owners to buy an aftermarket coil to make the whole detector function as intended. TBH, holding your breath for any of this will certainly result in death.....:unsure::laugh:

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9 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

 I'm still not convinced the EMI issue is EMI at all, but perhaps an issue with Geosense going off the rails. I've had it occur in places where EMI simply was not the problem, could not have been the problem. 

My problem with the 6 was air traffic mainly, nothing a person couldn't work around but it was annoying and why I parted with it.  I'd get a bump in threshold and start doing sweeps to find a possible target, machine starts to get a little erratic, THEN I'd start to suspect air traffic and sure as shit, here comes the plane.  So now I'd have to set the machine down, light a smoke, listen to machine going wacko then listen to the machine start to settle back down as I watch and listen to plane/jet leave my airspace. Machine settles back down after 2-3minutes then resume hunting until the next plane.  Not all planes upset the 6 but most did?  Some days were BAD and I've counted approx 25+ fly overs.  Talked with a few others that claimed aircraft not a big problem with their 6's...???  Whatever...my experience only and don't have to worry about it now.....  In between planes I was impressed with the machine and had zero problems.....

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2 hours ago, Gerry in Idaho said:

Minelab is a very stubborn company and in times past it didn't matter.  You want top performance, you pay for it and be happy we provide it to those who sell their 2nd truck.  But Minelab is not stupid (was not stupid) and so I feel they will make some kind of adjustment.  Will it be GPX-6000 upgrade?  Could be a GPZ-7000 in new sleek design?  I personally expect some promos to move inventory and then a price drop.  Realize, Minelab now has to answer to share holders, so after a couple quarters of slower sales than normal and things will shake up.

I too wold enjoy a software update for my 6000.  What does my gut tell me, sell it today and run to the bank. Will I do it, not just yet.  In reality they have 4 options. 1st is a promo to get dealers to purchase as many as possible and give a few free extras. 2nd is to just drop the price, 3rd is a software upgrade and 4th is...do nothing.

From years past experience, yes you might get a Minelab big wig on a forum.  Of years recent, good luck.  Who know, they could prove me wrong.

I also wanted to sell my 6k early last week to save up for a Axiom and even posted it on EBay for auction starting at $5k, but then decided to keep it. Then others started selling theirs for less.  Anyways, Im glad I didn’t sell it. With the going price at $4500 now, with the 13% fee EBay charges and shipping and all, I figure my take home would have been less than $3800 for the detector with all my accessories.  What a shame to lose all that after less than 1 year of use!!

Anyways, that’s why I went with a Coiltek 10x5 instead…. there’s plenty of good use left in it along with at least 2 more years of warranty.

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If an aftermarket coil fixes the stability problems then at the very least Minelab should be responsible for covering the cost of the coil required to fix their own problem.

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They aren’t paying for jack...we have to either sell it or buy a new coil that works better then 50 percent of the time and just live with it....


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12 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

It is a bit surprising to me there has been no update for the 6000 now that it has been out a year. I'm still not convinced the EMI issue is EMI at all, but perhaps an issue with Geosense going off the rails. I've had it occur in places where EMI simply was not the problem, could not have been the problem. People tend to tell me that's not possible, must have been sunspots, aurora borealis, UFOs, but I think not. I think there is something else going on, something a software update might fix. But nothing so far.

To set the record straight, Garrett has made no such promise, nor has any plan to do such, that I am aware of anyway. That was just me speculatively assuming such based on what I've observed so far. At the end of the day any updates will be driven by an actual need for an update, and if Axiom actually nails the landing on release, then there will be no need. But it's not a bad bet, as just about every detector ever made with an update capability, except the GPX 6000, has had at least one update after release.

I tend to agree with you Steve.

I took both my GPZ and 6k out a few days ago. The day before the 6k got real noisy,  to the point it couldn't be used . I put it down to the 11" mono and the next day I took the 14dd, and planned to use it if the GPZ was too noisy. Well the GPZ handled it no problem. My mates 6k did not however, and he changed to the 14" dd which was still noisy!



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Well, coming from someone that thought the 6000 resembled a pile of cow dung to someone that now thinks its pretty good all due to a coil change I think before going on a massive fire sale it's best to hold out, wait for more aftermarket coil results to come in seeing the Nugget Finders aren't even out yet and then make a decision what to do.  I'd basically written my 6000 off in my head, was just going to put it in the cupboard never to be seen again and that's basically what I'd done not using it for a few months after only using it about 4 times for proper prospecting since buying it as I couldn't stand the thing, I'd not rip someone off selling it to them and now I'm going to use it, certainly not as my primary detector but at least I'll use it especially for times a lighter more portable detector is beneficial as with a different coil it's pretty decent and may have the ability to pick up some gold my GPZ misses, I'm just spoilt by having a detector and coils I really love with the GPZ, if I was coming from my GPX 5000 I'd make the cross over to the 6000 no problems based on performance. 

I've noticed sometimes if you do something to cause instability like walk under power lines and then you walk away from them it remains with the stability problem the power lines caused, sometimes putting my phone too close to the control box while filming causes it to become unstable and again, it doesn't recover without a noise cancel even once the phones well away and then sometimes nothing you try will fix it but a factory reset, this proves it's some sort of bug in the software.  It's like you can throw Geo-sense off and it confuses itself and gets in a muddle.  That's something I think a firmware update should be able to fix although I wouldn't count on anything.  In saying that it ran basically flawless with the Coiltek on it for the entire day, nothing I would consider a problem, yes that's only one day in one location but a giant leap from where it was with the stock coil with a detector I thought was basically unusable.

The big problem with the 6000 standard coils is it's very obvious there is inconsistencies, some people think they've got good ones, others think they've got bad ones and some are just unsure.  My coil was at the obvious end of bad I guess, how many are ever so slightly bad and everything in between.  If they can make coils so far out of whack they're nutty they can certainly make coils that are a little bit inconsistent.

Minelab appear to only do what they have to do.  If they cared about us they'd do something about the twisting shafts, it would cost them next to nothing to send dealers a solution that we can collect from our dealer, it's not like they don't make an exorbitant profit on the detector.   The one thing I'd really like is the speaker to work as it should, that's one of my big disappointments with it but I can't see that being resolved with a firmware update, that's a design flaw so having to put up with that one I guess.

If there is one update I'd really like, it's a way to turn Geosense off, or at least a way to lock it so it stops doing whatever it's doing, a bit like Fixed on the older GPX, a way to disable its ground balance would be grand too for my very mild locations.  And last but not least a bug fix for the stability Geosense issue. 

I'm sure the GPX 6500 will come out one day with the Geosense problems resolved, a new more stable method for the speaker and a shaft that doesn't twist then I'll regret I bought the 6000, oh uhm...... ?  It's like the first generation of a new car, always has all the crap problems then they come out with a second generation with it all fixed up and the suckers that got the first generation get the lemon.

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I can never have a negative view of Minelab for long. They released the Equinox and my whole detecting life instantly changed the moment I detected with it. Incredible, highly versatile SMF VLF detector despite the leaking and broken coil ears. 

I was hoping for the same from the GPX 6000 as far as a lightweight, highly versatile PI with super sensitivity and it could use DD coils for extreme mineralization, EMI, relic hunting and beach hunting. So the GPX 6000 has been out for over a year. New coils have been designed and some have been released. Someone explain for me why the GPX 6000 has eight mono coil choices and one DD and that DD is the dumbest size ever………so half of the detector’s modes are completely waisted on a 14” DD coil that most people will never use unless they absolutely have to and those modes cannot be accessed without a DD coil being connected. Stupid.

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I cant believe the way people are dissing the gpz 7000 on here. I have dreamed for ten years to find one, and I have my first gold at about 1 gram like 1.5 foot deep.


I know its heavy... but Id carry it a thousand miles. Sayin its heavy is like saying you want an electric bicycle. I like to pedal my bike ...


I mean... I cant wait to get back to what I am losing.


But ....


I have people in africa trying to buy my GPZ talking about how it would change their lives.

I lived in China Nearly 18 years and buying my f75+ was a dream come true.

Dont be caught up in the newest thing. Is there anything out there with more potential than the GPZ 7000?

Dont get cought up in the hype.

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