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Finally Minelab Take Responsibility For Screwing Up The GPX 6000 Speaker


The GPX Audio Fix Poll  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you had the audio/EMI fix done to your GPX 6000 - if you plan to get it done please don't answer the poll until you've got it back and tested it

  2. 2. Did the fix improve your built in speaker EMI stability

    • Yes
    • No
    • Not sure, possibly
    • Not sure, I don't think so
    • Don't care, not getting it done
  3. 3. Did the fix improve overall stability or improve the detector in some other way?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Not sure, possibly
    • Not sure, I don't think so
    • Don't care, not getting it done

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8 minutes ago, phrunt said:

There are now rumours floating around this "fix" method is lowering the sensitivity of the 6000 to make it more stable, sounds logical that that would work to stabilize the machine so I can see why this rumour started.  I've had a few people contact me now saying they heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend who, heard it from another Minelab lowered the sensitivity of the 6000 to fix the EMI problem.   I was prudent enough to do quite a bit of sensitivity testing before and after the repair and have found no negatives from the fix when it comes to performance.  In fact quite the opposite as I find my detector runs better meaning I'd have more chance of hearing a faint target than when it was erratic.

Let's think about this for a second, if for some reason Minelab found that the solution to the problem was to lower the sensitivity of the detector they could just do this with a firmware update, they wouldn't waste their own money paying service agents to do it by replacing a couple of small components.  They would just tell everyone who contacts them wanting theirs fixed to download and install the new firmware.  The 6000 has USB firmware update capability and if the did it that way it would be free for them to get the fix out there.   Also, every new GPX manufactured has these new components in it, so that would mean they've lowered the sensitivity of all new GPX's made, very unlikely. 

Unless there is a firmware update included with the board level component upgrade……… and the service agents are not mentioning it?

Sounds like a lot of conjecture to me. 

As long as the GPX 6000 has lower susceptibility to interference from its own speaker and from EMI in general without incurring a noticeable performance loss, I’m good with whatever the fix is. 

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I specifically asked my service agent and nothing else was done except the components replaced, so unless they lied (extremely unlikely) then that's all that gets done.


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45 minutes ago, phrunt said:

this "fix" method is lowering the sensitivity of the 6000 to make it more stable

Just Minelab haters trying to start more BS. 
In the past few weeks I’ve taken the GPX6 back to a spot I’ve got quite a few specimens before and with a bit of raking got some more.  They are tiny. 
You can see on the one I’ve zoomed in on that there is only a smattering of gold in it but the GPX6 picked it up fine.  The audio has made no difference at all to sensitivity, IMO.  



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That BS never stops, just be positive about what you believe because at the end of the day that and a few other Ps puts the weight in your pocket.

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The only BS I could share about it is showing how big the lunker is that I found and couldn’t fit in  my mouth after I get to use it on a real goldfield for the first time since the upgrade this weekend…or maybe hopefully it won’t be BS ?

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Heh that aint BS GotAu, with that confidence you`ll do ii, and some help from those Ps. Your Doorstopper is coming for sure...?

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