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Manticore's Maiden Trip To Cancun With Success Pics. Really Long Read, Be Prepared.

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33 minutes ago, Gerry in Idaho said:

Yes, I was able to swing a Manticore on the most desired tropical and aqua blue water bikini laden beached of Cancun, MX.  Yes, my old and out of focused eyes were happy to experience youth and beauty of a select few.  You don’t want to see those pics, this is a MD forum right.  We’ll leave the skin for Calendars and Get Well Cards. Yes, I was able to save some gleaning treasures from the sandy depths below. Yes, I came home with sparkling diamonds, soft yellow or white gold, sand in some crevice’s and much more. 


Here’s some input from a User standpoint. The info I’m providing is to be used with an open mind as each person’s detector capabilities/skill differ and some, many times more than others.  I make no promises, guarantees or other, as this is just my “off the cuff” experience and words as I feel fit from what I experienced on this maiden trip with the Manticore.


My use of the “Beast” on this occurrence has no bearing on the detector for the majority of users.  Most MD’ists are coin/relic diggers, then there’s the Beach Sweepers and lastly with a few Gold Prospecting Hunters.  I’ve not attempted to do either of the 3 categories with the Beast as my location in Idaho is snow white covered and frozen for the next 3 months.  These shared words are focused and directed for the few folks who detect in saltwater with the Manticore fully submerged for most of a day.


There is no way a person can learn all the functions and features of a detector they have never set their hands on in such a short time.  No way to accurately run it to perfection or get the full capabilities of such.  After all, I’ve yet to read the manual and I’m most certain there’s a nugget or two of performance gain to be garnered.  Again, this last minute miracle to get the Manticore in my hands for the trip was desired but not really expected. So when it did happen (with the help of others and DHL Express), I was a little unprepared. 


With that said my words are to get a rough idea of Manticores basic capability potential and my desire if I want to add it to my water detecting arsenal. Yes I already have my favorite water detector and in fact I brought it along as a back up.  Luckily all went well and the 800 was never even assembled.  That right there should tell some folks the disappointment of the Beast did not happen while at Cancun swinging 6 to 8 hrs a day fully submerged.


Upgrades and Fixes from the past (Equinox)


COMPACT – Yes it’s even better than the NOX.  Nice when it's compact enough I carried it on the plane. After all, a lithium iron battery built into the handle requires onboard transportation.  Today those scanners see the coil windings and much more, but the reality is, detectors are pretty common on declinational trips these days so TSA has learned.  15 to 20 yrs ago, that statement was a little different and required additional screening/testing.  I assure you, the Beast will fit the 22” FAA luggage guidelines.  One word of wisdom for those who prefer to pack to perfection.  Purchase a couple 3MM Hex End L wrenches and take the Arm Grip Control Pod off the upper shaft.  Easily is removed with the 4 screws below.  Just be sure to not lose the screws or the wrench.  Another good nugget of knowledge, is the same size 3MM Hex tool can be used with the 4 different Equinox models on the market.


ASSEMBLY - No tools required as assembly of detector was extremely simple.  Did I expect any different, heck no not in todays world.  I did notice their box packaging for the Manticore is bigger than the Equinox 900?  Side note, the NOX 900 boxing from manufacture is even smaller than the EQ-800 so many of us love.


ARM CUFF - I easily see the upgraded arm cuff will take care of broken cuffs of old.  It’s probably the most common issue for those who detect quite a bit.  Days gone are the indestructible metal ones.  The quality and change of plastics has come a long way and the flex is amazing. During transportation, I also slid the cuff off since it made for more room when packing for the plane ride there/back. 


SHAFTS - The shaft wobble is gone since they redesigned the Manticore shaft to be Carbon-Fibre and the locking clamps held true. Not sure how long they will last, only time will tell.  I did get an occasional shaft slide (small into big) as I leaned my 210 pounds onto it a little to much.  There's a fastener screw on back of latch clamp and that helped.  You should probably not use the detector as a crutch to help you back up. The rods easily cleared sand and I've yet a build up like some other detector models in sandy water use for hours.


ARM GRIP DETECTOR LCD POD – I noticed Minelab recessed the actual screen readout a little and the outer rim of the housing sits a little higher.  This little change protects the screen more than the Equinox design.  Now on a downside to a slight recess is the catching of dust and or mud.  Simple fix here is to purchase Doc’s Body Cover.  I’m sure it will be out soon.  Another nugget of knowledge.   At the end of the trip, be sure and remove the 4 hex screws and drain the water/sand that builds up in there.  The new design on the Manticore has a deeper void in the pod handle so more water/sand is unknowingly captured.


COIL SUPPORT EARS - Coil ear breaks are no more, as the refreshing rebuild solved the issue for those who broke them.  Funny how it is but I never broke an Equinox coil ear/wing and have thousands of hours on them, go figure. Yes I’ve seen them but I also know why most break.  The detector is not a cane to help you get back up.  Yes some have broke for other reasons, but I’m a detectorist and see/know what we do. 


SYMBOLS & PROGRAM - Program layout overall is pretty easy coming from Equinox. Keeping true to Universal symbols icons was advantageous as we all know this detector ships worldwide.  Interestingly they did change the Park Mode to Farm/Field, which actually makes more sense.



Meat and potatoes of the Manticore.  How did it perform?


MY STYLE OF HUNT - Detecting 3 to 6' depth of water is my preferred method.  I usually stay away from the shoreline as more trash and toys are near.  Prefer to hunt just deeper than the coochie line and up to top of my snorkel. Less targets at depth but better chance of jewelry.  Just my method that keeps me going. 


HOW I SET THE MANTICORE UP - Ran the Underwater Beach MODE (SURF & SEAWATER). I'll stick with that as I'm knee to head deep.  Detector seems to run fine and smooth in saltwater with SENSITIVITY at 17.  Go over rocks bumping the bottom and I noticed occasional false signals so I dropped SENS to 15 and allswell. I run ALL METAL open as I like to hear everything and decide for myself if I want to investigate. VOLUME was set all the way up to 25 and it still isn't enough for those of us who hunt in water. That's really a bummer for us few, but again most detectorist don't hunt that way. THRESHOLD was on but I forgot to confirm what setting, probably around 7.  I prefer to hear a good smooth hum at all times.  All other Settings are as FACTORY PRESET.  Could I have changed my RECOVERY or AUDIO to get something even better?  Sure, but as I mentioned before, this was my 1st time using the detector.  I was more interested in seeing what it could do from an out of the box setup and for my expectations.  Interestingly, I wonder what the BEACH DEEP MODE brings to the table?


EXPEXCTATIONS – Dreamers and realists, what are you?  Minelab tossed a few whizbang words at us on the Manticore and I feel a couple were more for marketing purposes. The Biggy, “50 % more Power”.  Well that’s saying a lot or maybe it’s not?  Is that like “50% more pleasure”, “last 50% longer”, you get to see 50% more, get to feel 50% more?  What is it exactly? Well I personally didn’t expect 50% to be as in DEPTH.  Sure it should have greater depth on some targets, but I’m not expecting 50%.  I know for a fact there are people who took that term used and have expectations of 50% more depth.  I feel the majority of those who think that…will be disappointed with the Manticore.


No, I did not find gold rings 50% deeper with the Manticore than what I have with the Equinox.  What I did find for depths similar to the NOX within an inch maybe 2, depending on targets.  I also seemed to find more ear rings and other smaller non ferrous pieces of jewelry with the Manticore and I feel the detector hits a little stronger on those and gold ring low conductors.  Again, this was my 1st ever use of this detector and I know from previous experiences that the more time on a machine I have the better my results.  It’s being able to learn and fine tune a detector that helps it shine, this 1st trip most certainly does not qualify.  But interestingly my finds did in fact turn out better and more gold rings than the previous 3 trips down.  Maybe the 50% more power equates to 50% more finds?  We’ll I can’t say that for certain, but it did in fact work out much better for me on this occasion.


FEATURES I LIKE – Compact, red iron ID indicator, adjustable backlight (worked well in underwater situations). I think the VIBRATE MODE will be a fun use for low light areas but I was kind of worried about the hours of detecting time and battery life between charges, so I decided to leave it OFF. On a side note, VIBRATE MODE will be big for those who always wanted to try MD’ing but can not hear at or or very well.  I recall a detecting trip to UK in the early 90’s and one of the guests was a deaf guy.  His White’s detector was modified to vibrate when swung over metal targets.  The finds this guy made was spectacular considering his disability.  Something I always admired about him and White’s Electronics.


Speaking of hours between charges.  Each day I averaged 6 hrs of hunt time and had no problems.  On 2 days I pushed it harder and ran 8 hrs.  I could see BATTERY INDICATOR was down to the last bar towards the end of those days.  Each evening I fully charged the battery so the next morning I was at full detect time.  If I were to go down to Cancum in the summer (yes I have done such), I don’t expect I could use the 1 detector for the full day hunt as the time of sunlight is 6 hours longer. Something to think about.



Other features I enjoyed of the Manticore


  • Larger VDI number readingIt’s much better and easier to read than that we were offered on the NOX.


  • Semi, Target size imaging.  It’s better than NOX but not as good as a couple other detectors on the market.  Reason I said “semi” is you can get an idea of a elongated target and know it’s not a ring or a coin.  But, in the ocean and under the ground, what is it?  Sometimes bigger could be a Rolex watch, cell phone, or gun.


  • 2D Target IdentificationYes I used it and in some situations quite a bit.  As well experienced water hunters know, like size/weight targets seem to congregate.  I’ve experienced 2 gold rings in 1 hole and in fact recovered 2 gold and a platinum in a hole one time a few years back with the CTX-3030.  I also used the 2 target ID screen on this trip and was able to recover a couple extra finds.  No I didn’t dig 2 gold in 1 hole, but I did manage many non ferrous targets mixed in with the iron coins so many countries are using, including the MX pesos.  No I don’t recommend you to use it everywhere in every situation, but realize your location and the targets you are desiring and if need be know the Manticore can do so.


  • Multi TonesI’m really big on Tone Identification and especially in situations where I don’t need to see the screen.  It saves me so much more time and no I’m to the point of just glancing at the ID screen to confirm what I expect, before I dig.  A couple swimming holes, after I was pretty much done cleaning out the lower tones (majority of gold related targets), I had 30 minutes or an hour left of the hunt. I would then go for sterling rings and chase high tones. With the Multi tones and the bigger target ID range of # readout on the Manticore, I was easily able to save more sterling.  I particularly recall 3 signals I called “SILVER RING” to myself before I recovered and they were just that.


  • Bigger range of target identificationSome folks will not like the extra digits of the 99 readout system on the Manticore as they now have a larger varience of targets they need to go after when chasing gold rings. The EQ-600 and 800 use a number system that goes up to 40.  The CTX 3030 VDI’s go up to 50.  The Manticore surprisingly.. and to my liking, goes from 0 to 99.  With the added number range, I was able to recover 3 wider band sterling rings that would have typically been passes by many other machines. To me a broader more range of ID #’s provides great knowledge and that adds to more treasures saved.  Nugget of Knowledge - When saltwater detecting modern resorts in tropical locations such as Cancun, the chances of scooping up a genuine real silver quarter, half or dollar are extremely rare.  Those 3 coins provide readings in the 90’s on the Manticore.  A standard US quarter reads upper 80’s.  The 3 sterling silver rings I recovered all have VDI readings in the 90’s.  The chances of finding bigger sterling rings at these locations are way better than 50+ yr old US big silvers.  Again, I adjust my style of detecting to the location, age and desired targets.  Manticores features are well worth it for me.


  • Iron Tone.  Love hearing iron targets below the coil as this tell me so many things.  1st, is the area is not totally hunted out. 2nd is if many iron targets (I encountered this around a particular area that I assume had an old pier at one time), I can slow down my sweep speed and try to pick out some non ferrous signals.  I was able to do this at a site, but non of the targets were gold.  I did remove a few low tones and just those targets still there provides the support to my thinking.  One thing I find interesting is the lack of a Negative # display on Iron.  Yes I can hear it, but when I see lower #’s in the 20/30’s I kind of hesitate and swing over a few more times trying to confirm the Iron Tone.  Guess I’m used to seeing the negative #’s of other detector models.



My Conclusion of this trip and the hours used on the Manticore.


  • Earring Magnet -  Not sure why but I was able to recover more earrings with the Manticore than many previous hunts.  Another observation and maybe it was just coincidental, but I could hear many of the earrings before I dug them and started to realize they were not a total ring round signal.  Yes, I’ve probably done it before but for some reason I noticed it with Manticore.  Most gold rings give same lower tone ID as many earrings, even earrings of cheaper metal (copper, brass, and even a few odd sterling earrings), but when I circled the gold ring, I was able to get clear repeatable response all the way around.  Many of the earrings, had a gap (or one way tone) when I circled.  Again, I could walk and not dig the target, but it just as easily could be an earring of precious metal and or even a diamond stone included.  Nugget of Knowledge - Hearing the shape of a target allows me the operator to decide if I want to go for or pass.  Knowing it’s not a round target is good info and on occasions this tip could save time for more desired round ring targets.


  • No water Egress - That’s right, I was able to use the detector fully submerged for hours on end each day and not one leak at all.  Yes I had to use additional accessory headphones, the 100% waterproof ones.  Does this mean the Manticore is never going to leak?  I don’t think so as after time and just like many other so called waterproof electronics, some seal will eventually fail.  But for now and I expect the near future, I don’t see any issues.  Now to be up front, the first two years and all the water hunts with my Equinox did not have any leaks.  Then one trip with a brand new machine (the backup), my wife wanted to join and the detector didn’t last 10 minutes.  The following trip my main unit went down after 3 days use on a 10 day hunt.  So far I’m happy with the upgrades to the Manticore seals, but to be honey, only time will tell.


  • Better ergonomics -  while swinging in the water with less drag than that of the big rods and housing on the CTX 3030.  Really close to the Equinox when using in same situation.  It’s hard enough swinging in water all day for multi day trips.  That’s one of the main reasons I left the CTX and have been using the NOX the last 4 yrs.


  • More Target Info - 3 ways to help Identify potential targets. A) "Iron target" indicator readout on the LCD screen is pretty helpful. B) The additional Tone Identification and C) Target Tracing is what I think puts this detector over the NOX.  I was a fan of the CTX-3030 back in the day and having some familiar features is great again. 


  • Depth/Performance vs NOX - On low conductor ring targets I think the Manticore and NOX are very similar and probably within an 1” maybe 2”, but having the additional ID features saves times so even if they were equal at depth, the Manticore would be my choice. Both machines like smaller low conductor targets and finer jewelry.


  • Depth/Performance vs CTX - On same low conductor ring targets.  CTX is clearly deeper.  I’ve dug pounds of gold rings and the CTX has produced results for me at times in locations that I just was amazed for being in saltwater environments. The only other really deep VLF category saltwater detector I feel is as deep as CTX is the Excalibur.  But because of the thick shaft, larger body housing and me getting older, I went away from the 3030 for this style of detecting.  I do feel the Manticore easily outperforms the CTX on a variety of jewelry finds and also when in iron infested sites.


  • Identifying Iron - The Manticore ID’s iron targets better than the NOX.  Interestingly, I dug the least amount of sunglasses and no cell phones on this trip.  Usually, I’m good for a half dozen or more pairs of sun glasses and at least 2 or 3 cell phones.  To me this is good as I was able to concentrate my time chasing the most desired targets.  Now if I wanted to collect sunglasses and cell phones, I could just as easily dug more of those targets, but the wasted time and energy would have provided less gold and diamond bling.  I have friends who sell their sunglass and cell phones all the time and on occasion they get more money that that of a gold band ring.  So does that make me right or wrong?  All depends on my task.


  • 50% More Power Did not equate to 50% more depth.  (I never expected that and or did Minelab say) In previous trips to same resorts I’ve been able to dig gold rings 8 to 10” with the Equinox and I don’t think any of these gold rings finds with Manticore were 4 to 6” deeper.  Again, I myself never expected to see great deals of depth to happen. I’m quite sure I did dig targets a little deeper and probably more of 1 to possibly 2” deeper range at the most.  Now realize, I’m still extremely new to the Manticore and I know as I learn it more, I’ll be able to squeeze more out of the machine.  It’s always been that way for me when something new comes out.


Here's a variety of pictures of the finds from this trip.  The VDI #’s showing on the screen are indeed the actual # reading of the detect that was taken after the target was found and is for educational purposes only.  Realize, a target at depth, in certain environments, or near other targets could easily change what the target reads under the surface.


Most of the 30+ rings below:



Below pic is 1st day digging different sounds and trying to dial in the Manticore.  Each day I was able to recover less iron as my confidence built up on the ID system.



Totally surprising but the best ring and the gold heart with diamonds were recovered that 1st day.



Wife has already claimed the heart with diamonds.



All pieces look to have come from necklaces.  Wonder why we are not finding more chains?



Interesting way to display the rings with a piece of dead coral.



This Jesus gold ring is very rich in color and may well possibly be 22K as the ring is extremely worn and no markings inside the band are left.  It's one of the more interesting gold rings I have saved.



Many small ear rings and bits easily picked up with the Manticore.  It loves small targets.  Be sure to keep the coil blat on the bottom and dig those repeatable low blip tones.



Gerry being Gerry.  Luckily no booger was in my nose.



52+ grams of gold is a pretty good haul for 1st time.  Most rings are 18K.



Boy does it sparkle.  I have 2 people already interested in buying it, but I honestly have never sold any jewelry.  I have no clue if $500, $1000, $1500 or more is a good price to accept.  Any of you ring hunting experts have a way to get a ballpark price.  It is 14K on this ring.



Total numbers for those who like to keep track.


5 cheap rings


5 Tungsten rings


12 sterling rings ( broke one and tossed it) and a half sterling.


11 gold rings but only 10 recognizable, 1 not.


Total of 33 rings


5 necklaces or bracelets 


28 earrings,  tossed some bigger cheap loop rings and didn’t even bring home.


10 necklace pendants, 2 are gold w diamonds 


Total of 25 pieces of sterling jewelry.


Total of 13 pieces of gold jewelry. 


Total of 38 pieces of silver and or gold (oddly, no platinum or palladium on this trip).


76 pieces of jewelry total came home with me and 1 pair of ladies Ray Ban sunglasses my wife has taken over.



Would I do it again and get a Manticore?


Am I happy I went out of my way to get the Manticore and stress myself over it arriving in time, thanks to others.  Yes, as I feel the additional gold and diamond finds from this maiden trip proved it worthy.

Do I feel you need to upgrade to the Manticore?  If you love your CTX 3030 and are young enough to swing it those long hours without fatigue and you realize some of the finer jewelry targets you are missing, then keep your 3030, wait for it’s rebuilt/redesigned replacement, which we know will eventually happen, just realize what will the cost be as you know Minelab $$$.


Do I feel the improvements and benefits of the features on the Manticore are worth the investment upgrade for most folks who own an Equinox 800?  Wowsers…that’s a tough one as I don’t know people's financial position.  I would put it this way.  If metal detecting is your passion and you can afford the upgrade, the Manticores capabilities is worth it. 


Yes I found more gold and diamonds on this trip than I have in quite a few years.  But the best ring was a surface target that most any saltwater detector could have recovered.  Now, does than mean those other detectors would have heard it?  Yes, I’m most confident they could....but...  Here is where you need to pay most attention though.  Because of the other features and upgrades to the Manticore, I was able to stay in the deeper water and get more/better target identification knowledge before I dug many targets, which in the long run saves time and energy.  I know for certain, a CTX 3030 would hear the rings, but the extra weight and energy lost swinging that fat shaft in the water would lose hrs of swing time.  Just as those cheaper $300 waterproof detectors, could hear some of the rings, even the beautiful diamond ring, but how much wasted time and energy am I digging of other unwanted targets?  So to say my little whatever model detector could have found it?  Yes that target on that day, but overall of the trip, I’m most certain the other machines would not have put as many total pieces of gold in my pouch. The bottom line and the facts are what they are and the Manticore was very successful for me on this trip.  I did come home with more beautiful memories, fantastic gold finds, sparkling bling and a worn out beat up body still finding sand in crevices you don’t want to see.  Yes the Manticore if for me.


I look forward to getting time on it for Old Coins, Relics and especially Prospecting.  But until that time comes, I will not say how good it does for those style of hunts I also enjoy.

Thanks for being patient while I was away and also since I returned last Thursday from the trip.  it's taken exactly a week to get mostly caught up.

Happy Hunting,  Gerry

Congrats on some really beautiful finds! Pretty impressive for the first time out with a new detector. Your objective feedback is appreciated!

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One hell of a good write up, even for those of us who aren't going to be using it for beaches. It's all good information to learn.

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Thanks Gerry for that impressive write up, glad I'm on the "Manticore list".:minelab:

Merry Christmas,


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Great report, Gerry.  I have two questions for you.

1.  You mention Semi, Target size Imaging before talking about the 2D Target Identification.  Exactly what are you referring to with Target Size Imaging?  And

2.  All those rings your found look brand new.  Are you sure you didn't visit the Cancun jewelry store and buy a few rings just to get us excited so you could sell more Manticores if they ever show up?  :smile: :ohmy:

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Good to see you have such a successful trip with Minelab's new offering, amigo…WTG!

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Gerry, thanks for saying that the audio volume is not enough for ocean water hunters.  Even using the best headphones available. The volume is not enough for people that dives.  Hopefully a software update can correct this problem.  And this is the only problem that the Manticore has that I have found being only an ocean hunter.

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Thanks Gerry.  I know you went to a place where others have been and you still did that good.  Impressive.

How many hunt hours does that represent?

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