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M8 & M15 Coils Price And Availability?


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On 3/21/2023 at 2:26 PM, UT Dave said:

 And no commnication.  Leaves one to wonder just what are they thinking.

- Dave

Lol early yesterday morning I spent bout 15 minutes trying to find Minelabs presidents e-mail I was gonna give him a nice rant about the accessory coils but that e mail address seems to be guarded fairly well. If they can come out with new machines then they can come out with the accessory coils...they do this on purpose and it's inexcusable... I can go on bout XP and their BS but I'll stop now...


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2 minutes ago, strick said:

Lol early yesterday morning I spent bout 15 minutes trying to find Minelabs presidents e-mail I was gonna give him a nice rant about the accessory coils but that e mail address seems to be guarded fairly well. If they can come out with new machines then they can come out with the accessory coils...they do this on purpose and it's inexcusable... I can go on bout XP and their BS but I'll stop now...


They always don't care about it and about you as the customer. I experienced it many times at the largest trade fair in Europe - IWA. You are not the point of interest. 

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My guess they are working on a software update and it would need to be tweeked for the 8 and 15" coils. What works as for a 11 inch may not work for the other sizes. One major software release and then the hardware will follow not to far behind.

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3 hours ago, CCadrin said:

My guess they are working on a software update and it would need to be tweeked for the 8 and 15" coils. What works as for a 11 inch may not work for the other sizes. One major software release and then the hardware will follow not to far behind.

Possiby.  Though I seriously doubt the software is held hostage by the coil designs or vice versa at this point, especially for "off nominal" accessory coils.  If a coil design is impacted by a SW tweak at this stage, what chance does it have to perform adequately in the infinite variability of environmental conditions.  Conversely, if the detector (signal processing) requires exacting coil dimensional tolerances as ML has claimed to explain the extra ribbing on the stock coil, then I shudder to think of the product performance variability resulting from Minelab's production vendor's demonstrated shoddy production quality.

The deal is probably that ML (unlike XP) outsources production and they simply haven't made the investment needed with their production subcontractor to spool up the assembly lines for the Manticore coils yet, probably because they are prioritizing the new Nox and Xterra Pro production lines because they will sell more of those cheaper units than Manticore coils.

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2 hours ago, strick said:

Lol early yesterday morning I spent bout 15 minutes trying to find Minelabs presidents e-mail I was gonna give him a nice rant about the accessory coils but that e mail address seems to be guarded fairly well.

They tend to use their name with a full stop, like john.rambo@minelab.com.au


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Personally i am glad Minelab did not wait to have all their ducks in a row with regards to coil availability before releasing the Manticore otherwise i would have missed out on the Australian summer and finding quite a few nice beach finds (lots more than i was finding with the Nox800).

Myself i wait for the dust to settle before diving into new size coils from Minelab and other coil manufactures - just not a priority for me.

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5 hours ago, VicR said:

Personally i am glad Minelab did not wait to have all their ducks in a row with regards to coil availability before releasing the Manticore otherwise i would have missed out on the Australian summer and finding quite a few nice beach finds (lots more than i was finding with the Nox800).

Myself i wait for the dust to settle before diving into new size coils from Minelab and other coil manufactures - just not a priority for me.

Yes....I got mine on January 11th, so I would have missed out on quite a few hunts with it by now had they not released some inventory when they did.

I'm going to get the 15" coil when it comes out for more beach coverage per swing and maybe some added depth. Hope it's not too heavy.

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It wasn't that they should have delayed the Manticore further, the good business sense thing to do would be to get the coils ready while the detector is getting eady, they seem to have a pattern of doing coils later than detectors in most cases as they don't focus on coils perhaps as much as they should.  Big money can be made in coils, very big money as Steve has already pointed out entire businesses with reasonable size facilities and dozens of staff have been built entirely around Minelab not being good at making accessory coils, all this is money they could have had.   Many of these aftermarket manufacturers only make coils for Minelab detectors.

They decided to focus on releasing a Nox 700 and 900 as well as an X-terra rather than the accessory coils for essentially their new flagship.  They failed miserably at it all as they didn't have enough stock of anything and still don't.  People have been waiting for 6 months for Manticores they'd paid for, not Minelab's fault entirely as dealers should never take money like that but Minelab are the ones that said it's coming, it will be soon etc so they can't not take some of that blame, and then if they did release them in quantity when for example I got mine everyone would have before Christmas when they expected to get them according to Minelabs marketing, we've all seen the Mark Laurie video where he said we should be able to have them by Christmas, and the marketing image saying they'll be by Christmas.

Releasing 20 detectors to marketing people masquerading as "testers" doesn't cut it, these people by the looks of it mostly received their detector when it was a finished product right around Christmas, they were not there to test anything, just to put videos on their Youtubes and Facebooks to help with advertising.  I guess by labeling them testers it makes their videos have a bit more credibility than as marketers.

I'm just waiting patiently for my coils, the first decent snow fall yesterday so my detecting time slows right down over winter/spring as skiing takes over for a until near the years end so I won't be needing them as much soon anyway.

On a brighter note and for a bit of a chuckle my wife just got back from a holiday to Australia, I didn't want to go, but while doing some food shopping she discovered they seem to be confused over in Australia as to what a chicken nugget is, perhaps it's inflation's fault with the looming recession but they're really going out on a limb with this one.



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