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Misadventures In Baja 2023


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That was a good read. Thanks for sharing.
Back in the ‘80s and ‘90s, I used to do my prospecting on a good trials dirt bike. Never dumped it in all the places I went. Had a little friendly competition with a guy on a 3 wheeler once. Who could get the farthest up a particular wash? The dirt bike was the winner when he got blocked in by big boulders. Easy to hide in the brush too. 😊 

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Great story, thanks for sharing! 

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I think I will stick to travelling in Australia, great stories from everyone, thanks. Over here we pay fees and licences, having travelled in Indonesia in "another life time" when I was young and brave, I'm familiar with the system that seems to operate in Mexico. A friend of mine, Carl, grew up in Monterey, now a native Tasmanian, he's told me many stories of his travels in Mexico. He found himself "talking" to the local policeman in a small town, when the policeman announced that it was Carl's lucky day and that he had arrived in town on the very day that it just happened to be the police mans "Ball' night and would he like to make a donation for the event ?

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Two Australians and an American were on a surfing trip in Baja, their bodies and burnt truck have just been found.

So sad and pointless.

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I took a long trip to Baja in the 90’s all the way south with a girlfriend and we camped out alone on the beaches. Everyone we met along the way were extremely nice and helpful, and most of all generous. We ran out our battery at one camp site and asked a local if he had jumper cables. He walked back from his house carrying a car battery and swapped mine out with it to get us started. It was his house battery from his solar system. I just assumed that he had a car, and didn’t even consider that his only vehicle may have been his fishing boat.  Another fisherman kept leaving live crabs at our camp each day and wouldn’t take money for them (we gave him our extra canned food when we left), and at another camp we had neighbors- a military unit arrived and set up a camp next to us and invited us to stay.  We had 24hour armed sentries posted on either end of the road leading to where we were and they’d politely say good morning and evening to us whenever we walked by them. They also set up what looked like some antenna poles up on the beach and to our surprise, they ended up being volleyball net supports and we played beach volleyball with them- have you ever played volleyball with fellow teammates who were still wearing their rifles? That was pretty fun.  Overall, people are just pretty nice in Mexico and it’s too bad there are more problems now down there, but it still does not represent the majority.

Thanks for the great write up Condor, it brought back some good memories!

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