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5 hours ago, Valens Legacy said:

Well do you know just how much it cost to ship those kangaroos to where I live?

I can get 3 cows for the shipping cost alone and they taste better than the roo's.

Obviously Sir you have never tried jerked Joey it's oh so tender and tasty.Roasted Dingo and frilled-neck lizards ain't bad gnawin either.

  • Haha 2
6 hours ago, Reg Wilson said:

What is it with this Yank obsession with eating bits of dried up dead cow? You lot thrive on the most disgusting stuff, and unfortunately many American fast food franchises operate here as well.

Reg, these days there are likely more expat South Africans in Aussie than there are left in South Africa so there can't be a butcher far from you that doesn't stock biltong and/or droewors (dried sausage). Ambrosia! Suspend disbelief and try some. Ostrich if you can get it.

On my trips (usually about a week and under pretty rough conditions) I tend to pack a couple of whole salamis, sardines, hard boiled eggs, oranges and dried fruit for the field. The biltong has usually disappeared within 200km of leaving home. Pasta and a variety of bottled sauces for camp. Always open to other ideas.....

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I don't usually do long outings, so a small bag of chips and an apple works for me. 

As for fluids, however, I learned a trick from my dad. He worked on a factory assembly line for 30 years, a brutally hot place without AC. He would take empty gatorade bottles, refill them with tap water, and place 4 of them in the freezer for work the next day. The then-frozen solid ice bottles would go in a small cooler, and viola -- ice cold water all day long. Works great for a hot day detecting, too!

  • Like 4
5 hours ago, Reg Wilson said:

The problem is that idiots outbreed those with a modicum of intelligence and are easily influenced by the avalanche of the worst of America (moronic television programs and junk food). We are becoming just an extra state of the USA and a puppet country that does what Uncle Sam dictates. Having been to America I have seen some of the poorer areas that are third world, with trash everywhere.

As an example we loyally follow the USA into each unjust and unwinnable war that our master commands, which other countries are smart enough to avoid. 

There are some great intelligent people in America that have contributed to world betterment, but don't kid yourself, there is a dark and dangerous, not very smart aspect as well, that the less intelligent of Australians identify with. We have perhaps more that our share of idiots here.

Perhaps you've forgotten but if it wasn't for the US Navy and our "Yank" air craft carriers (Battle of the Corral Sea),  you would likely be speaking Japanese today.............just a little remedial history lesson here

*Sorry for the politics Steve but he started it

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  • Thanks 3
27 minutes ago, glacialgold said:

He would take empty gatorade bottles, refill them with tap water, and place 4 of them in the freezer for work the next day. The then-frozen solid ice bottles would go in a small cooler, and viola -- ice cold water all day long.

I did that yesterday! Not for detecting yesterday because had a long round trip drive to SoCal from NorCal. Exactly what I do when going out detecting in warm weather.

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