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Linda,  This is a comforting verse for you and Jim:

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. 2 Timothy 4:7-8



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I feel that you have made the correct choice to the one that you love so much. Jim would have wanted to be at peace and free from pain before you had to watch him get worse.

You are a very strong woman to have made this decision for him and there is a special place in heaven for people like you when it is your time. I can only hope and pray that should I ever be in the same situation when I am married that my wife would do the same for me.

Jim will forever be able to do what he wants to do in heaven while he waits for you.

Please keep us posted and if you ever need a friend we are here for you.

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So sorry to hear this.  I always enjoyed the Alaska Gold Forum and all of Jims contributions to the gold mining community.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and Jim.

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Here is and update I received from Linda on Jims condition. Linda is very tired and sad. Thank you again for your kindness.


I am going to try my best to explain. They took his ventilator out today. It is true Jim  hasn't passed away yet. But I want to make it perfectly clear - he will pass away at some point. He isn't "ok". Yes he is breathing comfortably and he is relaxed. But this is because he is heavily drugged with morphine and some other strong drug. He isn't in pain. He is still comatose. That isn't going to change. But because he is breathing on his own, the dying process will be prolonged. They do not have him hooked to an IV. Nor are they feeding him through a tube. 

They will be moving him to a new unit so he will have more Palliative care. And because he is breathing on his own, it could take up to 3 weeks or more for him to pass.

To me, his condition has deteriorated since a few days ago when I saw him. He still responds to them suctioning his mouth out, but it is a much less of a response. He didn't respond to me at all. I don't really think he knew I was there.

I really don't know if I will go back until after he is gone to get his belongings. He IS NOT ALONE. Really he isn't, the nursing staff is in and out multiple times a day. And when they do anything to him, they talk to him. 

What will happen from here on or how long it takes is unknown. But I know in my heart he is getting the best care he can.


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Those are the sad moments which make me cry. We know it is the best for the beloved; but never is for them who love them. May the Lord give strength to you, Linda, and your family and take care about Jim. My deepest sympathy.?

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Linda’s latest email.


I have set up donations for Jim's burial:

To Jim's many friends and family

Please know that your support means everything to me as I navigate this painful time. Even though I realized his life was coming to an end after 80 years, nothing prepared me for it happening so soon. We both thought we would have a few more years together.

We did not even consider Jim going to surgery and not coming out feeling better and having more energy. However he never woke up. He had several small strokes during the surgery. As you may know by now, he is off life support and being kept comfortable till his body no longer can sustain his life. As hard as this time is, I are still continuing to honor his wishes as to where he is finally laid to rest and where he wanted that to be.

Many of you have reached out to me and have asked how you can help me during this time. I really want to honor Jim’s wishes and I plan to do everything I can to make his wishes come true. One of his long standing desires was to be buried next to his late wife Marcia. 

Someone has donated the plot for him, and another is building a casket. However, it is going to cost around another $5,000 more to actually get him laid to rest. If you are able to, and comfortable doing so, I would really appreciate any donation, big or small, towards fulfilling his desire to be buried next to Marcia.

Funds for his funeral cost may be sent to: https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8WcvSEZEvi


Thank you again for your support during this time.


With appreciation,

Jim Foley’s, wife Linda

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Jim “Alaska”Foley passed away last night. Good by my friend. I will have a toast to you along the Klamath River while prospecting this fall.


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