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18 Ouncer... No Detectorprospector ;)


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NICE nugget! 


Hope the link works and most can access Facebook. I'm not one of the smart folks who can copy/convert/move the video somewhere else ;)

if you can't get the video... It's an 18 ounce nugget, found by Oscar. Under a boulder on bedrock in Woods Creek, Jamestown, CA! 

I met Oscar a couple years back. I was prospecting Woods Creek actually, and this scrubby dude rides up on a mountain bike. No prospecting equipment, just one hell of a motor... Mouth :)

He told me about his secret spot. He took his buddies there with all their gear... All he used was a screwdriver & tablespoon. He said he got more gold than they did?!? He proceeded to tell me about "xx" nugget from here, "xxx" nugget from there... 

Seemed like some pretty big fish stories from some "supposed prospector" riding by on a bike!

so, I'm not saying all those stories were true, but this one sure seems to be!!! And he never told any stories this crazy....

Photos from same Facebook page for those that don't Facebook.

Groucho the dog giving the ole miners test :)




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Guys now if I had found that I'd been telling that story over and over again. Then each time I told it that nugget would gain  so much weight it be more like a fishing story. But this one didn't get away.

It just shows you they are still out there.


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We'll never see the best nuggets.  We'll never know for sure the location of the best nuggets we see.

I've found a couple of nice nuggets and showed a few friends where I got them and there sure are a lot of new claims all around those areas now! (None of them mine.)

This is an old game and I'm a new player.


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