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Going To New Zealand

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Ah ha, Mn you came downunder to get an Algo.... love it. Keen to hear how you go with it, I hope you relocated Phrunts 12"X GPX coil into your bag.😉

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Now in Paeroa!  The trip is coming to a close.

I'm back with relatives and will have dinner in Auckland on Saturday.  Other than landing at the airport, I haven't been there.  Everything has been country and mountain roads.

I've passed through lots of places I don't know anything about so I'll look at my pictures and a bit of Wikipedia later and then know more about what happened there.

We've hit a couple of really nice playgrounds for the kids.  The one today was in Hamilton.  When leaving we had a great choice of takeaways to choose from.  Pretty good stuff really.

The exchange rate makes the food here about the same that I'd pay in California (when I left) but I've read about the bump ups in both food and gas.  Most gas here is between $2.75-$2.91 NZ per liter for 91.  I'm using a Toyota that gets better mileage than my cars in California.  We went one stretch where there was no gas for over 100 miles.  I was glad to pay $3.14 when I got to that station!

Lots of things seen and many things to consider.  If I ever made another trip to NZ I won't have to drive everywhere, that is for sure.

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5 hours ago, Norvic said:

Ah ha, Mn you came downunder to get an Algo.... love it. Keen to hear how you go with it, I hope you relocated Phrunts 12"X GPX coil into your bag.😉

10" GPZ   🫡

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15 hours ago, Norvic said:

Ah ha, Mn you came downunder to get an Algo.... love it. 

And to personally hand deliver Phrunts new F19. MMMMmm Sounds like a war plane. War on gold?


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I probably won't use the F19 for gold, although upon firing it up and trying it out with the Nel Snake I must say the 19kHz Fishers have always been pretty impressive and it's easy to forget after having the Bugs in the cupboard for a few years, detectors like the GB2 and Equinox 800 will hit smaller gold, but how small is too small? For me I love finding the tiny stuff for the challenge of it all, it virtually has no value so it's not something everyone would waste their time doing, I'm never bothered about that, none of my gold has value as it's never getting sold.  

They like our milder NZ soil too, and get pretty good depth on nuggets, Justin at the gold shop in Arrowtown talked highly of his time using Gold Bug's right from the first one and the masses of gold he found with them.   We have the advantage here of not having to worry about ground balance, the Bug hits the ground running and just works so losing performance due to the ground isn't such an issue.  

The key to the 19kHz detectors from FT and small gold performance is the threshold, it has a sweet spot, too high and you lose performance, too low and you lose performance, you have to get it just right, you quickly learn with air testing the just right position so it's not a challenge to work it out, but it's a necessity to get it right for best results.

Something we will never know is if gold we found with one model detector would have been found with another, I think I'd do alright with the F19 on gold and doubt I'd miss much that I'd find with the Nox or GM1000.

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12 hours ago, mn90403 said:

10" GPZ   🫡

Mighty coil, you`ll enjoy. Wack a spiral wound Mono coil of same weight on the Algo and it`ll compete. Be probably 13/14" round. Just a bit of old fella food for thought.  😉

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What brand do you recommend?  

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Love to have a spiral X coil, but the only spiral wound I`ve tried is the 12" round NF Evo, and a 11" DIY spiral I`m currently trialling, the Evo is magic on the Algo right up there biting on the 6K & Zs heels.

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Made a trip to Auckland yesterday.  Ate some of the green mussels and will be back in Los Angeles the same day I leave here.  

I leave here at 1 PM and get to LA at 6:30 AM!

Thoroughly enjoyed the trip.  I'll get a total on the miles/kms when I turn in the van.

Thanks Simon, JW and New Zealand.  I've got a feeling I'll be back.

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Over the middle of the Pacific as I type. Can't work on uploading pictures and don't really want to try. I'll do that another time. Too many to think about now. 

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