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Update On Dalas™ Rod - Youtube Video Showing How This System Works.

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Take a gander at the YouTube video.  The first load is on the boat headed this direction.  Instructions on how to put it together and the whys and hows.  Explaining the unique design of the way it works.

Thank you for your patience.  -Doc


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When will the Dallas be available on your site @Doc ???

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So for 9 yrs you've been holding out and making us old guys wear our bodies down, run out of steam and then quit the hunt early.  You've probably been using it the whole time, until your friends called you out "extortion ". You had no choice then, so the cat is out of the bag.

One of my biggest issues with the GPZ-7000, weight....and that attempt at their exoskeleton harness.  

Doc, Minelab just needs to put you on their payroll so we get the right fit, feel, tools and accessories from the get-go. 

Now, I'm excited about swinging that Beasty 7 again... when I have Dalas.  I'm sure it's not going to cost $1000 like those coils so many folks purchased, just so they could swinging the 7 again. 

Looking forward to it. 

BTW, when Michelle and I come visit Vegas, we'll be in the pool, your pool.

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Quick, not sure if you’ve swung a GPZ 7000 with the Hip Stick on extended hours and combined days on a hunt!  The Hip Stick does pull on your Shoulder.  Doc’s DALAS transfers that stress to the Waist Line Clip.  As a beat up old guy, I’m looking forward for that Slow Boat!


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4 hours ago, Quick said:

Looks like a way over complicated version of Chris Porter’s Hip Stick. 
In what way is the Dalas Rod a improvement over the Hip Stick?

Let me first preface my comments by saying this.

Chris Porter is a dear friend of mine.  He has purchased many of my Swingy Thingy's over the years and bungees to sell with the Hip Stick when a customer needed them. There has been thousands of Hip Sticks sold, and detectorists love them.  So they have helped the industry tremendously.  However, Chris no longer produces the Hip Sticks and he sold the rights to Jonathan Porter.  I was a dealer for the Hip Stick.

These things I am going to point out are not a slam on the Hip Stick, they are just facts.  The fact that things evolve is just  historical innovation and development. We still have cars today, but they look nothing like the Model T.  What does a car do today that a model T didn't do.  They still get you from point A to B.  The question is, how do they get you there?  As you have said, "How is it an Improvement?"

My Original Swingy Thingy is not as good as the Ultra Swingy Thingy.  Does that mean the original is no good.  No, it is still available.  It just means the design has evolved and been improved.  I have been through many improvements of the bungee cord.  The Quick Adjust Bunge, then the Qweegle, now the Qwipple.

So let me tell you the things that make the DALAS different than the Hip Stick and a significant improvement.

So on to the IMPROVEMENTS of the DALAS™ over the Hip Stick

1.  Every part of the DALAS has been custom designed with original parts. We do not use any existing items that we have tried to adapt to be used for a purpose they were not designed for.
2.  The Hip Stick is notorious for the ball jumping out of the pivot, and to that end many people have tried to modify that short coming.  The DALAS does not have that problem.
3.  The Hip Stick is stiff and it can restrict movement when bending over.  I know, I use to use one.  The DALAS rod moves with you, you'll never know it's there aside from its amazing ability to transfer weight.
4.  You must guess what length of the Hip Stick you need.  If it's too short, you have to send it back to exchange it.  I can't tell you the number of customers that had to swap out the Hip Stick for a different size because they one they ordered just was not working.  Get it too short, and it pulls on the shoulder strap instead of transferring the weight.  Too high and it's right next to your face.  The DALAS is fully adjustable.  There is no need to guess what size you need.  It is fully customizable to your weight and height.
5.  The Hip Stick connects directly to the "D" ring on your hydration pack or back pack.  It is FIXED.  It has no ability to move with you.  It is FIXED at the "D" ring it is FIXED at the waist and those two points are joined by a straight inflexible tent type fiberglass rod.  The DALAS has a unique SLIDE CLIP.  It allows the DALAS rod to move freely up and down.  It does not restrict movement because it moves with you.  It does not use a straight rod do a direct transfer of weight.  It uses ergonomically designed curved struts that redirects the weight similar to a block and pully system so you never notice the weight.  It pushes the back of your waist band away from your body parallel to the ground.  The Hip Stick directs the force at a 90 degree angle towards the ground.  It works with the force of gravity to push your pants down. 
6.  The Hip Stick directly transfers the weight of the detector to your waist.  You feel the force.  This pushes your belt or waist band down.  If it transfers the weight directly down, if you were to fall and manage to hit the bottom of the Hip Stick just right it would transfer the force directly up and could cause injury.  The DALAS transfers and redirects the weight back.  If you fall you would be hard pressed to figure out a way the DALAS rod would ever injure you because of the Slide Clip.  The place the force is transferred to is your back.  in use, the paddle pushes your waist band out and away from your back.  If you fall on it, it does nothing but go back to the resting position flat against your back which does not transfer the force back towards your face.
7.  The DALAS comes with a High Tech Bungee system.  The Hip Stick has no bungee included.
8.  The difference between what a Hip Stick does, compared to a DALAS rod does it like asking, what if I take a rope through an eye bolt mounted in the rafter of my garage and hook up a 500 lb load and try to lift it. vs What if I use a block and pully system that redirects the weight of that 500 lb load?  It's a matter of managing the weight in a more productive and efficient manner.

Other than that they are exactly the same. 🤣


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By the way, I am getting the question, How Much?  This is not carved in stone, so give me a little grace.  I never know what Customs is going to whack me.  The DALAS rod by itself, not including the strap which will be an optional accessory I am anticipating, $129.95.

Yet another difference between the Hip Stick and the DALAS.  You can buy three Hip Sticks for the price of one DALAS™.


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Gang, here is a device invented by a buddy of mine in Australia.  He really put a lot of work into it. This is about his 5th generation.  I gave him some input on it and he made several modifications.  Does it work?  Would I use it?  Is it over-engineered?  Is it expensive?  The answer to all of the questions is "YES."  Is it practical?  DEBATABLE.

If you were going to swing the 19 inch GPZ7000 coil all day long.  I'd say give it a go.  However, I would suggest you have someone else along to help you dig.  Because this is not the rig you want to be wearing when you are banging away at the ground with a pick and getting down on your knees.

Also something that really freaks me out is that sharp metal leaf type metal right next to my face.  So I would probably only use this on the flat, to try and avoid any possibility of suffering a slip and fall.

I really admire the work and ingenuity put into this device.  But for the average detector prospector, I would think this is a bit much too much.  (CORRECTION:  I should say for the average Detector Prospector in America.  Because I have noticed a lot of the detecting in Australia the terrain is relatively flat compared to the gullies and ridges we deal with here in America.  I had a good buddy visit from Australia and I took him detecting, literally within 60 seconds of getting out of the truck he backed into a cactus.  Fifteen minutes later he was winded from walking up and down ridges.  (He's a smoker.) 30 minutes later he turned his ankle pretty bad.  He said "Mate you have to be a goat to detect over here.")  

By the way I took the picture with the entire pool in the background so Gerry and Michelle will know there is plenty of room for Michell's floating lounge chair and Gerry's little inflatable arm floaties.  😅




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