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Two Stolen Gpzs In Yuma


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5 hours ago, Swegin said:

Strange we drive to Hermosillo at least once a month for the past 4 years never have we been stopped going into mexico but always on the way out.     

Because your vehicle hasn't been reported as "stolen". You would be surprised how many fixed, real time cameras that are posted on the freeways (usually over-passes)  but often the larger avenues on stoplights headed south within 10 miles of the international border crossing. Monitored by the government constantly, plenty of time for the highway patrol to make a stop.

Even when stolen cars make it across, they are more difficult to move these days even in Mexico. Easier to hide a couple $20,000 detectors which  likely have had  buyers in the waiting.

I feel bad for these guys having their detectors sacked. I would like to think that the perps were a couple of local opportunistic punks that will soon make a mistake and get pinched.

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10 hours ago, Swegin said:

 The thief or thieves knew what they were doing, they must of followed you guys.  I doubt that your detectors are in Mexico, my reasoning for that is that the police found your vehicle a mile a way.  It would be too easy to just drive your car into Mexico.


You know, lot of chance that's exactly right...pretty gutsy to steal a truck out of a driveway, right next a camper likely to have a guy sleeping in it while not knowing what was inside only to dump the truck...were you plugged in? Sure sounds like someone had a bead on you from someplace local.

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it is gutsy...modern thieves have little fear.

In my case they took everything from my trooper, camper and small shed.  They did this while we were sleeping in the middle of the night .  Even if they made a little noise they know the amount of noise in a city make people learn to ignore most sounds...otherwise I and most people would never sleep.

Now, before you ask...I have never said I am smart...so, in my country boy way nothing was locked-stupid to be that trusting. You can believe that was a life altering event...

The insurance adjuster gave me that HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID look...but they paid off. I actually recovered about 80 % of my losses...

live and learn!


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You know ... (here it comes Paul) ... all of this chat about your detectors.  Shouldn't you be more worried about all of that gold that you had just found?  Must have been pounds of it, right?

It won't take long for you to find enough to pay those two detectors off.

On another note, I guess you were sleeping with all those other detectors and that is why they didn't get them?

Inquiring minds want to know.  (I just bet someone knew there was something good in the truck and that is why you were a target.  I'd be suspicious of locals more than a random hit.)


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omg Paul, I am so sorry and Pissed to hear about that. this county and the losers in it get worse all the time. I don't have a gpz, but if you get back in my area you can borrow my gpx 5000, anytime. if you still have my Pick, you have my permission to whack the bad guys up side the head if you find them. hit them a few times for me too. I hope they catch those thieves.

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I can't stand a thief!!  I had a 1st cousin that was always into mischief.  He had been in and out of jail so many times he basically had his own cell.  In the summer of 2016, he and one of his thug friends broke into a house that they thought was ripe for the picking. Instead, of stuff they could steal, they found an armed homeowner with a shotgun.  Boom!  That ended his reign of theft.  Undertaker couldn't fix him enough to have an open casket. He got what he deserved IMO. I may take some flak for saying it, but if more people would put thieves in the ground, then the ones left living might consider a career change since the stakes are so risky.  Because as in the case of my cousin, just sitting in a jail cell for a while for stealing, doesn't do any good.

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On 1/25/2017 at 10:40 PM, mn90403 said:

...(I just bet someone knew there was something good in the truck and that is why you were a target.  I'd be suspicious of locals more than a random hit.)


Good call and strong possibility, Mitchel.. I had exactly that happen about 15 or + years ago except it was a "borrow", not an outright theft..

I needed to be out of town for a long two days, one overnight.. Asked my neighbor to keep half an eye on the place cos I was expecting a FedEx n for him to grab-n-stow if it showed so it wouldn't sit on the porch..

It never dawned on me that when I asked him I did so in the presence of his oldest kid, a cocky punk and known petty thief.. Normally it wouldn't have mattered that or what he overheard except $$s were tight for me at the time, so along with a couple other services I'd put my security monitoring on hold for a while -- which they knew about..

A few days later I go to hop on my scoot and notice the trip meter is showing 243 miles.. Perhaps to some riders that would mean nothing but I'm downright obsessive about resetting when fueling up; it's the very first thing I do upon rolling to a stop at the pump.. And even on the off-chance I had forgotten once there's still no way it could possibly read 243 miles because in order for me to make it that far I need to gas up twice; I for sure would have reset it then..

This brings me to a roaring stop.. I start looking around the garage -- and notice one of the garage door track wheels is sprung.. Friggin' paper mache garage doors..! Now not only do I know why the garage door has been opening a bit funky lately I also know exactly what happened.. Junior had taken a liking to my bike and once asked me if he could take it out for a spin.. I'd told him no.. Guess he didn't like that answer too much.. I never found out if he stupidly didn't reset the mileage or if he purposely left it that way as a message to me.. Knowing him I'd go with -- welll, no, could be either..

But I did find out for sure it was he who took it out, because I called his old man and had him n the kid come over so we could have a little chat.. At first it was deny, deny, deny, with his dad defending him too.. But the evidence to the contrary was overwhelming.. The dad never made the kid actually admit it to me, just sent him home to be "dealt with later.."

Then the guy turns to me and wants to run the "no harm no foul" thing.. I told him I'd be good with that, just as soon as they straightened or replaced the bent garage door rail.. I'm still waiting, and have to deal with that one track wheel popping out n jamming things up every now & then.. The friendship..? What friendship..? They've long since moved anyhow.. And gas out of the vans hasn't been stolen since then either..

Anyhow, I think Mitchel's words are more odds-on than one may otherwise like to believe.. I'd say taking a harder look around your neighborhood and at local 'knowns' should not be ruled out..


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