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Uav-drones For Gold Prospecting

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Prior threads on the subject:

    Is there anyone on here that use a Drone to survey
    the area you plan on nugget hunting are coin hunting?
    I was thinking about getting one to look over land
    that has a lot of trees that could have... 
    You guys have great Google Earth coverage down
    here. It is nearly useless in Alaska and I would have
    been thrilled to have this alternative. As it was I
    was lucky enough to have a father with an... 
    I wish they had been a bit more adventurous with
    distance from base camp with this but it gives at
    least an idea of the possibilities.... 
    Who's going to be the first to use a drone scout
    up that wash that you'd love to hike up but crap
    it's warm your old it's nearly vertical geewhiz I still
    like to have a look! 
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Idaho Gold,

  I have just started getting into using a drone for prospecting... Here is a small example of finding some good bedrock using my drone...



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I gave up on my drone because it was too much work to pack around and all the mods I had to make to get good distance kept breaking.

But that new Mavic Pro looks pretty sweet. It packs down to nothing and gets great range out of the box, I'm waiting for a price drop and thinking about getting one for work in the mountains the summer where hiking would take too long. The thing I wonder is if you can point the camera straight down so you can make custom aerial maps, that was the thing I really liked doing with the P2 but the stitching software won't work if the camera isn't straight down and some gimbals stop at like -170 degrees or something.

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Hey Jason....

  The new drones are pretty easy to carry, that DJI Mavic looks awesome, and can be carried in a backpack, and has a line of sight range of 4-5 miles. The drone Im using is a Yuneek q500 , and has a 4k camera that moves, and has a range of 1-2 miles line of sight. If I spot something interesting on a hard to get to location, top of hill, ect.. they will be handy. I am also going to use it this summer while out fishing off the coast of San Diego looking for floating kelp patties, where the tuna love to hang out.

  I ran into a guy out in BFE out near Alamo, NV. while hunting for meteorites, and he was using a drone with a Thermal camera, hunting for caves on the side of some limestone cliffs.

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Wow! I must say that's better than a shotgun, but not quite as good as the eagle scene in The Hobbit.  ? 


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