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Unexpected Way To Pay For The 19" Coil

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So you have the best detector with the arguably deepest punching coil there is. I've been throwing it around since it came out. In the beginning I had it on for as long as possible but it was late in the season over here and the summer heat halted the crusade.

I had not had a single signal .. nada, niete, halemaal niets (well one then - a f&*@ing tree root... on my first day out - see my initial run with gpz 19 thread).

The season started a few months ago and I've become a bit more strategic with it. I was only chucking it on when I knew or thought we were in deep ground.

So I'm out with the boys and on a spot that has had a lot of gold come off it (a lot means a lot). The ‘girls’ decided they would sleep in as we detected until 1am the night before. "You snooze you lose" comes to mind so I'm up at 6am and into it with the 19".

The area had a fair few hot rocks (even with the 19") and then I came across a confusing signal. Definitely not a screamer but got me mildly excited. Scraped away with the boot and the signal was gone. Bugger another bloody hot rock. The sound just made me hesitate and I thought just check it out. There was a small hot rock and I still thought there was something going on - it just felt wrong. I grabbed a few more rocks and found one with a signal. It was covered in shit and I was expecting to see the classic black of an ironstone hot rock. Rubbed it and it was a dark brown and I thought, "I'm in here". Cleaned it up on the spot as best I could and was scanning like a madman to see any speck of colour. After about 30 seconds of scanning there it was - the tiniest speck on the outside. Relief .......

I hammered the area for another half hour then went back to camp. Strategically making just enough noise to get the girls stirring, they arose. "Get any? The call comes from sleeping quarters. "Well yes I did", and threw it to him. The grim look on his face said it all - "he's beaten us". The specie's from this spot had generally been running at 1/3 of the weight of the specie. This one was 68g so the prediction was a 20g specie. The plot thickens...........

At the end of the day the boys were a bit demoralised as they had nothing to show, and of course I reminded them of this fact. Out of interest I threw the specie down for my mate to check with his 4500. Barely a murmur, you would walk over it with the 4500. Initially, the look was one of OMG, I can't hear this specie and I could have walked over 30 of these today and would never have known ...... Then it turned too - "mate there's a gram in there at most". They kicked back laughing and joking for the rest of the night happy in the knowledge my potential win was actually a huge loss.

I got home and went through the specie procedure to estimate the weight (great calculator at http://www.gold-prospecting-wa.com/gold-in-quartz.html). Whoops, it's 20.9g of gold .........

I gave it a whack. There is gold all through it ...... I just about cried laughing and fired off a few pics for the lads to digest.

The worlds biggest and best detector with the largest coil with massive depth gets a bloody floating specie ..... the irony is, well, ironic.




specie 1.jpg

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 Mr. Bada Bing;

 Please do not expect an invitation from me to go prospecting. I love sleeping late and hate getting skunked. And then you would have the nerve to post your success on the premiere prospecting forum!

 Congratulations on your find anyway.

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I got 5g of little stuff as well ... beat them twice .... oh the humanity .....

I thoroughly enjoy my wins as they do not come often with the blokes I detect with. They would have 50+ years combined experience. I'm a noobie compared to that.

Of interest - the 4500 had a 17" evo coil on it. That coil has really impressed me and is a great coil on big and small gold.

This just illustrates the difference between the 7000 and other detectors on finely disseminated gold.



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WOW...:ohmy:... What great find... Congrats...

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Thanks for sharing your story. Don't let up on your mates, follow up with a photo of a nice 20 gram button.

My experience with the 19" is the same as yours, so hopefully in a few weeks I will scrub a hot rock out of the way the same. Were you in High Yield or Difficult.

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