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Big Nugget Found With GPZ 7000


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That gives gold fever for sure.:smile:

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Fantastic find Rob.  Could not have happened to a better guy, as you have put your time in my friend and those who do, a small % of you will find than Whopper.  Hats off to you joining the 1 Pound Club, it is a small club to begin with.  Hopefully it is not the biggest you ever find, but I know that one will be a tough one to beat.  GPZ is an amazing Minelab and I heard if we purchase one from you, you'll take us out there?  Yes I would purchase one from you too...LOL


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Hey Gerry,

  I like that picture and Thank You very much.  It was interesting how it was found.  I have to Thank the Great Lord above, as I really think it was found at a perfect time with a great friend with me.  Yes, beating a 1 Pound solid nugget will be hard in the US, as I have been searching for over 20 years for this piece.  I would love to beat it, as anyone would, but my goal is really accomplished. 

I know you have found some great whoppers also and you deserve it.  I think there is a reason why some find them and others don't.  I believe it has to do with a lot of hard work, research, boots on the ground and even a bit of Karma could help! :biggrin:

I'm a firm believer, if you go around helping others to the best of your ability, things always seem to come back your way at some point, maybe not so much in material things.

Thanks for all the comments.  Continue to search, its out there!

P.S.  Lunk - We need to get another trip scheduled at some point.  It was fun the last time we hunted together with the SDC's.

Steve - Thanks for the comments!

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