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Information About Coil - Minelab 18” Super Goldsearch?

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I just bought on eBay this coil minelab "super goldsearch 18". I bought it as a project for the tdi.
I showed it to a friend with many years in the hobby, he told me that he had seen it many years ago and that he remembers it for the "beautiful design". It looks like the lid of a garbage can.

According to when it was manufactured, it was a very expensive coil, designeg for the SD,  but it has no more information.
Does anyone know anything about this coil?


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Hey Hispana.   I`ve got one and used it with my 5000.   I found it to be a increadably stable coil with good sensitivity.   Back in those days it used to feel like I was swinging a barbeque plate because of the weight,  but I`m guessing if I were to use it today it would feel light compared to the 19" coil on the 7000. Dave

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It's good news to know that performance is not as bad as the appearance, but it definitely needs a facelift.
Thanks guys.

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