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Today’s Nox Nuggets


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8 hours ago, phrunt said:

That's great to hear Gold 2 performed so well for you Lunk.... And here we all were thinking Gold 1 had the best settings and thinking we were Noxing as good as it gets!  I will be lowering my iron bias to nill from now on too in our gold areas,  they are relatively junk free except for shotgun pellets but iron bias isn't going to help there anyway.

We live and learn, now I know recovery speeds being slower give better depth ground permitting.. 

I seem to learn something new almost every day on this forum.

I assume you've even had the Zed in that spot and missed that 0.7 grammer? stunned by that.

if you are hunting in a creek, then find those shotgun pellets with your detector and you will likely find black sand and gold since those lead  pellets are heavy. At least that worked for me in hunting gold in North Georgia. This is how we located gold bearing areas in the small creeks to dig for our panning.

another thing i do with my nox 800 and six inch coil when looking for gold is to take a small nugget in vial and bury it in the gravel and adjust my settings to get the very best response from that small nugget. Because adjusting settings on a known target in the area you hunt gives you the best settings for the hunt that day. This is because your detector is measuring the difference between your target and the ground that you are actually hunting.


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8 hours ago, kiwijw said:

hat settings can you get away with running your Zed? 

Kiwi, I can run the Zed pretty much wide open here too in most spots; it’s a mystery.

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16 hours ago, Lunk said:

Exactly my strategy today, Steve.

Nice nuggets, btw.

Nice but small, and that's the point. I can easily hit bits of gold weighing under 1/10th grain (480 grains per ounce, so 1/4800th ounce) which puts the Equinox with 6" coil squarely in the league of the best VLF nugget detectors when it comes to tiny gold, and in mild ground you can get PI like depth on larger gold with the 11" coil.

My GPZ is still my bread an butter gold detector, but my Gold Monster has not been used at all this year as I prefer the extra control and features offered on the Equinox. Most of all I like the fact that the Equinox is deceptively simple but as you learn more about it there always seems to be more to learn. The power is there in spades - it's just trying to control it in high mineral gold prospecting scenarios that is challenging. Especially with the 11" coil - the 6" coil is far easier to tame.

The Equinox is still the best all around detector I have ever used, and it just keeps getting better the more I use it.

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20 khz and 40 khz serve to tone the Equinox down for situations where Multi-IQ is too powerful. The single frequencies can not only tame some difficult EMI situations but can mellow the machine out when dealing with some bad ground or hot rocks. I find 20 khz in particular to be quite useful. These would be in areas with mineralization far more intense than what you encounter Simon. In your case Multi-IQ is probably all you will ever need.

I have been very hesitant to say much about the Equinox as a nugget detector. Nugget hunters tend to get stuck in their ways and to favor what they are used to. Equinox requires out of box thinking and even with the addition of the 6" coil the coil selection is not optimal for nugget hunting. Long story short I figured if I did my typical get people all stirred up thing about Equinox as a nugget detector, then far too many people would get it thinking it is a magic wand. Some like to overdrive VLF detectors in bad ground and then post videos of how they suck. Look at the blowback the Gold Monster got and still gets from people that do not understand the intent of the detector and how to run it properly. It just seemed like something I would be best off laying low on and letting the machine reveal itself more slowly over time.

So while I have extreme faith in what can be achieved with the Equinox when nugget detecting I am going to avoid the soapbox on the subject. There are too many people using the Equinox already anyway! :smile:

Nugget detecting is easily the most technical aspect of metal detecting, with VLF nugget detecting in bad ground being a true challenge of any persons detecting knowledge. I am trying to write an article for Treasure Talk right now giving basic guidance on nugget detecting with the Equinox. It is frustrating and I am on my third rewrite. It is very hard in a short article to try and explain exactly how to arrive at the best settings while nugget detecting even with a simple detector. With the Equinox I currently have three distinct methods for nugget detecting, with nearly endless variations of the fine tuning for each method. I could write a book on the subject, and am trying to get it all into about 1500 words.

It is easy to just provide settings for a certain situation. But every situation is different and requires the ability to listen to what the machine is telling you about the ground, and then being able to arrive at settings that best quiet the ground while giving up as little power as possible. A person has to know the controls, what they do, and how they interact. For me now it is all second nature. Yet when I try and put it into words it is like trying to describe to somebody who has never walked on two legs exactly how to do it. We all walk around without thinking about it, but it is an incredibly difficult thing we are doing. That is what VLF nugget detecting is like for me - very easy to do but very hard to describe in simple words.

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1 hour ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I am trying to write an article for Treasure Talk right now giving basic guidance on nugget detecting with the Equinox.

I don’t envy you that task Steve, but if anyone can do it, you certainly can. I for one am really looking forward to reading that Treasure Talk blog, so thank you in advance. 

As far as I know, there’s not a book on the market dedicated solely to gold nugget detecting with the EQX; such a publication, authored by you, would be a welcome boon to those of us using the Nox in that capacity. I’m just suggesting that you think about it, that’s all.?

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Lunk, Those are amazing finds with the NOX and I can't wait until we get down South this winter.  You are taking the NOX to a next level.  Just think how good you'll be when you get it figured out...LOL.  You are certainly one who enjoys testing and comparing.  Keep it up and thanks so much for sharing. 

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