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Will We Ever See New Coils For The Equinox?


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Now that the 6" is readily available, and the 15" is trickling out, what, if anything, is next?

It seems like Minelab is finally listening to their customers, will we see the coveted 5x10" closed DD for relic hunting and gold prospecting ?

I don't really care if Minelab makes it or Mars, NEL, or anyone else for that matter as long as it works.  

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It would be really sweet if Mars could adapt their 6x10 sniper coil for the Equinox.  I have tried many other aftermarket coils but for me Mars coils are it for performance, light weight and a wide variety of available sizes.

I have an X-Terra 705 and the only reason it is staying in the arsenal is the increase in overall performance it has shown using Mars coils.


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This has to be one of the hottest machines ML has introduced.   This machine screams for additional coils and BETTER headphones as accessories if nothing else.   This is a multi use machine... not a lot like it.  Theres money to be made in accessories...... but then ML seems to be awfully slowwwwwwwwww in getting anything out.  CS has drmaticly improved ..... one of our complaints has been addressed.   Unless they plan on introducing an updated Nox to replace the CTX (which the Nox almost has already) then coils and headphones are the obvious choice to improve the machine.

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12 hours ago, Cal_Cobra said:

...Will we see the coveted 5x10" closed DD for relic hunting and gold prospecting ?

I don't really care if Minelab makes it or Mars, NEL, or anyone else....

From my observation, very few 3rd party aftermarket coil manufacturers make closed coils.  The exceptions that come to mind are the Cors Point (5" round) and Shrew (3.5" x 6.5") -- same as NEL Sharp and Snake.  Other than that...???  With the expected sales for Equinox coils, though, I doubt they would hesitate at developing a closed eliptical of the 5-6" X 9-11" size.  If I get into gold hunting (finding out soon) I'll buy one.

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Small 5 "and 3.5x6.5" coils can be closed with epoxy and keep low weight ... Coils 5-6 "x9X10" and 6X8 "require different design to maintain low weight. Equinox is also 6 "the coil very deep detector .., so how to close the coil for gold prospecting I would see something like 4.5-5"x8-9 "...The 6X10 mars sniper coil is  sensitive and very deep coil ...  to its size... reach similar to 6X8 -sef coil ...

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Most of the oval 5x10" coils I've seen (Fisher, White's, Minelab, Nok/Mak) have been a closed design, and white color.  These coils are great for both prospecting as well as relic hunting in overgrown areas where open coil designs are easily tangled in the brush.  Even CoilTek made them for Minelab machines in the past if I'm not mistaken.  So it's a common coil design for this size/form factor, should've be rocket science for Minelab to crank these out and I suspect they'd sell a ton more of them than their 15" or 6" coils.  

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How about an 8" or 9" round coil design for water hunting. I'm sure relic hunters would want it too.


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1 hour ago, phrunt said:


Minelab won't let aftermarket coils happen, I am sure of that. If they would just see what people want and make more coils I'd be happy enough.  Surely there is good money to be made in accessory coils."

I tend to agree. I would really like a 6x8 SEF for the Nox, but I'm going to be surprised if it's ever available. Sure, there is good money to be made in coils, but Minelab doesn't want anyone else to be the one making it; and, apparently, the royalty deals it offers coil makers (when it does) aren't attractive enough to have them beating a path to its door.


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We will see what Minelab is doing in the right direction of the coils .. Many Equinox users - many demands on the size of the coil - other manufacturers can also enter the market ... the multifrequency coils ... now on the test this  multifrequenci coil for the Whites Spectra V3: 

oktober 8 iphone 5S 2018 044_DxO.jpg

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