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Steve thanks for sharing the adventure with us, feel like you took us with you, and congrats on that awesome ancient gold, whatever it may turn out to be.

Looks like the Equinox is now the "in" thing in the U.K. for hunting plowed fields eh?  

Hoping to get out with Tom this weekend to a new (to us) area I researched in the spring.  Our first initial trip to these remote camp sites a few weekends ago brought us many gold rush era relics, including three eagle tongue and groove wreath buckles!!  Hoping to find a little gold there myself this weekend if the other camp sites pan out we shall see.

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Amazing finds!  I like the earring theory for that mini-torc. 

It really is unfair, though.  I am overjoyed when I find a 60-year old Mercury dime, and the Brits (and lucky visitors) are finding 2,000 year old coins.

Interesting the way that British farmers are apparently deriving second incomes from the hordes of detectorists that now search their fields.

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Very well articulated story Steve, as always!!  Congrats on your finds.  I like reading about people's trips over there but for some reason I've never had an interest in going myself.  I guess most of it is due to not knowing what the heck most of the stuff is that I see pictures or videos of. Haha.  

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Steve, thanks for relating your epic adventure; your finds are simply incredible!

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7 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I am one of those types that lives in my head and some of my best thinking is done while wandering around detecting. At other times I get so into "the zone" that hours flash by in apparent minutes. Whether I make finds or not I find metal detecting to be wonderfully refreshing. For me at least there are few things more relaxing than metal detecting.

Me too Steve.

As a lover of Romano British history I've spent some time there over the years - not detecting, but I once worked briefly restoring a section of Hadrian's Wall. In an earlier life I was a stonemason. Rocks on the brain, I suppose! 

I have a nice collection of Roman coins, but my dream find would be a gold Solidus. :)


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Very Nice !!!!Next time you are around gimme a shout we will catch up!You will experience the Mudlarking at his best!!



Regarding your find i can't recommend enough thinking about a noise piercing??????




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