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you know steve, there is a book in you fighting to get out.?

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This is my first post on this forum . I have been a long time lurker and a non posting member for a while . Just had to post after reading Steve's brilliant post , love the pics too !  Steve , you deserve every wonderful find just for running such a brilliant , decent forum . It's a total credit to you and a breath of fresh air compared to so many other forums . Your trip description makes me feel like grabbing the Nox and booking a trip to the Old Dart right now! As you described though there is a bit more involved than just getting an air ticket . Keep up the great work and I hope there is a gold coin waiting for you on your next trip . All the best from the land down under .

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Amazing finds, Steve. A trip like that is on my bucket list and I think you just convinced me to make it happen.



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32 minutes ago, Hunterjunk said:

This is my first post on this forum . I have been a long time lurker and a non posting member for a while . Just had to post after reading Steve's brilliant post , love the pics too !  Steve , you deserve every wonderful find just for running such a brilliant , decent forum . It's a total credit to you and a breath of fresh air compared to so many other forums . Your trip description makes me feel like grabbing the Nox and booking a trip to the Old Dart right now! As you described though there is a bit more involved than just getting an air ticket . Keep up the great work and I hope there is a gold coin waiting for you on your next trip . All the best from the land down under .

Thanks Hunterjack, it makes me feel good to know the story is inspiring some people. I basically just love what I do and consider myself to be incredibly fortunate to have been born when and where I was. I got started when detecting was is its infancy and have seen it grow far beyond anything anyone might have imagined 50 years ago. It is very gratifying to have had at least a tiny influence on the technology by gently nudging for decades. It has led me to friends and adventure around the world, and as a dealer for many years my basic livelihood. If a person is blessed by doing what they love then I am blessed indeed. It helps to have a wonderful wife who sends me out for gold and won't let me come home unless I find some!

Thanks again everyone posting now and coming up. Sharing the story is almost as fun as living it and it will give me memories to look back on many years from now. I highly recommend people takes lots of photos and keep a journal. I am so glad I did all these years.

I have a lot of photos that would have been too much for the main post but will add them separately tomorrow. Got some honey-dos to attend to now!

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Thanks Steve.. that's pretty awesome.  You probably could've worn that piece of gold out like an earring.. lol.. looks like something kids wear these days!

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Congratulations Steve. A dream hunt for sure! The age of the finds are truly mind blowing.

Thanks for sharing your experience.


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