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Research is a lot better now, because when you run across an interesting piece of info you can take a picture and you have that forever... Libraries and old old history books with maps in them are goldmines..Check them out, take photos and you can research areas that you find that pertain to your interests... Case in point I found a very interesting map with a lot of potential nugget hunting and possibly some coin shooting spots,  I wrote this info down thinking I could find these places on modern maps I already had.. Well I discovered that new maps have new names and the old info doesn't exist.. Fortunately for me when I went back to the USGS they happened to have that particular item for sale so I was able to do some transposing with my own copy..You can do this anywhere in the US .In the 70s I used to go in May to this annual treasure meet in Nebraska.. During the winter I used maps and library loan books with maps to locate sites of old near the town where the meet was held.. Dang I thought I was in Silver heaven. OLD MAPS....

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2 hours ago, alaskaseeker said:

 US .In the 70s I used to go in May to this annual treasure meet in Nebraska.

Those were the good old days. I and my wife had gone to several of those meets in Fremont, Nebraska and met a lot of the pioneers of treasure hunting such as Karl Von Mueller, Glenn Carson, L.L. "Abe" Lincoln, Bill Smith, Jimmy Sierra, Richard Ray, Van Fossen and many others. I believe Paul Tainter and his wife Joan put on those treasure meets and had numerous publications and research material available. Good times and memories!

Glenn Carson and Karl Von Mueller



Jimmy Sierra and Bill Smith (pictured with sunglasses)




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4 hours ago, alaskaseeker said:

Yes the old timers are gone, I was privileged to meet many of them. Paul was a good friend also, dont know now how he is doing..

Here is some info on Paul and Joan as of January 4 2019:

Link to article: https://stoutstandards.wordpress.com/2019/01/04/new-year-notions/


Received the most recent “Treasure Hunter’s Express” and in the envelope was a note from Paul and Joan Tainter telling me they’ve finally decided to part with all their extensive library. It read….

Books for Collectors and Researchers

The collection spans over 50 plus years of collecting. Many of the titles are one of a kind, some privately published, some signed by the author, first editions and a large percentage are out of print. All have been kept pristine in a non-smoking, non-animal home.

This is a once in a life-time opportunity to significantly expand your library or begin one of your own. These opportunities do not arise very often. Now is the time to take advantage.

VINTAGE, CLASSIC BOOKS for the collector

Vintage books, many over 60 years old, that we have for sale with the disposal of the library. (From back in the early days of treasure hunting) A large majority of them are FIRST EDITIONS, almost all are out of print, some are signed by the author with personal inscriptions, some are from the libraries of Harry Chrisman, noted author; Dean Coigdarripe, treasure hunter and close, personal friend of Karl von Mueller’s back in the California days (1950’s); Richard Nason, maritime researcher; and all others are from my personal collection.

I have seen Paul’s library and if I were younger and had a little extra money I’d be all over this.

If you’re interested in knowing more write Paul at Treasure Trove Archives, 335 N. William, Fremont, Nebraska 68025 or email him at tretrove@yahoo.com.


“Early” Paul Tainter

Joan also added “we have been issuing periodical short listings to interested buyers and we also have lists by subject of interest. Interested parties can ask for them to be emailed”.


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  • 1 year later...

Just saw this and wanted to say that Paul emailed last week and he's hanging in there, hunkered down like everyone else. He, like myself, doesn't get out detecting that much anymore but has a few irons in the fire when it comes to researching treasure leads. His wife Joan is also doing well. I miss those early days too...

There's a link on my page, Treasure Expo photos, if you're interested. Likewise if you have any photos from those events please send them to me so I can add them....will give full credit (Glenn in Colo can I use the two posted above?)

Y'all stay home, wash your hands and have one for me.





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