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Headed For The Land Down Under


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On a completely different subject the 'biscuits' here are superb!  The company Arnott's should be blamed for completely wrecking my diet plans.  (Do they have these in the states?)

I found myself on two or three occasions going in to Woolworth's (they still have that name here and Kmart) grocery and buying several packages of cookies/biscuits.  Most people I'm sure would think of Australia as a beer drinker's haven and all of the politicians are seen tilting a glass before and after elections.  They must all at least wet their lips.

This is not the case with tea and biscuits.  They are consumed in large quantity and take up long counters.  The flavors and varieties make me want to find many of them in the states.

When you check in to a motel room many of them have cream in the fridge for the tea and coffey you make.  The last few nights as soon as I check in (I don't know from night to night where I would stay) I'm handed a fresh bottle of milk.

I need to use it now and pack ... more later.


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6 hours ago, mn90403 said:

When you check in to a motel room many of them have cream in the fridge for the tea and coffey you make.  The last few nights as soon as I check in (I don't know from night to night where I would stay) I'm handed a fresh bottle of milk.

I need to use it now and pack ... more later.

Interesting, Mitchel.  When I went to New Zealand, this was also the case.  Well now I'll have to go over to Australia to confirm for myself, and you will have to go to New Zealand.  LOL.

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I kept waiting, and hoping, and rooting that at the bottom of that hole it would be a nugget, tough break for sure. Furthermore, no wonder it sounded so good; lead is the great imposter . . .

All the best,


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You can't help bad luck, nor the weather. It has rained all day here in Central Victoria. A lousy day for Mitchel's last chance to get a decent color. I checked the rain chart, and it has been the wettest May for over five years. I told Mitchel that the Great God of Nuggets required a virgin sacrifice, but we couldn't find one anywhere.

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17 minutes ago, Reg Wilson said:

Went from brown and dusty drought conditions to green in a few days.

I don't know exactly what brown and dusty looks like except when I dig a hole.  With all of the rain today the total was not much but there are puddles around and then in other places you dig down 2 inches and it is brown and dusty.

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Today wasn't ounce day for Adam or me.  We met up with a local and hunted up North part of Bendigo again.  Here they call it Whipstick.  I was here my third day of detecting but I couldn't read it and then I went back northwest to Wedderburn.  So today was a half day for Adam and his friend.  They had to leave at noon.

We had 4 hours and we were pointed to areas where 'nuggets had been found' and the ground wasn't too deep.  Off we went and after 2 hours I took a break.  We still had nothing and time was running out and literally as I was walking back to the car to say goodby to two new friends I got a little warble.

It was very hard to pinpoint but I stuck with it.  To say it is small is an understatement.  It is tiny.  My scale can't measure it by itself.  It is something less than .1 but it is color!  haha  Squirrels be damned!

I'm looking at a massive take of 1.2g for the trip.  I had hoped to average that per day.  There is a half day left tomorrow.

The choice was a long drive back to Mop's spot or go to Whipstick again.  Then I need to return Reg's picks and stay near the airport to turn the car in at 6 AM for my 9 AM flight.

It's not over till it's over.

Thank you again Adam.  We gave it the trophy shot and got a pittance.  Better luck next time.

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5 minutes ago, phrunt said:

If it makes you feel any better we're having a lot of rain at the moment too, way more than normal, I've got a shiny new x-coil and only been able to use it once due to the weather. ?

Get it wet!

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