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Everything posted by klunker

  1. I'll have to try the Gorilla Glue thing. I build my own picks but I put the handle hole clear through the head and us wedges to hold the handle. many times I have desperately searched for a square nail to tighten up the head and couldn't find one when I normally find them by the hundreds. Funny how that works.
  2. I used the ferrite a few times and can honestly say I had no improvement with the Z ground balance. Generally where I am detecting the ground type can change significantly many times in very short distances. This is when the old antique GPX5000 had an advantage as far as ease of keeping proper ground balance. My Minelab dealer (Doc) sent the ferrite with out my requesting it. Didn't know what it was so I tried to eat it.
  3. Where does SS. find this stuff??? NVC- You have no idea how correct about me being ambidextrous you really are. Several years ago I was viciously attacked by a pack of doctors. they disassembled my right arm and scrounged spare parts that I had from various other places and put it back together. they did a pretty fair job of it but they were about to be late for a golf game and they forgot to replace most of my bicep muscles. Now I lift everything left handed. This perfectly prepared me to swing a 7000 all day without bungees and sticks. I can truly say I was made for a GPX 7000.
  4. Just a tad expensive for a pin pointer. Perhaps finding larger nuggets would be a better answer. I have never carried a pin pointer but with the 7000 it may save a lot of time. I'm going to start doing some research and asking opinions on them.
  5. I completely agree with audio smoothing set in off or or low EXCEPT when working over visible bedrock or where there is no history of larger nuggets or where you simply are not going to be able to keep a good ground balance and smooth threshold. If I had any idea at all of how to make and post a video I could better explain my reasoning. Keep in mind that this area has some very jumbled up geology.
  6. Some days are certainly better than others for EMI. I don't know of any way to determine before hand when it will be a good day. When I was a kid I had a calender that had little fish symbols on it. The darker the fish symbols were the better The fishing was supposed to be. When the little fish was all black on a Saturday The trout at my favorite fishing hole were doomed. I need one of those calendars for detecting.
  7. Sounds just perfect NVC but can she properly ground balance a GPZ 7000? Paul! Got any left over? I just spent the day on a claim with the USFS. My head and my heart both hurt.
  8. Nice find Sir. The title of the post begs for the question to be ask "Have you found a 2 ounce nugget that isn't nice?"
  9. Your welcome anytime. But SS can be a very bad influence on fine, upstanding, responsible prospectors such as myself. Who is Sheila Foster?
  10. Nope. At the time this happened SS and I were both working at a summer camp for wayward Australian youth (the ones who had been caught looking at metal detector pictures in there fathers magazines). SS can vouch for this.
  11. I have never been to Australia so quit looking at me. I didn't do it. NVC. The McDonalds folks would like a word with you.
  12. Strick. would you send me some info on those traps. I have a scraggly, mean, stinky old Manx cat that used to catch one a day but he's getting to old. I have to use old watering troughs to grow my garden in because of the gophers.
  13. Can iI put a bit on your tab and pay you back when I find a bit of gold? I hope the folks do well and enjoy the work.
  14. What's this!!! No brush! No cliff faces! No downed trees! Wild flowers! Nice short grass! No thunder and lightening! No dust or mud! Close to home! No bears or mountain lions! THAT IS NOT DETECTING!!! YOU AND D Ray SHOULD BE ASHAMED. I will be sending you a box full of gophers that can chew through a concrete side walk so keep your dog inside. No- I'm not jealous.
  15. Gee Wizz El D I'm always amazed at how you work gold the way you do. And your not THAT ancient--yet. There seem to be more fantastic detector discoveries all the time. Improving technology I guess.
  16. So what would you folks do if you found a historic stash. I guess I'd post the find on this forum and make you all promise not to tell anyone.
  17. I'm having a bit of trouble with a Ford truck. Would you mind calling them for me? You know how patient I am.
  18. the 7000 is a detector you will come to despise one minute and like the next (In my opinion). M.G. is a fellow you'll always like.
  19. RMBFSH; You rare correct. I chases up to 40% more cats but it's slightly nose heavy and very expensive. Stick wouldn't part with it for $100,000.00 dollars.
  20. Maybe. If your referring to my sharing my lunch with my dog, he's about 12 (got him second hand from the pound) and he can still whip your dog and chase a cat afterward. Though he's never been in a fight and likes cats.
  21. I went detecting with a couple of louts and a lady last weekend with the intention of showing off my innate an finely honed detecting skills. The other two louts hand exactly the same plan. But- I had a secret weapon. My Gold Sniffing Dog! However the other two louts had exactly the same thing except THEY BOTH CHEATED! One lout brought two Gold Sniffing Dogs but the other lout really broke the rules an brought a highly modified Gold Sniffing Dog. It was built with it's nose operating at no more than 1" above the ground at all times (the entire dog was no taller than 6" above the ground). Well at the end of the day none of us three louts had anything at all to boast about, laying the blame on the danged dogs. Oh! I almost forgot the lady. She found 3 very pretty little nuggets with her 2300 and without a Gold Sniffing Dog. My forgiving nature will not allow my to mention any names. P.S. A picture of a Gold Sniffing Dog can be seen accompanying posts by Strick.
  22. One of the secrets to my success in detecting is sharing my lunch with my dog. But please don't spread it around. If you tell your embarrassing story, I promise not to spread it around.
  23. This shows that the 7000 most certainly did not make the GPX series obsolete.
  24. AHA!! Now I know who has been following me! S.S. you should be ashamed!
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