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Everything posted by dewcon4414

  1. Good answers Steve. ive swapped shafts after having my machine in the water........ that hole in the bottom lets water and sand in. WE..... are the unpredictable .... and most likely to cause problems opening and closing any detector box. The majority will never get the thing wet. There is a screw and O ring on the bottom ...... and someone has given the number for replacement batteries. I swear i read somewhere these batteries could last up to 10 years.....obviously depending on use. I personally love Lith batteries..... long run time and most chargers check each cell. Now cell phones....... hate not being able to change those batteries...... because we know how easy used to be. Theres where id get mad. I suspect most machines will be out of warranty way before the battery needs to be changes........ do the math..... how many rechargeable or AA would you have used? This is IMO one of the first detectors that use a lot of new ideas........ and for the cost and warranty given......outstanding. Trust me....... use an Xcal .... at the end of 3 to 5 years tell me how much you really have in it? Im not hating here........ i think its more of an inconvenience than the real cost. But ...... my money is on we can replace that battery........ someone will take it apart they always do.
  2. Id reduce sensitivity to 10ish.... and use recovery 6. That reduces MOST EMI. Efficiency....11" coil. IF you know the type of targets being buried.......use a pattern open enough to get those target yet rejects other distractions. IF they allow a PPer...... use it. Find out what they allow as a digging tool. Wear a pouch.... most require you to pick up your trash. They normally require the use of headphones..... and can require not talking to other sharing info. Dig the hole...... fill the hole.... just know the rules. Normally a time limit........ and in the first 20 min. most targets are recovered ..... dont get hung up on digging deep targets. OVERLAP swings.....
  3. Chase ..... ive used an AquaSound .... solid 12" coil....... it acts like a fresby in the water. It takes some control ..... and time to learn to keep it on the bottom. If you angle it wrong when sweeping it....... it kind of takes off on you. REALLY difficult if there is a low of long shore drift/current or waves. Kind of odd to...... because those coil float in the water....... but are heavy.... i mean heavy out of the water to hunt with. I like that design thou ........ sweet. Id use that .......and im betting that has even less drag than our current coil. The coil is a Nautilus coil used on the Aqua.
  4. Not really. Current makes coil control difficult....there would be lots more coil flip in the water. But I like the coil. Wet/dry sand if your on the sand those open areas would get filled...and a wet coil would be worse.
  5. You can get the same affect if you have an 800, by running in AM...... reducing your iron volume to 2. It will give you a mild threshold of sorts allowing you to hear iron...... but not to the point it might overwhelm a weak target. Chase is this what you are doing? If so its possible the headphones arent quit responsive enough to like you said......... a weak sounding target be it deep or tiny. But that threshold to me is just more noise i can do without.
  6. Keith.....then that didnt change with the UPDATE as a way of making it quieter in the water? Some machines have a factory set GB for beach hunting...... why because they may not always GB.....that can be the case here in Fl. I normally hunt with the default GB 0, but i have GBed in the wet sand ...... the obvious problem is its also GBs to the salt and a higher concentration of minerals that are LITE UP. It may not be working....... but i sure get different GBs from the dry...... damp...... and wet sand. I also believe the salt content in the wet sand WILL change as you get deeper in the water.
  7. I got 6 gold chains last year and several small pieces of gold......id HIGHLY recommend digging those 1 to 4 digits on the beach.... especially in the water or wet sand.
  8. Ive posted this before showing how it gets in thru the hole designed to keep the handle in place. I take mine apart ...... but not every time. I do it occasionally and rinse it with warm water. Most damage is caused by the user so I suspect im more likely to break or miss thread one of those bolts if im not careful. Again...... i look at it like this.... 3 year warranty and they need to know if there are issues from continuous use above and beyond normal use.
  9. Definitely wear a filtering mask. My brother-in-laws brother was under his house for a very short time and contracted some kind of lung disease from mold .... he now needs a lung transplant. Even a 1 in 10,000 chance ..... do you want to be the 1? But those porches and such are ideal places for those kind of finds....... great hunt. You have to like treasure hunters that think outside the box...... like privy hunting ..... ya just never know.
  10. Either way ....... you win. Man i love those gold coin rings....... or gold coins on a chain.... they are the kind of finds we all dream of and what keeps us out there...... nice.
  11. Heres a good video on some gold VDIs. I dont agree with his bottle caps.... most of mine are 15....... also Class rings or larger can hit in the 23 range. Note those pulls tabs that come in at 14.... and the bottle caps..... then look at the nickels. Pretty well agrees with a post i did on why dig nickels and disc out pull tabs and bottle caps in the water. Also...... good point about reducing sensitivity for dry sand hunting if you are looking for recent drops and want to cover more of the beach with less digging. If i were going to disc..... it would be anything ABOVE a penny if you are gold hunting. People have a tendency to stop dead in their tracks to dig any HIGH tone. Coins can add up at the end of the year......... but perhaps you might have found a couple more gold rings with diamonds had you not wasted time digging those pennies. https://md-hunter.com/minelab-equinox-800-600-vdi-numbers-gold-chain-jewelry/?fbclid=IwAR1mOyzUg-NY1ylsHsR6QIpu3qhGkKxZiIpE9ASnshpsRa2GTg0U1yIo02k
  12. In the water beach hunting it can get chatty. Like you said it took a bit to learn what was a target vs minerals. Most of the water machines ive used it was all about getting them as quiet as you could. I soon learned that running an Xcal in PP ..... i was hearing the same minerals ... they were just not modulated on the Nox so louder. No complaints about what this machine has found me. By the way if you dont have one.... make a sifter..... wont help with the digging but it will speed recovery of the targets and reduce some of those aches and pains from shaking that scoop out.
  13. It has an O ring there going to the batteries. Its unlikely going to leak ...... if it was it would do it the first time you put it in the water. Why.... because that HOLE where the nipple sets in the shaft for the lower piece allows water in that area. Ive got over 1100 hours on mine almost ALL in the water. Ive taken mine apart to replace the shaft..... and water and sand has accumulated there....... but NO leaks. Never say never...... but ive not heard of many battery leaks as of date. Screens...... yes few of those. Id dare say it most likely to happen when WE the user takes it apart to replace the batteries ..... or just our curiosity gets the better of us.
  14. Ive got one of the first pair that Tony did....... excellent especially if you want to get them really wet. There is a slight difference in volume between pizeos and speakers. Pizeos seems to give a bit more modulation but arent quit as loud as the speakers if done right. Everyones hearing different as is their expectation of comfort........ so if it comes down to pizeo vs speaker..... then it comes down to how they are sealed and the pads for noise canceling in most cases...... and in most cases you get what you pay for.
  15. We never really saw a lot of gold being found park hunting before. So this machine has really opened some doors there. Nice looking ticket there.
  16. Could be your jack isnt making the best of connection and the movement is causing it.
  17. Heres my thoughts. Most VLFs will find about the same thing IN the salt water.........but the Nox does seem to find smaller gold. Its a little iffy on gold on edge compared to the CTX..... and frankly you cant beat the info the CTX smartscreen gives. But man its like swinging a dead horse over the Nox with any water movement. Now for the PI......ALL the disc targets are still going to be there along with everything beyond the VLF depth. Yes you can clean it out some with the VLF ......but same targets are going to be dug in the long run the way you want hunt it. No matter how you slice that pie..... the same amount of time would be spend if you just used the PI. Having a PI at least gives you an option many dont have..... and its possible to turn up the delay to cut back on the trash to treasure. Hunting in AM with say the CTX would give you some indication as to the trash there.
  18. About anything that affects the sensitivity of a target..... does the same to depth....... if you cant hear it you cant dig it. If you arent hearing it .... you dont know you missed it.
  19. From a beach standpoint...... it may not obsolete all of them.... but it sure will put a hurting on them...... oddly i think its going to hurt most water machines that are 2 to 3 times its price..... meaning the Xcal and CTX. Single freq is VERY good in the dry sand...... unlike other single freqs...... the modes/algorithms may well set it apart when using them.... for both depth and sensitivity. Its weak point might be the that large coil..... not quit the depth people were looking for..... so some machines with more coil options may well be its equal on the dry sand.
  20. To me he’s talking a form of disc or pattern hunting. It may work well for those with time limits much like a beach guy Recent drop hunting trying to cover as much beach as possible.....but it’s not something I’d do a lot.
  21. 2 weeks with the Nox is hardly enough time..... ive got over 9 mos and 1000 hours on mine. There is just a lot of information is such a fast machine. Ive used and still have a CTX. Each have their place. Really bad dirt ... the FBS does a very good job and you dont get as much ground chatter. Its also hard to beat the smart screen for information...... that even thats a learning process on deep targets. Ive used all the FBS machines...... and i lived in Ind where i field and park hunted. To me the Explorer was a better machine on silver.... had that distinct tinkle. BUT..... the ET out of the box sped up the learning curve. The Nox to me isnt as refined as the FBS.....it can be affected more by the dirt and EMI. Personally....... if i were still dirt hunting...... id have both. In an open area the FBS is hard to beat.... but in the trash you can really work an area to produce more targets.
  22. No..... the 600 is a fine beach machine. YES run in AM.... it dont chop signals. But reduce your iron volume to 3... which will make it a soft back ground sound. I believe you will find 50 tones will help you size the target better and help with iron/mineral falsing ID as well. The thing you have to remember about foil OUT of the water...... it moves easily. Those rises say in the dry sand .... you are going to get a lot of it there especially because it will blow and concentrate there. In the wet sand nearer the water .... you may get some can slaw but no so much foil like gum wrappers....... so if you dont dig the smaller digits i can assure you you WILL miss some small gold. Its difficult to say why you may not be finding gold with machine...... but eliminate the you factor. Keep that coil on the sand, over lap, listen more to mid conductor or for a tie even disc out a penny and above until you train your ear, and maybe slow down. Also there maybe 100 bad to every 1 good target on the dry sand........ but that narrows as you move toward the water... and in the water 10 to 1 ratio.
  23. The Nox doesnt have a lot of modulation if you are using a high freq tone and sensitivity. Its very much like running a 10 out of 10 gain on say and Explorer..... making all targets louder.... which isnt a bad thing if you are working trash areas. Big targets like cans and sun glasses can really sound the same until you start digging..... but switch it up to 50 tones and see what you get. I think you may find an improvement in sizing a target as well as IDing some of that iron/mineral falsing...... especially if you are running AM... which i highly suggest for the beach.
  24. You are working with less power and a salt setting in beach 2.....as well as different algorithms and I’m sure freqs
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