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Everything posted by mn90403

  1. Specimens just busting out all over!
  2. Wow! Could you have found it without a Zed?
  3. Will, Gold Basin has camping on open lands as well as club claims. The GPAA, GSSN and MPA are the main club claims in the area. There is also private land in some of the checker-board areas you will see on the maps. Once you get past Gladiola there doesn't seem to be anyone who cares if you camp on those plots with the exception of Dave who is a full time resident out there. If you don't camp with tent or trailer then you can go in to Meadview and go to the RV Park that has hot showers or stay at the Canyon's End Motel (~$75) that has Wifi and local TV only. There are a couple of other places to stay but you would need to look them up. The Canyon's End has a restaurant that closes at 7:30 and I think there is something at South Cove about 25 miles on Lake Meade. There is a Gas n Grub in Meadview where it only cost $2.59 when I was there last week. The gas price was about $1.00 more on US 93 from Vegas to Dolan Springs than in Meadview. Dolan Springs also has gas. There is a Dollar General store across from Canyon's End Motel. It has all your snack food and small department store needs covered. I may be back out there on Wednesday for a couple of days. Mitchel
  4. It is common for them to want people to come to the second seminar of the day or the second day of the gold show. So they say something that will bring people back. Most of the time 80% of their presentation is the same. If you ever happen to hunt with them or be out in the field then that is a place where you get individual information, stories and advice.
  5. Here is a video about an 8 lb main mass Gold Basin meteorite. I've seen other large pieces found on that side before it became a monument.
  6. I like Red Head products and will check them out also. Do they have a lower version? I've been using the Keen Targhee II for the last couple of years as a mid height. Some of the bottom is made of glued pieces that need a touch-up with glue but they are comfortable. No metal in them. http://www.keenfootwear.com/search?q=targhee ii mid Mitchel
  7. I've known Bill and Kevin for a few years now and have a couple of stories about each of them. One I will share is about Kevin when he was still working for Minelab. We were at the Minelab sponsored National Detector Day up on the ranch in Southern California. I had my 5000 with me. He was telling a few of us how to use our detectors. It was my first PI and I really couldn't 'understand' what to do with it that well so I kept 'quoting the manual' on what it said. At one point Kevin asked me for the manual. I gave it to him and he took it and threw it across the tent! It almost ripped apart. He said 'I helped test that machine and I know more than that manual on how you need to set it up and the little buzz (threshold) you need to hear.' Of course he was right and every time I see him we have a laugh about that first meeting. Since that time I have listened to him at several GPAA shows and watched many of his Gold Trails videos. I met Bill for the first time at an outing in Quartzsite and I've continued to listen to him and buy detectors from him over the years. Their detecting seminar is always a good refresher course for me. Mitchel
  8. ‘nailed’ a solid little 12-gram slug ... I hate it when those little ones get in the way! Very nice video JP. When does it get 'nice' in your area for prospectors to get some training? Mitchel
  9. To Perth Mint: I am officially applying for the job of sweeping that shop floor! (There was stuff flying everywhere.) mn90403 (In the event I don't show up for work one day you won't have my official name and station.)
  10. Years ago I had an external hard drive backup that I bought just as a backup solution. It crashed. I still have the data on the platters and no one has been able to recover the data (mostly pictures). What I should have had was a dual hard drive backup or a server backup which includes many drives in an array that is supposed to prevent data loss on any single account.
  11. We all seem to use a fair bit of technology these days in the pursuit of gold and pleasure. We have detectors, maps, gps's, phones, books, scans, photos, videos, cameras, stories, etc. etc. not to mention our computers and drives we use to record and back these things up. Some are mobile and some stay at our homes and some are in the cloud. A few months ago one of my devices stopped working and I know I lost some data. It is data I may not 'need' but without it I don't have it as a record. I may have lost some find points for the Minelab 3030 on XChange2 because I didn't have a backup of the backup so to say. Steve sent me some private messages about it but I think it would be a good topic to help us review, store and share our data with someone or not lose it easily. What do you do with your computer backups? Do you just backup online? When you travel, how do you sync your data so that all files and pictures are current on your devices? How do you purge your duplicates so you don't run out of storage space on your external and internal memory? How do you prepare for a trip and what do you do when you come back from a trip? I hope to copy someone's procedure or modify mine to a more simple system. Mitchel
  12. Norm's coin was a plant! (I got a silver dollar!) haha Don't go to Gold Basin looking for coins and relics.
  13. It is a tough job any more for both and getting harder! Thanks for looking.
  14. I got out for 3 days to Gold Basin. The first day was a skunk but then at the end of the second a little color. I got up at daylight on Saturday and found a couple of meteorites before 8 AM. Then on a long walkabout I found a mini-patch of 3 pieces. Later on a 5 mile walk I found a 15g sunbaker meteorite. It is nice to get even small results with the 7000/14. Mitchel
  15. After she is gone ... does it make detecting better or worse?
  16. Actually ... you only need a 2" coil or a pointer! (Where can it 'hide?')
  17. Bada Bing, Don't you get lost over there WITH your car? Mitchel
  18. They just announced the Google App and this article goes over the iPhone App as well. https://techcrunch.com/2017/03/20/google-maps-lets-you-record-your-parking-location-time-left-at-the-meter/
  19. Yes, you heard it right. Time may be used in the future to find gold and/or oil. Here is a very technical observation of this technique from 2012: http://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/at-work/test-and-measurement/prospecting-for-oil-or-gold-check-the-time
  20. That is a great patch ... do you tell the land owner? haha I think I would bring out my flashlight and keep hunting unless he was a great friend and would let you back! Nice birthday. Mitchel
  21. Thursday we were by in Rye Patch and while I didn't get any nuggets Lu got 4/1g with the 2300. We hunted until dark (about 7:00 PM) and then got back to Santa Monica about 5 AM! Are the drive times shorter in WA?
  22. Paul, I was just there today and I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Lu and I took pictures at the old Hudson (??) then drove up a couple of miles past your claim toward the upside of Rabbit Hole. It was a road no one uses because you can't get across the big wash coming out of the Rabbit Hole valley. We had to turn around and go back (past your claim) to get back on Jungo Road. There were very few tracks (maybe 3 only) to near your claim since the last rain and now I've added a couple of them. There were piles over toward the old power lines and older activity but no new holes on your claim. I didn't add any either. (I know you have a camera out there some place!) Tomorrow back to Rye Patch. Mitchel
  23. We spent time out near Rabbit Hole today and Jungo Dry (Wet) Lake. No nuggets and no meteorites ... a bit more wind today and some light snow showers were in the area. Tomorrow back to Rye Patch and then drive back to Santa Monica (8+ hours) so we plan on some color!
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