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Everything posted by Jackpine

  1. It's frustrating at times. I remember hitting and old neighborhood ball field and the first foil target dug was a gold band. 20 some pcs of foil later I hung it up and left. LOL
  2. Strictly a fresh water guy but for ocean hunting does threshold play a major part when setting sensitivity and recovery?
  3. Trading in a detector for the Nox was a toss up between the F75 and X-T 705. Both being equally deep in my ground on coins. The 705 stayed only because the control pod is removable and I had invested in a coil cable extension which makes a nice back up detector for my fresh water hunting. Tom
  4. Thanks for the reminder Ted. Just finished up Tom Thanks for the invite JW that's quite the offer. Snow just starting here so works out fine for me. Ticket purchased just need directions from the airport to your house. ? Tom
  5. Probably buried by a robber shortly before he was beheaded. LOL
  6. My hunting buddy has a Lobo with the 6" concentric... The depth and separation is top notch.
  7. Yup, and field 2 is a real corker in or out of the water. I can run iron at 0 and sens 24 in almost all lakes and it runs smooth as silk. The big lake can be a problem however due to the rollers creating larger ripples farther apart.
  8. Sweet! Diamonds are a rare find for me and that's a nice one!
  9. One of these days, maybe in the spring when the snow is gone, I will try the single freq modes. At present all I have used is Multi and between the audio response and TID that's all I need. Most of the hours I have on the 800 are fresh water wading and about the only thing I pass on is the obvious non-rusty caps and if things are slow I dig em anyway and why not. LOL The only complaint I have is under water ripples in the sand creating positive responses in the audio necessitating raising the iron zone to 1 or at times even 2. Field 2 helps on that but I'd prefer to use park 2 at all times. I have seen this with other detectors but the Nox in Park 2 is much more prone to this than other VLF's.
  10. Way cool. Lunk needs a new nick name "Wildcat" Loved the old Riviera's https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=12&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjvhLG3nMbeAhXK6YMKHfeTA1gQFjALegQICRAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hemmings.com%2Fcars-for-sale%2Fbuick%2Friviera%2F1973&usg=AOvVaw3gCX4RGnQz5J4tw1W-OcoL
  11. Great story Steve and congratulations on your amazing gold finds. Re: MIndy's find.. what can I say.. stunningly beautiful! Tom
  12. I've had the same epiphany after the update and made a comment to the effect the other day. Whether it's the detector, me or a combination of both it's rather nice.
  13. I'm using field 2 as well at the camps but have switched to using park 2 primarily at most other sites. I might give park 2 a try there next time I'm out that way. I'm fighting a cold and the northern Mich weather at the moment however.
  14. Not sure of the answer or that I can confirm if the upgrade has anything to do with it either. What I do know is that it is running smoother and with less falseing overall so IMO the upgrade made a positive difference. Coin shooting at old fair grounds and one room school sites in the area is a pleasure, meaning it has pretty much taken ferrous out of the equation compared to when I first got the machine but that could also have to do with use and being more familiar with the detector as well.
  15. I have left several 15's (axe heads) leaning against the base of trees at the lumber camp I have been hunting.
  16. It would be really sweet if Mars could adapt their 6x10 sniper coil for the Equinox. I have tried many other aftermarket coils but for me Mars coils are it for performance, light weight and a wide variety of available sizes. I have an X-Terra 705 and the only reason it is staying in the arsenal is the increase in overall performance it has shown using Mars coils. Tom
  17. That same scenario has netted me some nice finds as well. Good job and congrats on the V
  18. 1978 ? Los Who? Check your history Youg'un. Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead, Beck Oh and Black Sabbath "Paranoid"
  19. Did a 3 tone hunt at the old fairgrounds the other day and came away quite pleased with the Nox. In the past I was hunting low and fairly slow (for me) with sens in the 21-24 range and lower recovery settings here. This time I set recovery at 6 sensitivity 24 in park 2 and hunted with a slightly fast sweep. The machine behaved beautifully over the ground (2 bar 81 ground on Fisher/Tek machines). Both coins hit solidly in my setup range reading 12-13 for nickel and 19-20 on the IH penny from 9"+ depths. It's been a long time since I have recovered 2 old coins in one hunt from this site and they were the only coins found during the hunt.?
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