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Gear In Use:

  1. The GM 1000 and EQX 800 weigh about the same, and yet, one is markedly more comfortable to swing than the other, IMHO. It's mostly about shaft length - the longer "the lever", more support is needed. I had a piece of 25mm * 500mm carbon fiber shaft from a previous project, so I acquired a 1" * 7/8" telescoping collar lock from "rods by plugger" and got to work. I removed the original upper piece and swapped the components to the CF shaft. I had to spread the nylon clamps a bit, but that's about it - adjustable, telescoping, and comfortable. The lower shaft fits like a champ, and every thing so far looks good. Just thought I would share, thanks for reading.
  2. Hi all, My name is Joseph and am a lifelong resident here in Fairbanks, Alaska. After about 8 years of searching for gold with a pan, homemade sluice and 2" suction dredge, I'd decided to take a leap (after reading a few spectacular in-depth reviews here) on purchasing Minelab's Gold Monster 1000 at the beginning of April. I have a older Bounty Hunter tr/bfr detector and a older Fisher 1212x I'd found at a pawn shop although I learned they are both ok for finding decent size metals like keys/coins and hot rocks on the surface and the Bounty Hunter has helped me find black sands a few times, but not so good on the small sub-gram gold I normally find. The snow is still on the ground here, maybe 1ft in my yard and still around 7 feet in the area I like to spend the summertime prospecting. This past week I'd taken a short drive to one of the local fishing lakes to see if I could find some ground to get a little practice in and luck was in my favor. Not being to familiar with detecting non-ferrous metals, I thought it would be a good idea to chase after some of the tin foil and lead sinkers that had been scattered all over the beach from years of people that like to hang out there. With the large coil on, I'd held the machine off the ground to power on, let it complete the air test and started out in "All Metal Mode" at "auto plus one" sensitivity and was about 30 seconds before I'd heard the first loud beep with the meter slamming to the right, it took a few moments to find out it was the first small split shot lead sinker! So on to the next few targets I'd noticed plenty of beeps with the meter going the other direction (ferrous) I'd dug them anyway to make sure and turned out being single fish hooks. What got really annoying was how overly sensitive the GM1000 is on tiny pieces of foil and I mean tiny! It screamed like it was a large target until I turned the sensitivity to manual to the 6th bar which calmed things down and helped me focus on some actual large targets. After about an hour went by I had 14 lead sinkers, 5 hooks and a few pennies, I just had to check out the 5" coil. Round 2: I'd returned to full auto plus one sensitivity and found what cherry picking really was by simply lifting the coil up just a little to see if I could make any difference in the sound getting lighter response from the smaller targets and seemed to do the trick of avoiding some (not all) of the tiny foil pieces and continued to score some good size lead, a few dimes, nickels and then my first silver which looked to be a part of a bracelet or?? Didn't matter so much as it made my day! I was happy to then try out the "gold mode" for a while as I felt really comfortable with the full auto/all metal settings. I did not like the beep..beep sound it made while ignoring the ferrous targets after hearing a more wha-zip sound I had gotten used to and doubt I'll ever use it in that environment again. (maybe in the hills?) Although the meter seemed to be spot on still. So back to it, I got to dig a few more hooks, sinkers, 2 fly's, more coins, a broken cheap ring, some tiny shotgun pellets, a few bullets, a pellet gun pellet and then the magic happened, a beep like I hadn't heard yet... My first gold with the GM1000, first with a metal detector and first gold of the year was a 1" tall pendant (brass plate) with gold flakes and is my first Initial! A true blessing as the silver was a great find for me, it still blows my mind and if I never find another flake with this machine, I couldn't be happier with how my first experience went! Thank you to all who have posted about this detector and other forms of prospecting knowledge, I hope I can do the same as I get more familiar with the gm1000 and will do my best to help contribute to any info I may provide in the future! Joseph
  3. I need a new lower rod for my Gold Monster, any suggestions where to get one would be appreciated.............Thanks!
  4. Version 4901-0226-4


    Minelab Gold Monster 1000 Getting Started Guide, 1.37 MB pdf file, 6 pages Minelab Gold Monster 1000 Data & Reviews Minelab Metal Detector Forum
  5. Version 4907-0884-1-Cons-EN-US


    Minelab Gold Monster 1000 Brochure, 875 KB pdf file, 2 pages Minelab Gold Monster 1000 Data & Reviews Minelab Metal Detector Forum
  6. Was just wondering if GM1000 has VCO audio?
  7. I have broken my head phones that came with my Minlab monster 1000. I have tried searching for another pair that will work without rewiring everything but I don't understand exactly what it is I need. Can anyone recommend a good pair of head phones for the Monster 1000?
  8. i want one, i had the gmt but sold it now i just have a gpx5k and need another vlf since i have the pi covered, which one should i get and why? Minelab Gold Monster 1000 Information page White's Goldmaster 24K Information page Minelab Gold Monster 1000 versus White's Goldmaster 24K
  9. Having a bit of fun with the GM 1000 so thought I might chronicle my finds in the one spot (if that's allowed??). Went out this afternoon with the literal dog, the figurative dog and the 3 hounds (the kids ). Took the GM to a spot where I had been before with the SDC and the Zed and had never found anything but rubbish. Old quartz vein site that had been pretty well smashed by the old boys. Lots and lots of targets with a little bit of sign of previous detectorists but I am assuming they were put off by the rubbish too. Today I strapped on the big coil for a bit of a change. Have almost exclusively used the little fella as I think it's a bit more stable and sensitive - although I have absolutely nothing to back that up with. A few small pieces of lead and a bit of ? tin. And one nice little specie ?? Also had a bit of a noise in the quartz wall but it was hard to get close enough so will be heading back there with the little coil to get a better swipe at it. Only out for about 45 mins so plenty more to this story (hopefully )
  10. I purchased a Golden Mask telescoping rod with the intent of using it for my Deus HF elliptical coil. XP placing the battery in the trapezoidal lower rod section however made an adaptation more trouble than it is worth for something I am not sure I will keep anyway. I decided to repurpose it instead to the Minelab Gold Monster 1000 in an attempt to make it as easy as possible to collapse down and put in a rucksack. The arm cup removal is easy. Just remove the bolts. The grip/handle however is both screwed together and glued. Have to give them credit - beautifully made rod assembly. Some heat from a hair dryer and careful prying got the grip assembly off the rod. The upper rod is thicker than the standard rod diameter and so the neat little clamps Minelab includes with the GM1000 will not work. Instead standard hose clamps will serve until I get some that fit better. The upper rod is not quite long enough to get the proper spacing for the armrest, so this is a mockup until I find a short piece of rod the correct diameter to install in the upper rod for a little extra length. Roughly 30" long when collapsed. The coil needed to be shimmed with an extra rubber washer. I used the skinny little Golden Mask plastic bolt but will drill the isolator rod out to accommodate the Minelab bolt later. Near final product, with way more length fully extended than I need at my height of 5'11" but that is good for working overhead cut banks and poking around in the brush. Click all photos for larger versions. Once I get the rough edges finished this will be a sweet little backpacker unit.
  11. All - I thought I would share an idea on carrying your gold monster. This is more for those of you that hike very far before you are ready to detect, or maybe you already have your hands full with another detector like a GPX or GPZ. It is not an original idea but one I saw recently for carry spare fishing poles. I recently tried it on a night hunt and really liked how it handled. It allowed me to use my GPZ and then switch to my GM1000 when I hit the bedrock. A major caveat is that I have converted my GPZ to telescoping rods, but I think the idea might still be useful for some people. For starters, this is for people who have made their own stand with PVC pipe fittings. you simply remove the elbow at the end of the stand so that you have a straight piece at the end. This is key, because the first contact point is low on your Camelpak (or other backpack). For this low contact point, you need a zip tie or similar method to make a loop. This is where you put the pole end of the GM1000, then you swing it over your shoulder and hook it to a caribiner that is latched to a high point of the backpack, typically the carrying handle. I used a caribiner but you could sew a velcro loop on there with back pack clips. There are many ways of doing this. Whichever way you choose, don't forget to bring the stand with you. ?
  12. Great gold and environs as well , for those of us still clinging to old technology I’m wondering if any one can enlighten me on where the gold monsters chance meter stands alongside the standard vdi scale . I’m labouring under a perception that the mid line on the chance meter lies close to the zero mark on a vid scale and any slight movement to the positive is a close remblance to a1-5 reading on a vdi . However due to there being no further explanation from the manufacturer I was hoping the more enlightened on this forum might be able to dispel any misconceptions here. Regards paul??.
  13. Good depth shown by this tester with the little 5 & 6 inch coils Thank you ? to the author of this video
  14. I finally got out and found some nuggets to feed the hunger. My buddy had already found 11 or 12 and I was getting skunked and feeling desperate to find any gold so I moved to a spot I had pulled 4 nuggets out in May and within 5 min found the first. Then in a couple minutes found the second, third and fourth. I moved up a couple feet on a tailings slope and kept banging them out. Ten all total on sat within 1 1/2 - 2 hour span from first to the last. I finally got my wife to pick up my detector and give it her first ever try detecting for gold. Within 5 minutes she found her first tiny nugget. I asked her how did that feel finding it. She replied fun, I'm ready to find my second nugget. The tiny nugget in the hand is my wifes. My ten nuggets totaled 1.9 grams. These nuggets were found using the new headphones for the Gold monster by Detector Pro that i am field testing. I would highly recommend getting a pair from Detector Pro.
  15. Is falsing still a problem on the Gold Monster? Reason I ask I'm currently in the market for a detector Im looking at a GB2 mainly but I think I might get a Monster later down the road to add to the assortment of gold detectors. I have read many posts on various pages and forums saying that the coil falses a lot when brushed against something which could be a problem for me. I currently hunt in really thick sage brush an I really dont want the detector going off all the time in the brush that is one reason I plan on picking up the GB2 first because I heard its stays really stable and you can put the coil to the dirt. Has the Monster been updated since its release? do they plan on updating anything on the Monster like headphone jacks or keeping the sensitivity under control to reduce falsing?
  16. Finally found my fist Virginia picker with the GM 1000 on the private land that i have access too! This is my first piece of detected gold from here. Ive found lots of nuggets dredging the creek but nuggets have eluded my detecting efforts. I found this one in a small feeder creek. I have since detected most of the feeder and found nothing else. I still have yet to find any pickers or nuggets outside the creek at this location which is frustrating to say the least. I also run a GPX4800 outside the creek but no dice still. Up to 12 gram nuggets found dredging in the creek but nothing outside of it. One of these days lol.
  17. Equinox 800 in the Desert, Gold Monster 1000, and Nuggets.... Part 1 Published on Jun 11, 2018 Nugget Shooter (Bill Southern) Took the EQX 800 out to the goldfields for a run, impressed so far...
  18. I took my Whites TDI SL with both the stock 7.5" dual field coil and the 8"x6" NUgget Finder coil, as well as my Minelab GM 1000 out and tried them on some small 1.7 grain and 7.4 grain pieces of lead i use for testing. The minelab found both easily and at over 2" on the small one. The Whites wouldn't pick up either one with either coil. I am liking the Monster more and more. But was wondering? Should the Whites do better than it did?
  19. I am looking to buy the Universal shaft Adapter for the Gold Monster 1000, any body knows a dealer who is selling it? Could not find any dealer in the US who is selling it on the web, and also did not see it on the Minelab website any more . Help is appreciated, thanks in advance!
  20. Did some testing with my new Gold Monster. The GM1000 is easy to use and has a perfect user interface. While it can be quite compact using custom parts, I wish Minelab would provide a telescopic shaft. A better shaft would really make a big difference for usability while hiking and biking with the monster. The hard part with the Gold Monster is learning to find the tiny targets it detects, digging staple-size targets is challenging. Now I am hoping to find both huge and tiny meteorites with the Gold Monster.
  21. Lunk or someone I'm sure will be doing a comparison between the Gold Master 1000 and the Equinox 800 for hunting Meteorites. Looking forward to that comparison to determine whether I want to add the GM1000 primarily for Meteorite hunting while keeping the 600 and 800 for more general purposes.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFgzy3yZCA1FdeJcOEbOYMQ/videos Just thought i would post this up, i have been watching his clips for a while now, He is the most prolific gold finder with the monster i have seen, certainly shows how good the monster is at pinging those specimens and tiny flakes. I have been loving the posts by Kiwijw & Phrunt who have been doing well with the monster in NZ but i haven't seen much of the monster in Australia and more in the more mineralised ground until i came across this guy. Cheers,
  23. From the Anderson Website: Anderson Gold Monster Shaft -0836CF Fits - Minelab Gold Monster Price- $149.99 USD
  24. Somewhere in this, or possibly another forum, I read that if the GM is in manual sensitivity that it won't ground balance (fade) out a target like in Auto???? Not sure if the GM only auto ground balances while in auto or does it always auto ground balance even in manual sensitivity???? Hope that my question makes sense...... Still snow on ground so can't test this myself just yet.... Thanks guys.........
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