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Goldmaster 24K In New Zealand

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Admin Note: split from existing thread here

Hi mate just stumbled across this post I'm in the market for new vlf having had the monster1k gb2 nox800 here in nz the monster eats the gb2 for breakfast on depth size etc and I had to sell as got stuck with alot of Bill's and I've been tossing up between the older gmt and 24k or go back to a monster... what I didnt like about the monster was lack of functions even tho it does its job well I'm a seasoned user and like to tinker ... how do you find the 24k compared to the older gmt ... both in how small will either detect I'm guessing the 24k will or should pick up alot smaller gold ...and qill the 24 on right settings pick up same small stuff as the monster ? I was regurly finding almost sand size bits that wouldnt register on scale ..even tho thwy were pointless to find and sometimes anoying was nice to know I could find them ... any eedbal would be great ... Also do you know if the older goldmaster 4x6 coil is compatible with the 24k I'd love a small coil like that on one I loved the gb2 small coil for bedrock hunting over the small round 

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Also forgot to ask how you find the screen to use the new iron probability I'd accuracy etc? Even tho I never rely on those when nugget hunting the monster was easy to read any small small bits would jump between iron and gold on the bar in shallow ground you could almost always guarentee this was bit gold and anything bigger would hit mainly on gold side ..but reason I habent jumped in and orderd a 24k is just lack of videos and info out there apart from dealer one who let's face it would say there detecter can fly you to the moon to get sales 

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"NHNZ",  although you addressed this post to Aureous, I thought I'd chime in and answer some of your questions. Reason being that I have used the GMT since it's inception, and has long been my favorite gold detector, and, I was instrumental in the testing and development of the 24k. For a White's dealer to be permitted to sell 24ks they must be "24k Certified," and my pal Jerry McMullen and I developed the Certification Process, and wrote the test. My Field Test Report on the 24K appears in "Western and Eastern Treasures," and my book "Advanced Nuggetshooting with the Goldmaster 24K" was just released, and is selling very well. Comparing the 24k with the GMT: 24k has greater power and sensitivity, due to having 54% more power to the searchcoil. (Therefore GMT and 24k coils are NOT interchangeable). The patented XGB ground tracking system is the most advanced VLF tracking system on the market today. With the 24K I have found specks of gold weighing 1/15th to 1/20th grain, in highly mineralized Mojave Desert soil. Other 24k advantages: the Iron Reject is adjustable, from black sand to hot rocks to iron, therefore you can use only enough as needed without loosing unnecessary depth. You can reject small hot rocks and still find 1/10th grain bits. The Ground Balance can be OFFSET, to permit enhanced black sand and hot rock rejection. The 24k has adjustable frequency, pinpoint mode, and tone ID. Plus all the regular features of the GMT, but usually in an improved figuration. The 24k has totally usurped my use of the 24K. My 24k, fitted with the 6.5" Concentric coil, is making my "worked out" sites productive again. Check out the "Spud Diggers" YouTube channel for some 24K videos. Hope this helps: HH Jim


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Thanks for the info ... yes seen all the videos on YouTube unfortunitly jerry is not in favor with me I rang him from here in nz to basickly ask about the gmt and 24k as I wanted to buy a 24k from HIM and he basickly refused to give me any advice and said what do I get out of it if I help you out with info and I said well I play to buy one of the detectors from you and he said how does he know that and hung up on me so not great busniss but I am leaning towards trying out the 24k as I've just spoken to whites and they are about to realease the new 4x6 coil for it 


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Sorry to learn of your disappointment. If you have any specific questions, email me or post them here, I'll do what I can to answer them. HH Jim

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Hi NHNZ, your desire for the Monster in NZ is well founded. The mineralization over there is next to nothing I hear and so, the monster will NOT chirp, pop and fart like they do here in Oz. Hence you could run the monster in max gain settings and get amazing results. But, the 24K is no slouch and will better the monster in some conditions with more solid shaped gold. The thicker and more shotty stuff, the 24K with its 6" concentric coil will get you some serious depth. Its really a toss-up whether the 24K or the monster would be best for your NZ conditions. What I like most over the monster is that the 24K has a wonderful threshold buzz that is rock stable (not the BS digital beep of the monster) and a zappy analogue type beep for the targets.....takes me back to the 80's when I 1st started detecting. The iron ID is very reliable on anything larger than a nail and the numbers on-screen dont lie. The 24K is fully capable of finding ALL of the gold that the monster can, thats for sure. Its just a matter of ground conditions giving you a bonus over the monster or not. The coils are all shielded differently due to the added coil amperage/voltage so none of the old goldmaster coils can be used on the 24K. the new 6x4DD 24K coil is due to be available at the end of this month. Im getting one! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for your reply my 24k will be here tomorrow hopfuly so I'll be borrowing my mates gm1000 and nox 800 with 6 inch coil and try them head to head here in our nz soil.. I have a YouTube channel nugget hunter new Zealand all my videos will be up there with comparisons and real world tests... I really can't wait to see how it goes here. And like you I like the thought of a real threshold and and target noise id as I started out with gb2 for years and years you can't beat that zip zip noise.. Plus I want to try out the ground scan in some of the rivers here for highbanking slicing etc. Have you had a play with that mode any thoughts on it 

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NHNZ, I havent used the ground scan much but I can see that it functions as advertised. Yes I love the threshold on the 24K, it never wavers in most ground conditions, only in hot ground or salty ground. The 6x4DD still isnt being advertised yet?

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