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Quick Question.. New Guy


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New beginner from Middle TN with a new Equinox 600. Great forum here and I have read and digested to my best ability all the good information here. I have my 600 factory reset and in Park1. Have my test bed setup with a assortment of clad, sliver, copper, zinc, lead, iron and shredded aluminum,  All at around 6-7 inches, but I did put a silver dime at 10 inches ( its flat, not not on edge). Im getting super results on everything but the 10 inch dime. I see lots of videos where this should not be a issue. Again, factory defaults, park 1, noise cancelled while held up in air, default ground balance, sensitivity 20.. Not a peep on the 10in dime.. If I crank up the sensitivity to 25 I do start to get peeps , but not consistent...

Thoughts on what I should try and if this is to be expected or if I may have a bad unit...  or any pointers at all would be much appreciated.

Best Regards


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How old is your test garden?  If it is recent (like in the last two years) your deepest targets that are coin sized are going to be difficult to detect since they are not "established" yet with a chemical halo around them and the soil has been disturbed and re-organized between them and the surface. Like phrunt said too, soil mineralization and even silent EMI can make detecting fresh deep targets almost impossible. Try Park 2 at about 22 sensitivity if your 600 isn't too chatty. You can also try to do a manual ground balance (it is easy to do). Just go to the settings right past Noise Cancel, find some clean ground and press the accept/reject button while pumping the coil from 1" to 6" above the ground until the number stabilizes. Make sure you are not in ground tracking. There will be a squiggly line below your headphone/WiFi icons at the top right of the screen if you are in tracking. Just press accept/reject quickly to get out of ground tracking. Park 2 and Field 2 are supposed to be for smaller+deeper targets. Maybe that will work for you.



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Hi Jeff and phrunt


Thanks for the replies and time.. Yes its a bran new few day old 600 and test garden...Good to verify that Im on the right track and things

are working as they should.



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Disturbed dirt (freshly dug) is notorious for reducing maximum detection depth.  Still, 10" is a DEEP dig, for a coin a small as a dime, for even the very deepest of VLF-IB machines (and I include the Equinox in that list of "very deepest of VLF-IB machines).  IF you are getting "peeps," on a 10" deep dime, you are doing pretty well, especially in newly disturbed/dug soil.

Couple things...one, hit your "horseshoe" button, if you haven't already, to put it in "all metal" mode, and don't disc. anything.  Doing so (all metal, no discrimination applied) you will probably get more consistent "hits" on the dime -- albeit "iron" tones.  You should get a mix of iron tones and some high tone chirps/peeps.  If this is what you find, on a 10" deep dime, in freshly dug dirt, you are doing pretty well, and I would be willing to say your unit is functioning properly.


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Steve, Didi just as you said and heard exactly what you said I would ... Didi have to bump senestivity up to 23 before it started hitting ...

Have a good permission deep in the woods along a creek that had 2 old 1900s home sites and hope to hit them soon,

Will keep it basic as all the tips say, not mode hop and have fun.





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Super.  It sounds to me like the machine is behaving just as it should.  Remember, if you "like" the idea of hearing the iron audio, as well as the high tones, you'll have to hit that horseshoe button every time you turn the machine off, and then back on.  That is not a setting that is "saved;" the default is all-metal mode OFF (i.e. iron discriminated) -- at least in Park 1 mode (I don't recall if that's the default on the other modes, but I think it is).

Good luck on those old home sites!  I bet you find a few goodies!


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67GTA -- very good point.  I was not aware that Park1 defaults to 3, on the 600.  If that is true, then absolutely run that thing down to 1, for maximizing depth.


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