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Fisher Impulse AQ In Production

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Well only time will tell the true story!

 It’s like spitting in one hand and wishing in the other to see what gets full the fastest.


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Many of us water hunters arent using a PI for in the water use for one reason.......it dont disc so time vs pay out especially during recent drop isnt worth the tole it takes on the body with most days hunting.    NOW..... for me the question will be...... just how much depth will be lost when using disc?   Most of the time when a machine has to process a signal there is a good bit of lost depth.  It concerns me when someone says we have made it quieter and less sensitivity to ground effects.   Did we dumb it down to do this?    Ive found thus far all things are pretty equal out there in the water when it comes to most of the machines being used.   Here in Fl which is just a different ball game most of us only use a PI during the winter and even then we are selective as to the site.   I dare say at the end of the year a regular PI wont produce any more gold.

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Here in Sweden in the winter  it is impossible to detect on the wet sand, it becomes like a concrete and the only place that is detectable is in the icy-cold salt water.Almost all fresh drop items from summer is deep and out of the range of VLF detectors like Equinox.Only PI can find those items.Fisher Impulse cant work on the wet sand here right now and you can take it in the water but very shallow maybe.

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All I know is I want a waterproof PI detector that is more ergonomic than the current choices out there. I’ve been waiting for this since I sold my Garrett ATX. This new Fisher unit appears to have what I want. I’m not hauling a Minelab GPX into the surf and unlike Florida my beaches are full of magnetite that kills VLF detector depth. Carl Moreland worked at White’s and knows very well what a TDI can and can’t do. If the Impulse AQ can’t top the TDI, which is ancient technology, then Fisher will have wasted a lot of time and money. The main calling card here is not more depth, though I have no doubt the depth will be there, but discrimination focused on ring range targets in a PI type detector.

I advise the skeptics to wait. I’ll get one and report back after a year. Maybe. :smile: I’ll grant, however, that it has to be a much tougher choice in Oz considering prices that may be a lot higher than what the rest of us pay. Nobody actually knows what the Oz retail price will be yet.

Fisher Impulse AQ Specifications & Data

Fisher Impulse AU Specifications & Data




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Steve they have the Terra coming out next.....that should be just interesting to watch.   Fisher knows they will be competing with MLs big boys there.    I just appreciate that Fisher has got others thinking...... who knows where this could go.   The high speed VLFs we have now maybe weekend use only lol.  You can bet ill be hitting both sides of the island down here with one.    Well Fisher will know soon enough if 1 meter is good enough depth in the water.   Seriously .... its been awhile since anything has come close to an Eric Foster machine....and this one has alledged disc.   It may well be a nitch machine....... but anyone who spends much time on the beach will want one.  IF you end up being the only guy on the beach with this machine..... id keep that a secret..... as well as your finds.

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Steve - You really think any of us are going to give you a year to try it out before you report back to us? Good chance you'll have the entire West Coast cleaned out by then. ?

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On 12/2/2019 at 2:39 PM, Tom Slick said:

Steve - You really think any of us are going to give you a year to try it out before you report back to us? Good chance you'll have the entire West Coast cleaned out by then. ?

Yeah, that is what I was thinking! :laugh: I could see myself doing almost nothing but beach detecting this coming season. I love beach detecting and have not done any at all since I sold my ATX. I don't need any extra depth really and I am a skeptic when it comes to getting more max depth anyway. If it simply matched the TDI for depth on mineralized beaches but did truly knock out most ferrous and high end coins.... yup, I'm up for that.

Frankly the way the goldfields are getting jewelry detecting is looking better all the time. Not that the beaches don't get hit hard also, but nobody is dropping new gold nuggets out of the patches. Things are getting pretty depleted in the western U.S. as far as publicly accessible areas go.

I'd like more depth for mask & snorkel work but for wading 1 meter/3 feet is fine.

I'm kind of interested in the Impulse Terra model but not really. It may be more ergonomic and cost less than a Minelab but I can't imagine it actually offering more power than what the Minelab rigs already offer. It's this beach detecting scene where we have not had any innovations in PI for a very long time that has me more excited.

It's just started snowing here this last week so I do not think I will jump on the very first units out the door. I'd rather wait until a few are out there in case the almost inevitable bug pops up, so I'm more inclined to wait for a V2 version. For my purposes it would be great if they came out by year end, but I'd probably not get one until February or March personally. I'm a little gun shy on early releases from FT sorry to say.

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