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Has Anyone Else Been Harassed Whilst Prospecting?

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Has anyone else been harassed whilst prospecting?

Whilst trying my luck at my local beach this morning I was stopped by a tourist and his family wanting to know if I’d found anything.. after I told him ‘no luck yet’ he called me ‘a bloody scab’.. I was a bit surprised at his reaction and asked him why he thought so.. instead of answering he demanded to know what I did with all the gold rings I found.. I told him I’ve never found a gold ring in my life, only coins and a shitload of beer bottle tops.. it was only when he realised I live on the island that he backed off, leaving me a bit perturbed..  

Has anyone else had a similar experience?

This has also left me to wonder what I really would do if I found someone’s cherished jewellery.. I guess that I’d first try to find its owner.. maybe through the cops (lost property)?

Or is ‘Finders Keepers’ the first rule of the game?  

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Well on this particular sub-forum prospecting means gold prospecting so I may move this to the coin and relic forum for more appropriate responses. Gold prospecting you generally are in the middle of nowhere. The only person who might harass you is some old-timer with a shotgun who says you are claim jumping on his ground! :smile:

I have done a lot of beach and park detecting over the years and never had a bad run in with anyone, but I go to great lengths to only detect when people are not around. For beaches that means up when pitch black, on the beach when I can barely see, and leaving when things start getting busy.

If I can identify who owns anything I find I return it. Outside of class rings though most stuff is unmarked. One of my favorite finds ever was a 1963 U.S. Air Force class ring I was able to return - see bottom of this post.

Takes all kinds though. What he said reveals more about the kind of person he is rather then any reflection on you.

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Steve, afterwards i wanted to ask him if he'd lost some family heirloom, maybe that's why the reaction.. it was a first for me too.. mostly it's just as you say,  i go very early in the morning and if i do encounter anyone they are usually just curios and happy that i've found something..  

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Quite often unfortunately.

Often come across prospectors camped at wells who get a bit narky when I make them move camp. Same when I come across them with dogs or guns, have had to involve the fuzz a number of times.

Last night I spotted some lights just of the road so chucked a U-turn to check it out as you do out here (and as we are entitled to do being it's our Pastoral station) 

Pulled up , turned my motor off and yelled "hello! This is Steve from Erlistoun Station, just checking if you're okay, not broken down or anything".

Next minute the rear of the van flies open and a raving mad woman comes running at me with what looked like a cut down pick handle. The fuzz are dealing with her this morning.

They shoot our cattle, mills, tanks, steal our solar panels, diesel and what ever else isn't nailed down.

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Never had any problems with curious people, asking a few questions! They get to see some coins, and the trash i collect!  And for kids, if i have any matchbox cars or a decent quarter i've found, i give those away! No biggie!

Now, i have had a few nosy park employees try and run me off! But i am keenly aware of my local rules and i have no problem setting them straight! Usually they don't know there own rules; and slink away!

But you haven't lived, until you have someone at a clothing optional beach walk up and ask a few questions! I feel compelled to show them something (finds!! Not what your thinking!!?), since I'm still fully clothed!!

Simon, if you come for a holiday, that's the beach I'll take you to!!?


Eyes up!! ??????


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I had a lady come up to me and asked me what I was doing when I was on the beach a couple years ago. I told her I was metal detecting and then she got up tight and asked me if that would hurt all of us at the beach. ?‍♂️ I had an LOL moment

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I got harassed by a greedy paper claim holder (his only interest was to sell to highest bidder) when I stopped 50 yards outside his claim for a hot drink with a an older older couple. Being in the right I gave him as much back and told him to check his boundaries. Anyway we had our drink an move on as intended. Back at the caravan park he hassle the other couple (when they were by themself)to the point they wan't to leave the town which we did as we were only there for a quick look. However I showed a large amount of gold, that I said we got on his side of town. That started a gold rush all round his claim and some good gold was found legally by number of people and that town was hot for a couple of years.

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I have had only good encounters beach detecting. Of course in the LA area there are a lot of people waving detectors (trust me when I say there are some amazing detecting techniques exhibited). 

Happily I have never been bothered by anyone in the desert although I did walk over a ridge top one morning just as four guys across the little valley below me opened up with AR's. I had ricochet's singing all around me until my yelling and waving the detector got their attention. You just never know.

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2 minutes ago, geof_junk said:

However I showed a large amount of gold, that I said we got on his side of town. That started a gold rush all round his claim and some good gold was found legally by number of people and that town was hot for a couple of years.

I love this...

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When asked by anyone this is my standard answer;

Looking for lost coins

Anything with markings I try to return to rightful owner (be it the person or Church). Even car keys and cell phones.

Fill in all holes

Dispose of all garbage collected during process.

***I then show them the divers bag with the rusty metal trash inside.


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