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What Is Your Favorite Gold Detector And Why?

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so, sort of dragging your feet until the new ML announcement? (now where's my ironic smirk emoji)

It's funny you kicked off this thread but won't let us know your thoughts…come on we're interested.

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I have been playing around with the nox and gmx in  moderate ground and the nox keeps up with it but gives much better id than it for  small targets.  The nox  can do so much more then the Gmx.I can put on the 6'' coil and hunt a tot lot with the best of them. Walk 50 yards change coils,then walk 60 yards and  I am in the lake water hunting a  swim area  in the gold modes for small  gold and any big  targets that get in the way.I then go out to the 500 foot area in  front of this roped  area, put it in    park 1 f2-7 and I can get rid of most bottle caps and hunt    rings. I then can  put it in park 2 and have a better chance to get gold chains and smaller gold.I then can go about 400 yards to my   ghost  pier and hunt for silver coins in Park 1 f2-0 in the  big nails.What a machine.The Gmx is a great tot-lot machine and fun too.I am glad I have both  .THE last time water hunting me and my friend got 13 silver coins at the ghost   pier and it was the first time he water hunted with the nox .He also got a gold ring that was deep.By the way we have pounded  this silver spot.

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My favorite and the only detector I have found gold with is the GMT chest mounted. I also own as noted on my side bar a TDI SL I have modified with the higher voltage Li Io battery pack. So far no luck but then again, not hitting the right places. My next detector will most likely be a Nox 800 or Garrett Apex. I am waiting for the jury to be out on that comparison. Best luck so far, relics!

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I love the Nox. Gerry that is an all around great choice.

I have taken mine out into mineralized ground where I hunt and was driven crazy by
amount of signals the minerals produced on the Nox. I tried all sorts of settings - because this fantastic
machine has such a range of possibilities - but in this case I honestly could not get the Nox to
settle down enough to where it could discern the mineral I was looking for, gold, from all 
the other signals that abounded.

For gold I'll stick with the 7000.

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22 hours ago, Dances With Doves said:

I have been playing around with the nox and gmx in  moderate ground and the nox keeps up with it but gives much better id than it for  small targets.  The nox  can do so much more then the Gmx.I can put on the 6'' coil and hunt a tot lot with the best of them. Walk 50 yards change coils,then walk 60 yards and  I am in the lake water hunting a  swim area  in the gold modes for small  gold and any big  targets that get in the way.I then go out to the 500 foot area in  front of this roped  area, put it in    park 1 f2-7 and I can get rid of most bottle caps and hunt    rings. I then can  put it in park 2 and have a better chance to get gold chains and smaller gold.I then can go about 400 yards to my   ghost  pier and hunt for silver coins in Park 1 f2-0 in the  big nails.What a machine.The Gmx is a great tot-lot machine and fun too.I am glad I have both  .THE last time water hunting me and my friend got 13 silver coins at the ghost   pier and it was the first time he water hunted with the nox .He also got a gold ring that was deep.By the way we have pounded  this silver spot.

One of the reasons I sold my $2500 CTX 3030.  NOX can do so much more than the 3030 and the features the 3030 has over the NOX is as important.  As many know, the NOX is a way better nugget detector than the 3030, but realize the CTX was never designed for that purpose.

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12 hours ago, hecbom said:

 My next detector will most likely be a Nox 800 or Garrett Apex. I am waiting for the jury to be out on that comparison. Best luck so far, relics!

GMT was a serious winner in its day.  As for the comparison of the NOX vs APEX.  I just don't see much written or hype about the APEX gold prospecting capabilities.  It would literally kill the sales of their AT Pro, their AT Max and their AT Gold.  I feel they are not in that position for such a loss of detector sales.  Now for the Coin/Relic/Water/Salt Beach Hunting and at that price point, it could be a real contender, especially since the majority of population is not in gold bearing regions.  Thanks for input and I do hope to see many happy people with the APEX and their results.

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12 hours ago, flakmagnet said:

For gold I'll stick with the 7000.

I have yet to get an invite to hunt CA so it is not my stomping grounds.  I sure would enjoy a few days out West though to see how much gold I could find before you folks sent be back to Idaho.

You have to stick with the detector you feel is giving you results and is most fun for you.  I have no issues with your selection.  Just don't go hunt any ore dump piles with it, or you might go nuts when you realize what it can't see as good as your NOX.

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