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What’s The Difference Between Field 1 And Park One?


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I find that Park1, as name also suggests, is a lot better in trashy ferrous environment, better at discriminating ferrous. Field1, I feel, is better where ground is cleaner and you don't expect ferrous targets to dominate. In other words, with Field1, I tend to dig a lot more iron, at least with 1.7.5 firmware.

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2 hours ago, nordic said:

I find that Park1, as name also suggests, is a lot better in trashy ferrous environment, better at discriminating ferrous. Field1, I feel, is better where ground is cleaner and you don't expect ferrous targets to dominate. In other words, with Field1, I tend to dig a lot more iron, at least with 1.7.5 firmware.

That’s because if then iron bias setting difference between the two. If you bump up Field 1 iron bias FE = 2, you will dig less iron like with Park 1. The tone break is also slightly higher for Field 1 which can also be made equal. 

It has been asked before. In short, nobody knows. Some (like myself) feel the algorithms (not the settings) are the same between 1 modes and 2 modes  between Park and Field (not Beach or Gold).  Some feel there is still a difference between the two and that Field may hit a nickel lower than Park for example.  But it is probably a negligible difference to most. 

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This topic was also discussed in the thread below.  The bottom line was that even though Minelab's description of the multi frequency weighting was similar (i.e., both described as lower frequency weighted) we cannot conclusively say they are basically the same Multi IQ profile and behave the same (even if all the user settings were adjusted equivalently) without more detailed information from ML and they just are not willing to go into that level of depth regarding the DNA of MULTI IQ or even the various mode profiles probably for both marketing (mysterious "magic" or "secret sauce" processes backed up by marketing tech catch phrase terms used by most detector manufacturers like "DST"  "vFLEX", "Multi-Flex" "Multi IQ" and "5Fx8" and vague or ambiguous pseudo tech speak and pretty diagrams seem to sell detectors) and competition (not wanting to give away the actual intellectual property to the competition). 


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12 hours ago, Rrnp said:

Does anyone know what the difference is between park one and field one as far as algorithms?  If all the settings such as recovery, iron bias, etc. are set the same  what would be the difference? 

This might answer your question...

I think Tone breaks and tone pitches are also different between different modes. 


Steve also gives a great explanation here:


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