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Minelab GPX 6000 Controls & Setup

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2 hours ago, schoolofhardNox said:

I'm hoping the 6000 with the 14"DD coil can do a better job with EMI than the 5000 did.

Not sure if the GPX 6000 is simply rewiring the DD to "cancel" in its default DD EMI cancel mode, but going to cancel with an 11" DD Commander on my GPX 4800 transformed an un-huntable field next to a noisy power transformer feeding a small farmhouse into an EMI free zone.  The result was one of my best finds ever and despite the decrease in sensitivity/depth, I was able to pull this Civil War US Cavalry item from about a foot down.  So if you have used cancel on your existing GPX, I suspect the 6000 will be as effective as that (just with some loss in sensitivity and off-center pinpointing).  If cancel did not help in your situation, not sure how the 6000 version will fare for your difficult EMI sites.


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9 hours ago, Chase Goldman said:

Not sure if the GPX 6000 is simply rewiring the DD to "cancel" in its default DD EMI cancel mode, but going to cancel with an 11" DD Commander on my GPX 4800 transformed an un-huntable field next to a noisy power transformer feeding a small farmhouse into an EMI free zone.  The result was one of my best finds ever and despite the decrease in sensitivity/depth, I was able to pull this Civil War US Cavalry item from about a foot down.  So if you have used cancel on your existing GPX, I suspect the 6000 will be as effective as that (just with some loss in sensitivity and off-center pinpointing).  If cancel did not help in your situation, not sure how the 6000 version will fare for your difficult EMI sites.


Yea, I'm hoping it isn't doing the cancel mode but finding a different way of mitigating the EMI. I have used cancel mode and it does work very well. Unfortunately it looses just enough depth to put the silver coins I am hunting for out of range at my beach. I will have to experiment more and see if I can get some better settings to gain back what I lost. This area has the most severe EMI from a train that I have ever encountered. Even in cancel mode the threshold is not completely stable, but I may have to dial back some settings. Something to rethink and try again.

9 hours ago, Lunk said:

I've also used the cancel mode with a DD on the GPX series machines to great effect in EMI and hot rock infested conditions, like this 29 gram chunk found at a depth of 12 inches.

And sure, the signal wasn’t as strong as it would have been in straight DD mode or by running a mono loop, but it was still noticeable because the threshold was smooth as glass, with no variations to mask the target. 

That is one nice chunk of gold!!! I will revisit the cancel mode again. Or I can just let Minelab do it for me with the 6000 ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/18/2021 at 9:03 AM, VicR said:

It looks very simple to operate - the instruction manual will be a lot smaller than the GPX5000 and GPZ7000.

I always wondered why 5 years ago when ML launched the GPZ they jumped from 5000 to 7000. Looks like they have always planned to update the GPX with the 6000 - so looks like the boffins at ML have been working on the GPX6000 for some time.


Agreed, 10+ years is a long time for a new gpx considering how fast technology is evolving & for Minelab to drop another gpx into the mix, it has to be something real special. Taking a look at the performance graph Minelab have put out there comparing the GM, Sdc, 5000 & the 6000 that is a pretty bold statement for the 6000. The GPZ is missing from that graph, but when considering 5000 wasn't that far behind the Zed with the right coil combination the 6K sounds fantastic. If the 6k handles EMI & hot ground better than the Zed.... that's good enough for me up here in the tropics!

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Was that a Chemehuevis nugget Lunk?

Just curious cause I was just out there running the GPZ and 17". Is there a place there that needs Cancel?

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Mohave Mountains actually, although the range was originally named Chemehuevi. Found the nugget on the HGS club claims years ago as a member. There are multiple radio towers on nearby Crossman Peak, so EMI has always been a nuisance there, in addition to the numerous hot rocks. Cancel mode wasn’t required, but it sure was a good way to cover ground faster, looking for a tip-off nugget to a new patch; then it was time to swap out the DD for a mono and start gridding. The GPZ is much better at handling the EMI than the GPX; in fact, it’s not even an issue. But HY/Normal lights up the hot rocks at depth, so switching to Gen/Diff eliminates them totally.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/18/2021 at 8:30 PM, Lunk said:

Crikey Paul, which word is giving you trouble here?

Logical = makes sense in the reader's brain. Progression = the order of things.

?Just messing with you, mate.?

Perhaps I was being presumptuous by assuming that ML are logical.?

Or that detectorists use logic when making a buying decision... more like justification... 


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35 minutes ago, vanursepaul said:

Or that detectorists use logic when making a buying decision... more like rationalization... 


I think most use the wife.?

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