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19 hours ago, GB_Amateur said:

On a less serious note (while I'm still shaking in fear), one thing I've noticed over my many decades:  whether or not crowing about one's favorite 'thing' (team, movie, famous person, favorite beer,...) may or may not be a sign of strength, tearing down someone else's is a sign of weakness.  We've seen that here a few times (maybe more than a few).  There's a way to be sensitive and objective and a way to be obnoxious and subjective.  One is a lot better than the other.


I never said anything about tearing anyone down.... just not putting up with certain types of behavior...this can be dealt with in many ways....such as simply not responding to someone...not returning a phone call, deleting their account, or firing them as a client...no need to get nasty with people...no need to even give them an explanation as to (Why?) my preference is just to ignore sometimes....some of us are way to busy to put up with some stuff. People can be manipulative and conniving... being in business for myself for most of my 57 years has given me some perspective. Sorry but sensitivity and objectivity has it's place but not in  all situations. And I think your cats are cute ?


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  They may be cute, but they both look pretty ticked off at the photographer there!!??? 

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10 minutes ago, strick said:

I never said anything about tearing anyone down.... just not putting up with certain types of behavior...

Actually that's not what I meant.  I guess I changed the subject midstream.  I think Steve was primarily objecting to posters who take swipes at reviewers/users whereas my point was directed at those who rip detectors.  And by 'rip' I'm really referring to wording and attitude.  That's why I made the distinction between what I consider acceptable (objective criticism) and unacceptable (subjective dissing).

There was a recent thread where kac mentioned what he (hope I'm not putting words in his mouth with my interpretation of his comments) perceived as an almost intolerant attitude among some that if you didn't own an XYZ detector then you were inferior.  I recall a poster here (hasn't been seen for a while) which as much as said this in the signature part of their posts.

I'm 100% on board and in agreement with what you said, and have myself also taken a similar attitude here on detectorprospector.com.

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9 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

All Steve is saying is that this site thrives on what others see as hype, and that if that is what people think this all is.... wrong place to be. Or be here, but if you publicly bring up hype to the people who are trying to educate, no warnings, you are gone. This thread IS the warning. To stricks point, I've tried too hard to please people who do not please me in return, and I'm way over that now. The poster below sums it up for me. I have to be with people that add to my energy, not those that drain it.

And yeah, ripping detectors can be a bit much. If they did not serve somebody, they would not sell. I put myself in the other guys shoes before taking a dump on his favorite detector. We would all do well to remember that.

Other than that, be kind to one another. I just think we have enough nastiness in the world, so let's leave it out there. Don't bring it to my happy place! :smile:


And with people who don’t mind sharing their passion.?

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Wow ! I just read this and I'm exhausted. There is so much info on this site and I've barely tapped into it. I have always been a believer in that "You are never too old , or too young to learn something". I know you mentioned Steve that you were a dealer sometime ago. But didn't know you were involved with all these different detectors. Now how cool is that ! But I really don't get the whole Aussie or Poppy drama. The bumper stickers are great , well done and true. Bottomline is you can't please all the people all the time. I like what you got going on here info wise. I haven't been on many forum's , let alone FB for that matter. But after some 40 years of hunting , I still know a few guys who like to be anonymous who are still alive. I like to learn more about what is wrong with a product more than how great something is. Not sure about the whole "Hype" thing either. I won't bash a product unless I've tried it for awhile. How can I "hype" something I've never used ? I've been reluctant to post here on some experiences with dealers or a product I've used because I feel some may question what I've gone through. Even when I post pics backing up my statements. This has happened on another forum and it just gets a bit old. But at the same time , others could  learn from my experience. Especially if one is on the fence regarding said product. Anyway , if you can't laff at yourself , who you gonna laff at ?

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